
fēng shui
  • feng shui;geomancy;geomantic omen;wind edema;the location of a house or tomb, supposed to have an influence on the fortune of a family
风水 [fēng shuǐ]
  • (1) [wind edema]∶水肿病的一种。多由风邪侵袭,肺气失于宣降、不能通调水道、水湿潴留体内所致

  • (2) [geomantic omen;feng shui]∶旧指住宅基地、坟地等的自然形势,如地脉、山水的方向等的体系

风水[fēng shui]
  1. 居住区风水设计理念探讨

    To Discuss the Design Idea in Geomantic Omen of Inhabited Region

  2. 风水学与居住环境植物配置

    Geomantic Omen and Plant Disposition in Residential Environment

  3. “真是个掩埋尸体的风水宝地。”她以黑色幽默打趣道。

    ' Good place to bury the bodies , ' she joked with black humour .

  4. 风水会轮流转;在政治上,它总是如此。

    The wheel of fortune will swing round again ; in politics , it always does

  5. 风水轮流转,时下最流行的又是深蓝色牛仔裤了。

    We 've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style .

  6. 在中文里的读音为:si。这个词语第一次引入到西方是公元552年走私者将蚕、桑叶从中国带到西方的时候。FengShui风水

    The word was first introduced to Western culture by smugglers who took silk worms and mulberry leaves out of China in 552 Common Era ( CE ) .

  7. 风水是中国人在家和工作场所创造精神平衡的一种信仰。

    It is the Chinese belief in creating a spiritual balance in one 's home and workplace .

  8. 她自己参与了IBM公司制定高标准的过程,如今风水轮流转,当时的高标准成了她必须清除的障碍。

    And she was personally involved in setting the high bar that she must now clear .

  9. “无论是风水,还是幸运数字,它们的真正意义在于将机会最大化,”咨询公司中国商务服务(ChinaBusinessServices)首席执行官杰里米•戈登(JeremyGordon)补充道。

    " Whether it 's feng shui or lucky numbers , it 's about maximising your opportunities ," adds Jeremy Gordon , chief executive of China Business Services , a consultancy .

  10. 龚如心希望风水术能帮她找到丈夫王德辉(TeddyWang)的下落。王德辉1990年被绑架,此后便音讯全无。

    Wang hoped feng shui magic could help locate her husband , Teddy , who was kidnapped in 1990 and never heard from again .

  11. 运用遥感与GIS为技术支撑,以专家知识为依据,从而定量计算出中国的农牧与风水蚀交错区。在此基础上,阐述二者在空间上的分布特征。

    Supported by remote sensing and GIS , this paper calculates the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry and water and wind erosion interleaving in term of expert knowledge , expounding their spatial distribution characteristics .

  12. 中国传统文化同样也对英文产生了影响,具体体现在yinyang(阴阳)、KungFu(功夫)、Taichi(太极)以及fengshui(风水)等词汇的广泛使用上。

    Traditional Chinese culture has also had an impact , as reflected in the popular use in English of yin yang , kung fu , tai chi and feng shui .

  13. Heron首席执行官杰拉德荣森(GeraldRonson)解释道:在风水中,龟甲代表着强有力的支撑、保护和安全。

    In feng shui , the tortoiseshell represents a strong back , protection and security , explained Gerald Ronson , Heron 's chief executive .

  14. 袁亚非坚信自己会成功,他半开玩笑地说自己的风水大师给东方Fraser这一名字打出了90分的高分。

    Mr Yuan is confident he will succeed , saying half-jokingly that his feng shui master has given him a high score of 90 for the Oriental Fraser name .

  15. 哈尔滨锅炉厂有限责任公司生产的220t/h及以上循环流化床锅炉所配的冷渣系统大部分是哈锅和ALSTOM公司合作开发的风水联合冷渣器。

    The ash cooler system of 220 t / h and upwards CFB boiler manufactured by HBC is wind - water combined ash cooler developed by HBC and ALSTOM .

  16. 西太平洋副高南侧、亚洲季风槽北侧的东南风水汽输送在夏季可向西扩展到甘肃东南部地区(100°E附近)。

    The southerly water vapor can progress to 50 N near North-East in China - , the southeasterly water vapor from south side of the west pacific subtropical high and north side of the monsoon trough can march westward to 100 E near south-east part of GanSu in summer .

  17. 在历时漫长且备受瞩目的庭审中,法庭驳回了风水师陈振聪(TonyChan)的遗产继承请求。陈自称是龚如心的地下情人,并称龚如心曾希望将财产留给他。

    In a long-running and high-profile case , the court rejected claims by Tony Chan , a feng shui master , who said he was Ms Wang 's secret lover and that she had wanted to leave her estate to him .

  18. 如今,一条高速公路贯穿阮朝皇帝启定(KhaiDinh)巴洛克式皇陵对面的山丘,破坏了这座皇陵的风水。

    A freeway now runs through hills facing the baroque tomb of Khai Dinh , a Nguyen emperor , compromising the tomb 's feng shui , or geomantic qualities .

  19. 中国人很相信风水。

    Chinese people have a lot of faith in feng shui .

  20. 科学哲学视野中的风水实践及其理论研究

    Study of Fengshui Practice and Theory in the Scientific Philosophical View

  21. 中国传统风水理论与园林景观

    The Chinese Traditional Theory of Fengshui and Landscaping or Gardens Design

  22. 中国人通常依靠什么看“风水”?

    What do Chinese people often use to observe " Fengshui "?

  23. 风水与古代小说中的改运主题

    Geomantic omen and the theme of changing fate in ancient fictions

  24. 佛山市风水林树种组成调查研究

    Investigation of Tree Species Composition of Fengshui Woods in Foshan City

  25. 风水说中的景观生态思想探析与应用

    Dissection of Landscape Ecology Thought in Theory of Geomancy and Application

  26. 10-14t/h外热风水冷冲天炉的改造

    The Reform of 10-14t / h Outside Hot Blast Water-cooled Cupola

  27. 中国古代民居中的建筑风水文化&江西万载周家大屋考察

    The Culture about Architectural Geomantic Omen in Archaic House in China

  28. 浅谈风水在住宅建筑平面布局中的应用

    On the application of geomancy in plan layout of residential building

  29. 他后来解释说,缠念珠是为图个好风水。

    He explains later that the beads are for Feng Shui .

  30. 防风水鼓系泊系统系泊力的计算方法

    A Computing Method of the Mooring Force of Buoy Mooring System