
lǐng yǎng
  • adopt;adopt a child
领养 [lǐng yǎng]
  • [adopt a child] 把别人家的孩子领来作为自己的子女抚养

领养[lǐng yǎng]
  1. 我们不能领养孩子,所以决定代养一个。

    We couldn 't adopt a child , so we decided to foster .

  2. 人们对待黑狗和其他的狗儿完全不同,黑狗经常遭到来收容所领养狗狗人们的忽视。

    Black dogs are often treated differently than other dogs -- and are often overlooked by people who come to shelters with the intention to adopt .

  3. 有一百名已经获安排领养。

    One hundred have already been placed with foster families .

  4. 她对亲生的和领养的孩子一样好。

    She was a wonderful mother to both her natural and adopted children .

  5. 领养小孩后怀孕的妇女比比皆是。

    The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion .

  6. 乔布斯先生是一个被领养的孩子,在硅谷长大,他很早便表现出了那些品质。

    An adopted child , growing up in Silicon Valley , Mr. Jobs displayed those traits early on .

  7. 你可以通过成为会员或领养来支持我们和我们的动物。

    You can support us and our animals by becoming a member or adopting an animal .

  8. 领养中介机构永远都对领养家庭敞开

    Adoption agencies are always so open to alternative family adoptions .

  9. “黑狗综合症”指人们在动物收容所里领养狗狗时,往往倾向忽略那些拥有黑色或深色皮毛的狗儿,而选择毛色较浅的汪星人。

    Black dog syndrome1 refers to the tendency for black - or dark-coated dogs to be passed over for adoption2 in favor of lighter3 colored dogs in an animal shelter .

  10. 被领养者并不是唯一将希望寄托在DNA检测上的人。

    Adoptees are not the only ones placingtheir hopes in DNA tests .

  11. 然后她又找到了在领养中负责在韩事务的韩国社会服务公司(KoreaSocialService)。

    Then she tried Korea Social Service , whichhad handled the Korean side of her adoption .

  12. 他捐献了2550套DNA检测服务给韩国被领养人和美国的朝鲜战争退伍军人。

    He has donated 2550 kits to Koreanadoptees and Korean War veterans in the United States .

  13. 许多怀着同样问题的韩国被领养人选择了DNA测试,以绕过一个漫长曲折且往往徒劳无获的过程。

    Many South Korean adoptees who have thesame questions are turning to DNA testing to circumvent what has long been atortuous and often fruitless process .

  14. 现在你和carlos准备再领养一个小孩吗?

    So you think you and Carlos will try for another adoption ?

  15. 这项DNA检测活动主要是由托玛斯·帕克·克莱门特(ThomasParkClement)资助。他也是一名韩国被领养人,如今在曼哈顿和印第安纳州布鲁明顿两地生活。

    The DNA testing movement has been largelyfinanced by Thomas Park Clement , a Korean adoptee who now lives in Manhattanand in Bloomington , Indiana .

  16. 我想亲自过问solis夫妇领养一事。

    I think I 'll handleThe Solis case myself .

  17. 本月,三年一度的国际韩国被领养人协会大会(InternationalKoreanAdopteeAssociationsGathering)举行期间,几十名被领养人接受了免费的DNA检测。施塔珀尔就是其中之一。

    Stapel was one of a few dozen adoptees whotook free DNA tests made available in Seoul this month during the InternationalKorean Adoptee Associations Gathering , which meets every three years .

  18. 据报道,Reed经常去《吸血鬼日记》剧组探班,他们还一起领养了很多小动物,包括一匹马和一只猫。

    Reed reportedly is a frequent fixture on The Vampire Diaries set and the two have adopted several animals together , including a horse and a kitten .

  19. 你是否为自己的QQ植物没有结出人参果不能领养高级植物而不爽呢?

    Do you have for their own QQ ginseng plants do not bear fruit and the higher plants can not be adopted this discrepancy ?

  20. Rhoda你不介意的话,我想亲自过问Solis夫妇领养一事。

    Rhoda , if you don 't mind I think I 'll handle the Solis case myself .

  21. 不到48小时,生活在华盛顿州埃弗雷特的被领养人、33岁的京银·戴维森(KyungEunDavidson)便和她的母亲说上了话,这是30年来的头一遭。

    Within 48 hours , the adoptee , Kyung EunDavidson , 33 , of Everett , Washington , was speaking to her mother for the firsttime in 30 years .

  22. 法院的家事司法管辖权包括处理离婚、子女管养及领养事宜。

    Its family jurisdiction involves divorce , custody and adoption matters .

  23. 他18岁时发现自己是被领养的。

    He was18 when he found out he had been adopted .

  24. 美国人去其他国家领养儿童由来已久。

    That Americans adopt children from other countries is not new .

  25. 他们在告诉我们怎么领养你的事。

    They 're telling us all about how they adopted you .

  26. 领养他的是加州三藩市一个家庭

    He was adopted by a family in San Francisco , California

  27. 她说那个凯西是领养的。

    She said to tell you that Casey Donovan was adopted .

  28. 京晶:那,你愿意领养一只猫吗?

    Say , would you be open to adopting a cat ?

  29. 马克:如果没有人领养它们会怎么办呢?

    Mark : What 'll happen if no one adopts it .

  30. 取而代之的是,他愿意领养这个男孩!

    Instead of this , he wanted to adopt the boy !