
lǐnɡ dǎo xiǎo zǔ
  • leading group
  1. 省县域经济工作领导小组办公室今年进一步完善了县域经济发展考核指标体系,不再将GDP总量作为约束性的考核指标。

    This year , the Leading Group Office of Hunan 's County Economy further improved the assessment index system , in which GDP will not be a restrictive assessment indicator any longer .

  2. 我们遵照领导小组似订的计划去做。

    We followed the plan lined out by the leading group .

  3. 协助erp项目领导小组、外部软件公司与生产部之间的沟通协调。

    To assist the ERP project in-charge persons to coordinate with the exterior software companies and ERP team and in-between production department .

  4. 另外,底特律市长杜甘已经专门召集了一个领导小组,研究怎样开发底特律的创新“特区”,这个小组将由亨利福特健康系统公司(HenryFordHealthSystem)的CEO南茜o施列丁领导。

    Similarly , the task force on Detroit 's new innovation district was convened by Mayor Duggan , and will be led by Nancy Schlichting , CEO of the Henry Ford Health System .

  5. ManagementDrivenEnablement中最初的程序是一个全体领导小组都可以在这里学习策略的常用方法以及在营业单位管理水平进行计划的管理程序。

    The initial program within Management Driven Enablement was a management program in which the entire leadership team learned a common methodology for strategy and planning at the business unit level .

  6. 由国家对外汉语教学领导小组办公室和北京语言学院负责实施汉语水平考试(HSK)的考务工作。

    Office of China National Committee for Chinese Proficiency Test and the HSK Center of Beijing Language and Culture University take care of the HSK test affairs .

  7. 以云浮发电厂EAM实施为例,说明EAM实施过程中的难点主要是电厂管理流程不规范以及基础数据整理工作量大,在实施过程中需要注意的关键因素有:成立项目领导小组;

    With the implementation of EAM in Yunfu Power Plant as an example , it is indicated that the main difficulties of EAM implementation are nonstandard power plant management flow and laborious basic data reduction .

  8. 构建持续改善领导小组,授权QC小组开展改善活动,并扩大到产品全生命周期,形成持续改善的文化。

    Through building leading team for Continue Improvement , authorizing quality continuous groups to carry out Continue Improvement activities and expanding Continue Improvement activities to the whole product life cycle , it would become possible for the formation of enterprise culture of Continue Improvement .

  9. 由公司高层管理者组成的BASCAP领导小组为主要贸易国家正在讨论的关于在全球范围内反盗版的条约提出了一系列建议。

    BASCAP 's leadership group of top corporate executives issued a set of recommendations for a global anti-counterfeiting treaty being negotiated by major trading nations .

  10. 基于胜任特征模型的无领导小组讨论及适用性研究

    The Applicability of the Leaderless Group Discussion Based on Competency Model

  11. 高等教育无领导小组讨论适用范围举要

    Examples of the Application Scope of Non-leadership Group Discussion in Higher Education

  12. 无领导小组讨论应用模式与评价者研究

    A Research on Applied Pattern and the Rater of Leaderless Group Discussion

  13. 生物质能源:林业发展的新领域&国家林业局副局长、局林木生物质能源领导小组组长祝列克访谈录

    The New orientation for the Development of Forestry : Bioenergy

  14. 高曾在中央网络安全和信息化领导小组工作。

    Gao also worked for the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs .

  15. 国务院口岸领导小组办公室

    Office of the Leading Group for Port Affairs of the State Council

  16. 台州市解困再就业领导小组办公室

    Taizhou Municipal Office of Anti-Poverty and Re-Employment Leading Group

  17. 搭建计划生育工作领导小组

    Organize a leading group for the family planning work

  18. 行为面试与无领导小组讨论的预测效度研究

    A Study of the Predictive Validity of Behavioral Interview and Leaderless Group Discussion

  19. 国务院住房制度改革领导小组

    Housing System Reform Leading Group of the State Council

  20. 无领导小组讨论的设计程序与原则

    The Design Processes and Principle of Leaderless Group Discussion

  21. 台州市住房制度改革领导小组办公室

    Taizhou Municipal Office of Housing System Reform Leading Group

  22. 这种团队就是所谓的“无领导小组”。

    These new teams are often called leaderless .

  23. 结构化面试与无领导小组讨论信度分析的概化视角

    A Research on Reliability of Structural Interview and Leaderless Group Discussion by Using MGT

  24. 二是成立了安徽省战略性新兴产业领导小组。

    The second is to set up a leading group of emerging strategic industries .

  25. 国务院信息化工作领导小组

    Information Work Leading Group of the State Council

  26. 中央成立全面深化改革领导小组,负责改革总体设计、统筹协调。

    The Central Reform Leading Group is commissioned to design and coordinate the reform .

  27. 国务院计划生育领导小组

    Family Planning Leading Group of the State Council

  28. 国务院西部开发领导小组办公室

    Office of the Leading Group on West Development

  29. 领导小组敦促进一步扩大核酸检测,以确定无症状感染者。

    The group has urged further expanding nucleic acid tests to identify asymptomatic infections .

  30. 无领导小组讨论技术实施中的信度与效度问题研究

    Research On Technique of Implementation of LGD