
  • 网络Additional variables;extra variable;extraneous variable
  1. 这个额外变量用于避免副本,事实证明,它将在下一步中以另一种方式带来好处。

    The extra variable is to avoid duplication and turns out to pay off in another way in the next step .

  2. 然后我会调用快速maxval函数,而它是基于这个额外变量memo的。

    And then I 'll call fast max val passing at this extra argument of the memo .

  3. 可能会有来自额外变量的更多的偏差,因为在实验室外控制实验的所有方面有很大困难。

    More bias likely from extraneous variables , due to greater difficulty of controlling all aspects of experiment outside the laboratory .

  4. 后一组定义在变量名和替换操作符之间包含一个冒号(:),这会额外检查变量是否是NULL。

    The last set includes a colon (:) between the variable name and the substitution operator , which adds the check to see if the variable is NULL , as well .

  5. 大多数性能提高源自存储过程和DB2CLI应用程序代码的简单化,即删除游标定义和访问以及删除使用DB2阵列时不需要的额外本地变量和用户定义的函数。

    Most of the performance improvement stems from the simplification of the stored procedures and DB2 CLI application code , namely the removal of cursor definitions and accesses , as well as removal of extra local variables and user-defined functions that are not needed when using DB2 arrays .

  6. 执行完UPDATE、INSERT和DELETE语句后,将使用额外的一个变量来检查语句的结果。

    After the execution of the UPDATE , INSERT , and DELETE statements , an additional variable is available to check the result of the statement .

  7. 最后一个示例包含一个额外的for循环和一个额外的变量$artifactId。

    The last example contains an extra for loop and an extra variable $ artifactId .