
lǐng wù
  • understand;realization;comprehend;insight;grasp;take in;digest;divine;catch;assimilate;cognizance;see the light;cotton on;have a true grasp
领悟 [lǐng wù]
  • [comprehend;assimilate;catch;have a true grasp] 体会,解悟

  • 从他们的记录中我能领悟到某些哲理

领悟[lǐng wù]
  1. 让读者充分领悟到线条的艺术魅力。

    Let the reader fully comprehend the line artistic charm .

  2. 把“领悟”理解为引领病人去思索,理解自己。

    " comprehend " means guide patient to deliberate and comprehend oneself .

  3. 他领悟能力很强。

    He is very quick to catch on to things .

  4. 我们突然领悟到原来我们谈论的不是同一个人。

    Suddenly it clicked ─ we 'd been talking about different people .

  5. 他们领悟到了她那论据的威力。

    They realized the force of her argument .

  6. 任何一个在专心听的人都会领悟他所说的大意。

    Anybody who 's listening will get the drift of what he was saying

  7. 我所经历的痛苦让我突然一下子清楚地领悟到了生活的真谛。

    The miseries I went through made me suddenly realise with a blinding flash what life was all about .

  8. 仅从一个简单的手势或者说话人的语气里,日本人就能够领悟到所有的意思。

    From a simple gesture or the speaker 's tone of voice , the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning .

  9. 哲学家渴望明了人类如何领悟事物之问题。

    Philosophers have an avidity to know how we perceive objects .

  10. 她的自传使我领悟到政府的实际运作方式。

    Her autobiography gave me an insight into the way government actually works .

  11. 他领悟到,他那可怕的秘密已经不胫而走,众所周知了。

    He discerned the fact that his demon secret was abroad , universal .

  12. 张开双臂的伸展姿势让我们感觉更有力量,交叉双臂让你更有决心,躺下可以带来更多的领悟。

    Using expansive gestures with open arms makes us feel more powerful , crossing your arms makes you more determined and lying down can bring more insights .

  13. 在日语上,我不擅于书写,但是我对它有很高的领悟能力。

    e.g. I 'm not very good at writing it , but I have quite an ear for Japanese .

  14. 年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够。

    When you are young , you may want several love experiences . But as time goes on , you will realize that if you really love someone , the whole life will not be enough .

  15. 玉寿听了,觉得很有道理,当场就将随身携带的书本全部烧掉,并为自己所获得的轻松和领悟的道理而高兴得手舞足蹈。

    After hearing this , Yu Shou thought what he said made sense . Then he burned all the books he had brought at spot , and flourished with joy because of the relaxation1 he got and the truth he perceived .

  16. 领悟WTO规则,转变政府职能;范式转换研究

    Transferring the functions of government ; Research on Paradigm of Transition

  17. 数字化仪上的坐标转换领悟WTO规则,转变政府职能;

    THE DIGITIZER COORDINATE CONVERSION transferring the functions of government ;

  18. 《比真的更要好》(EvenBetterThantheRealThing):在我职业生涯的早期阶段,我领悟到拍马屁在做业务时真的很管用。

    Even Better Than the Real Thing : Early in my career I learned that flattery works in business .

  19. 3不同专业、不同性别大学生领悟社会支持的情况基本相同(均P0.05);

    Perceived social support of undergraduate in different speciality and different sex was basically similar ( all P0.05 ) .

  20. 笛卡尔(Descartes)躺在床上看天花板上的苍蝇,领悟坐标几何原理;

    To Descartes it took place in bed while watching flies on his ceiling .

  21. 运用阿德勒的个体心理学(individualpsychology)理论探讨卡夫卡对事物独特的体验、感受方式和对生活、生命的领悟方式形成的直接原因,并且得出卡夫卡创作的心路历程就是超越自卑的过程的结论。

    Utilizing Adler 's theory of individual psychology , the author probes into the direct Kafka 's unique experience and perception of life and concludes that Kafka 's psychological experience in writing is the very process of surpassing the inferiority complex .

  22. 因此,一书在手,就能完整而清晰地把握现代企业信息化管理的架构和轮廓,领悟SCM的奥秘。

    Therefore , with this book , readers will be able to grasp structure and profile of modern enterprise information technology in a wholesome and clear manner and understand SCM 's secret .

  23. 结果住院乙肝患者PSSS得分为(59.47±12.83)分,领悟社会支持状况为中等水平;

    Results The score of perceived social support was 59.47 ± 12.83 , which was at moderate level ;

  24. 如果交易员们的悲观情绪更重的话,这或许能让他们充分领悟G20发出的信号:即欧洲决策者对当前世界所面临风险的看法,与美国或亚洲的决策者大为不同。

    Had traders felt more bearish , this might have rammed home a message of the G20 , that Europe 's policymakers differ profoundly from their US and Asian counterparts on the risks now facing the world .

  25. 然后他们分手了,就这样他头一回再次见到他们所有的人,他最终又第一次见到了Claire,然后他领悟到自己是个何其笨的傻瓜。

    And they broke up , so he sees them all for the first time again , and he ends up seeing Claire first time , and he realizes what a fool hes been .

  26. 采用HAMD、MMSE、词汇流畅测验、联想学习、数字广度测验、相似、领悟及副反应量表,于治疗前、治疗后第1、4、12周末分别对两组进行评定。

    Both groups were assessed before and after the first , forth and twelfth weeks of treatment with HAMD , MMSE , Semantic Fluency Test , Associate Learning , Digit Span , Similarity and Comprehension .

  27. LaBerge表示,如果你能领悟那些暗示,只需适当的训练,任何人都可以经历一场清醒梦。

    If you 're able to pick up on those cues-LaBerge says that with the right training , anyone can do it-you 'll experience a lucid dream .

  28. 方法应用生活满意度指数A(LSIA)、焦虑自评量表、简易应对方式问卷、领悟社会支持量表及一般情况问卷对65名退休护理人员进行调查。

    Methods Life Satisfaction Index A ( LSIA ), Self-relating Anxiety Scale ( SAS ), Perceived Social Support Scale ( PSSS ), Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire ( SCSQ ), and general situation questionnaire were used in 65 retired nurses .

  29. 钟氏领悟疗法合并药物与单纯药物治疗强迫症69例比较研究

    Zhong 's Understanding Therapy and Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Obsession

  30. 其中62人领悟社会支持无明显问题。

    Among them , 62 people do not have obvious problem .