
tóu zī zhōu qī
  • investment cycle
  1. 发电投资周期的形成机理与风险防范

    Forming Mechanism of Investment Cycle of Electricity Generation and Its Risk Prevention

  2. 理论上,风险投资周期由项目边际增加值和项目边际成本共同确定。

    In theory , risk investment cycle is determined by marginal added-value and marginal cost of projects .

  3. D·H·艾伦博士提出等效最大投资周期指标用以评价项目投资的效果,以期对投资回收期指标予以改进。

    Aiming at improving the indexes on payback period , Dr. D · H · Ellen put forth the index of equivalent maximum investment period to evaluate the project investment .

  4. 他曾经向投资者许诺,投资周期短,高回报。BernardMadoff为他的投资者提供的收益数额很小,但是源源不断。

    He promised high returns in a short time . Bernard Madoff provided small but continual profits for his investors .

  5. 然而,中国在符合国际直接投资周期理论的同时,还具有其自身的特点。

    What is more , China shows out it has its own characters in fact .

  6. 作为一个价值型投资者,他在增长投资周期内如何管理资金呢?

    As a value investor , how does he manage money in a growth cycle ?

  7. 中国房地产投资周期波动实证分析及预测

    An Empirical Study and Forecast of the Cyclic Fluctuation of Real Estate Investment in China

  8. 导致折现期变动的因素主要包括投资周期变动和技术风险等。

    The factors cause to project period alteration include invest cycle change and technical risk etc. mainly .

  9. 对于像我们这样成立4年的公司来说,处在一个投资周期是很常见的。

    It 's not unusual for a four-year-old company like ours to be in an investment cycle .

  10. 投资周期;

    The investment cycle ;

  11. 事实上,这种亲密关系,正是中国经济仍容易受到过度投资周期冲击的原因之一。

    Indeed , this close relationship is one reason that the Chinese economy is still vulnerable to periods of over-investment .

  12. 筹集资金,是一般合伙人每隔几年都要进行的一个耗时工作,但它的周期与投资周期未必一致。

    Fund-raising is a time-consuming process that GPS undertake every few years , a cycle that does not necessarily match the investment cycle .

  13. 这一趋势可能延续到投资周期反弹时,似乎最早到年底才会出现投资周期反弹。

    This is likely to continue until the investment cycle rebounds , which looks to be at year 's end at the earliest .

  14. 总体而言,艺术品投资周期以3至5年为佳,时间越长,其投资价值越发显现。

    Overall , the art investment cycle of 3 to 5 years is better , longer , more and more apparent value of their investments .

  15. 就我们目前在投资周期中所处的阶段而言,需要想办法调低回报预期,尤其是在股市把投资者的回报推高之时。

    For where we are in the investment cycle , return expectations need to be managed lower ; especially as equity markets drive investor returns higher .

  16. 以五年的投资周期为基础来预测的话,仍有可能证明,精品葡萄酒使投资者承受的下跌风险可能是最小的。

    Predicated on an investment time horizon of five years , it is again possible to demonstrate that fine wine may offer the least downside risk to investors .

  17. 然而,这种过度投资周期带来的结果类似于做实验,硅谷正是以此得到了繁荣,而这也曾是意外剧变的起源。

    Periods of overinvestment like this , however , lead to the sort of experimentation on which the valley thrives and which has been the source before of unexpected upheaval .

  18. 资产的报酬率界定在一个投资周期可以实现,但时期的长短并未确定,也没有解决与下一周期的关系问题。

    The mate of asset return can be determined in one in inherent cycle , but the duration of the cycle and the relation with the next cycle can 't be decided .

  19. 森林资源资产证券化是目前全球林业融资机制创新的重要方式,能够有效化解林业投资周期长和自然风险大等投资障碍。

    The securitization of the forestry asset is very important for the innovation of the forestry financing mechanism , which can effectively resolve the long cycle and natural risk in forest investment .

  20. 电力产业作为国民经济基础产业和先行产业,具有投资周期长,资金占用多,产业关联度高等特点。

    The electric power industry is regarded as the national economic base industry and pillar industry , have long investment cycle , take up more capital and well related to other industry are its characteristics .

  21. 由于房地产业在国内发展的局限性,市场的诸多不确定因素:投资周期长、不确定性和风险程度高;

    Because of the limitation that the real estate develops in our country , a great deal of uncertain factors of the market : Investment cycle is long , uncertainty and risk degree is high ;

  22. 诚如一名私募主管解释说:“如果连接下来六个月的形势都看不清,又有谁愿意一次性投资周期长达五到十年的基金呢。”

    As a private-equity executive explains ," People are loth to commit money for five to ten years at a time when they don 't have clarity about what the next six months look like . "

  23. 此外,东亚地区是一个产生资本盈余的地区,这意味着它们的投资周期以及资本市场较不易受到外资对债券和股票投资的起伏的影响。

    Furthermore , being a region that is generating capital surpluses means their investment cycle and with it their capital markets are not so exposed to the ebb and flow of foreign-funded debt and equity investment .

  24. 房地产行业是一个高回报、高风险的行业,它具有流动性差、投资周期长和多因素影响投资收益率的特征,其中投资风险是一个不容忽视的方面。

    Real estate is a high return , high risk industry . The investment cycle is long , poor mobility , and multi-factors are characterized by investment income . But the investment risk is a neglected aspect .

  25. 中小企业具有规模小、机制灵活、投资周期短、适应能力强、能够根据市场的变化及时调整经营方向的优势。

    Middle and small firms have the following advantages : scale is small , system is flexible , investment period is short , adaptive capacity is strong , can timely adjust management direction upon the change of market .

  26. A集团公司作为以施工为主的特大型工程企业,为改变业务结构单一,规避国家投资周期性变化的系统风险,将房地产作为新型业务发展方向之一。

    In order to change its single business structure and avoid system risk rising from periodic variation of national investment , Group A , as a large construction company , takes the real estate as one of its development directions .

  27. 二是固定资产投资周期相比经济周期具有一定的先行性,政府应该严密关注固定资产投资周期走势,作为经济周期变动的先行指标。

    Second , the cycle of investment in fixed assets compared to the economic cycle has a period of pilot , so the government should pay much attention at the trend of investment in fixed assets and utilize it as a leading indicator of changes in the economic cycle .

  28. 股权投资具有周期长、风险高等特点,随着股权投资的兴起,具有高抗风险能力的VAM型投资协议(实践常译作对赌协议)倍受投资者青睐。

    With the development of the equity investment , VAM ( often translated as ' gamble up ' agreement in practice ) has attracted investors for its high ability on resisting risks as equity investment has the characteristics of long cycle and high risk .

  29. 第2章主要介绍了创业投资的周期。

    Chapter 2 introduces the cycle of venture capital mainly .

  30. 外向型经济下的投资发展周期

    The Investment Development Cycle under Export - oriented Type Economy