
  • 网络risk return;risk premium
  1. 随着FFA交易的日益火爆,越来越多的金融炒家进入此市场,通过投机和套利行为赚取风险收益,同时他们也承担了市场风险,推动了FFA交易的流动性的提高。

    With the increasingly popular FFA trading , more and more financial speculators enter the market , making risk premium by speculation and arbitrage and accepting the market risk , thus promoting the FFA trading liquidity .

  2. 风险溢价:指投资者持有风险资产时与无风险资产相比所期望多获的收益-实质上即投资的预期总收益与相应的预计无风险收益之差。

    Risk premium : the additional return an investor expects from holding a risky asset rather than a riskless one ? In essence the difference between the total expected return on an investment and the appropriate estimated risk-free return .

  3. BOT项目有限追索权融资方式的风险收益分析

    Analysis of limited recourse financing to a BOT project

  4. REITs的风险收益考察及其对保险资金运用的适用性

    Risk Return of REITS and Its Applicability to Insurance Fund Investment

  5. 但是,图泽补充道,CDS的这些变化提出了三个问题:首先,现在我们真的可以把美国国债收益率视为恰当的无风险收益率吗?

    But , these CDS swings , Tozer adds , raise three questions : firstly , can we really consider Treasuries an appropriate risk free rate today ?

  6. CAPM、APT等经济模型中都使用了&无风险收益率概念,但我国目前无论在学术界还是在实务界对无风险收益率的选择都相去甚远。

    Risk-free return rate is often used in CAPM , APT and other economic models , but there are many differences on how to choose it not only in scholar area but also in practical area around China .

  7. Nair说,不同尺寸、形状、表面积和化学成分的纳米材料的行为各异,而且需要一个彻底的数据库从而决定每一个案例的风险收益比。

    The behaviour of a nanomaterial varies according to size , shape , surface area and chemistryof each and an exhaustive database is needed to determine the risk benefit ratio in each case , said Nair .

  8. 保险基金投资的单位风险收益最优化模型研究

    Research on the Unit Risk-Return Optimization Model of Insurance Funds Investment

  9. 计及风险收益的变压器更新综合经济效益模型

    Comprehensive economic benefit model of transformer update considering risk return

  10. 公共寻租行为的风险收益分析

    Analysis of Risk-related Return in Activity of Public Rent-seeking

  11. 论股票投资组合的风险收益及组合策略

    On Combined Strategies of Risk Incomes of Stock Investment

  12. 企业技术创新过程的阶段性与风险收益区研究

    Research on Phase and Risk Benefit Zones in the Process of Enterprise Technological Innovation

  13. 此法的特点是使用一个较全风险收益率为低的租期率。

    The basis of term and reversion is to use a lower rate on term .

  14. 其次,提出采用资本资产定价模型,确定发行证券的风险收益贴现率。

    Secondly , the risk-adjusted discount rate is determined with the capital asset pricing model .

  15. 通过计量高等教育个人投资风险收益分析了高等教育个人投资风险与收益的关系。

    The relation of risks and income of individuals ' investment in higher education was analyzed .

  16. 基于单位风险收益最大原则的贷款组合优化决策模型

    Decision-making Model of Loan ′ s Portfolio Optimization Based on Principle of Maximum Earnings Per Risk

  17. 对冲基金风险收益特征的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Hedge Fund Performance

  18. 可转换公司债券以其独特的风险收益特性逐渐为投、融资者所接受并得到了广泛的欢迎。

    Due to its unique risk-return attributes , convertible bonds are welcomed by both issuers and investors .

  19. 基于χ~2分布项目投资风险收益模型的建立与优化

    Establishment and Optimization of Project Investment Risk Income Models on the Basis of Probability χ ~ 2 Distribution

  20. 本文以风险收益平衡原理来分析高技术企业成长机制。

    This paper analyses the growth mechanism of hi-tech enterprise based on strategic alliance with the risk-benefit balanced principle .

  21. 本项研究对一种公司风险收益关系模型进行了试验,其中的风险已按下行的、负面的结果作了概念化。

    This study tested a model of firm risk-return relations in which risk was conceptualized in terms of downside outcomes .

  22. 那种人-,我也许该把种情况也包含到图里的-,他能够获得5%的无风险收益。

    That person I should have maybe included that in the diagram that person could get5 % return with no risk .

  23. 所以,人们总是讨论,即风险收益,而且有很多人试图建立风险收益系统。

    VAR So , people talk about VAR , value at risk , and lots of people try and build VAR systems .

  24. 但根据权益类资产的风险收益特性,适度权益资产配置可以显著改善寿险组合的收益状况。

    However , due to the risk-return feature of equity assets , proper equity allocation can significantly improve yield of the whole portfolio .

  25. 本文主要关注基于风险收益率的房地产投资风险评价方法研究。

    The thesis is mainly concerned with research on the evaluation methodology of investment risk for real estate based on risk return rate .

  26. 跨行业、跨地区经营的集团企业在不同行业地区的风险收益水平差异很大,合并报表难以反映。

    Group enterprises have different risks and earnings in different industries and areas , but a consolidated financial statement cannot fairly present them .

  27. 本文从理论上建立了基于逆高斯分布项目投资风险收益理论模型并给予精细的分析。

    In the theoretical model of investment , risk return is derived on the basis of Inverse Gauss distribution and analyzed in detail .

  28. 最后,根据现金流和风险收益贴现率,研究发行证券的定价。

    At last , making use of the cash-flow and the risk-adjusted discount rate , the price of the securities issued is ascertained .

  29. 食物、温度和捕食压力直接影响风险收益值的大小,是影响桡足类垂直迁移的主要环境因子。

    Food , temperature and predation pressure directly act on the value of venturous revenue and are major environmental factors affecting DVM of the copepod .

  30. 市场的波动强化了拥有多样性以及权衡风险收益的重要性。

    The volatility in the markets reinforces the message that it is important to have diversification and understand the trade off between risk and return .