
lǐng shuǐ
  • territorial waters;inland waters
领水 [lǐng shuǐ]
  • [territorial waters;inland waters] 国家领土管辖下的所有水域,既包括边缘海、河、湖水域,也包括内陆水域

领水[lǐng shuǐ]
  1. 伊朗政府称,这些英国人已承认侵犯了伊朗领水。一天之后,布莱尔在柏林的欧盟(EU)峰会上对记者表示,他希望被扣押的人员会在今后数日内被释放。

    Speaking a day after Tehran alleged that the Britons had confessed to violating Iranian territorial waters , Mr Blair told reporters at a European Union summit in Berlin that he hoped the detainees would be freed within the next few days .

  2. 这种做法不利于确定进入我国领水的外籍船员的真实身份。

    The method of work is detrimental to determine the real identity of foreign mariners in our territorial waters .

  3. 随着废约运动的开展,收回领水主权的努力逐渐得到回报。

    New treaties meant that the inland waters sovereignty gradually recovered in fact .

  4. “领土”一词系指缔约任何一方的领陆和领水。

    The term " territory " designates the land territory and territorial waters of each of the Contracting Parties .

  5. 日内瓦领海及毗连区公约领水是一国主权管辖下的全部水域,包括内水和领海。

    Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea The territorial waters is the water area administered by a state , including inland water and territorial sea .

  6. “海国”距英国东海岸仅7公里,而且恰好位于英国的领水之外。

    He declared the platform , perched seven miles off the east coast of England and just outside Britain 's territorial waters , to be the principality of Sealand .

  7. 各成员国应为停靠在其港口或通过其领水或内水的船舶上工作的海员的遣返提供便利。

    Each Member shall facilitate the repatriation of seafarers serving on ships which call at its ports or pass through its territorial or internal waters , as well as their replacement on board .

  8. 对一国领水的侵犯意味着破坏该国的领土主权。领水是一国主权管辖下的全部水域,包括内水和领海。

    Violating the integrity of a country 's territorial waters means committing aggression to it . The territorial waters is the water area administered by a state , including inland water and territorial sea .

  9. 文章认为,前一种权利的丧失表明中国领海成为了列强的公海,而后一种权利的丧失意味着中国领水的彻底开放。

    We think , the lose of the right of cabotage meant that the territorial sea of China became high sea of the Big Powers , and the lose of the right of inland navigation demonstrated that the territorial waters of China was open thoroughly .

  10. “没水没电,我们啥也干不了.没电视,我们连救灾新闻都看不了.”工藤惠对美联社说,她在阿苏市某社区中心排队领水.“我们没法洗澡,连冲澡都不行.”

    Without water and electricity , we can 't doanything . Without the TV , we can 't even get information about disaster reliefoperations , " Megumi Kudo told the Associated Press while queuing for water ata community centre in Aso city . We can 't take a bath - not even a shower . "