
  1. 论防灾工程投资经济效果评价的一般方法

    General methods of economic results evaluation in disaster resistant engineering investment

  2. 油田百万吨产能投资经济界限方法推证

    Demonstration of Investment Economic Boundaries of Million Tons of Oilfield Productivity

  3. 项目投资经济效益评价原理与方法研究

    The Principle and Method of Economic Efficiency Evaluation of Project Capital Rationing

  4. 因为企业在海外投资经济风险方面的防范比较重视,而且已经成熟。

    Attention has been paid to prevent economic risks in overseas investment .

  5. 香港航运企业陆上产业投资经济分析及实践

    Practice and Analysis on Land Industry Investment of Hong Kong ' Shipping Company

  6. 油田投资经济效益的相对有效性分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Relative Efficiency of Investment Economic Returns in the Oilfield

  7. 论大型履带式起重机投资经济评价之市场竞争力因素

    On Talking Market Competitive Force Factor for Investment Economic Appraisal of Large-type Crawler Crane

  8. 工业人工林投资经济效果评价应注意的若干问题

    Several Problems Should be Taken Seriously during the Economic Effect Evaluation of Investment in Industrial Forest Plantation

  9. 希望能为房地产企业及其同类企业在项目投资经济评价选择上提供参考。

    Hope we can give real estate enterprises and their similar enterprises in the economic evaluation of investment options for reference .

  10. 但现行的投资经济评价指标评价体系的应用在理论和实践上还存在一定问题,影响了对项目投资经济效益的客观评价。

    But it has some problems theoretically and practically in the system of economic appraisal to effect results of evaluation of investment return .

  11. 设计了两种原地钻孔浸铜方案,通过钻孔布液、钻孔收液及钻孔布液、巷道收液两种溶浸开拓方案的采场投资经济比较,认为前者更有经济优势。

    Two development methods to be selected , drilling injection drilling recovery and drilling injection drift recovery , was designed and compared , in result , drilling recovery method thought to be more economy .

  12. 特别是在世界范围内风险投资经济孵化器的作用下,高新技术企业异军突起,它的发展势头与某些传统企业的举步维艰形成了巨大的反差。

    Especially in the world of venture capital incubator of the role of economic , high-tech enterprises have sprung up everywhere , with the momentum of development of some of the traditional enterprise limping a great contrast .

  13. 城市轨道交通的这些特点,决定了其应采用有别于国铁轨道的设计标准,以达到标准合理,技术安全,投资经济的目标。

    Different design Standards should be taken because of the characteristics of the urban track traffic , so the reasonable standards , technical security , investment economic targets can be assured . The Support spacing of rail is one of the main design standards .

  14. 这些资产主要投资于经济合作及发展组织的债券与股票市场。

    These are invested mainly in the OECD bonds and equities .

  15. 安倍经济学是一系列旨在解决日本宏观经济问题的政策措施,包括货币政策、财政政策以及鼓励私人投资的经济增长策略。

    Abenomics is a set of policy measures meant to resolve Japan 's macroeconomic problems . It consists of monetary1 policy , fiscal2 policy , and economic growth strategies to encourage private investment .

  16. 目前,在基础设施投资随经济增长不断增加的情况下,BOT模式在基础设施建设中被广泛应用。

    At present , BOT model is widely used in infrastructure development due to the increasing infrastructure investment with economic growth . However , a lot of problems are exposed at the same time .

  17. 第二章运用经济学原理概述了投资项目经济评价的一般程序和步骤,并介绍了投资收益率法、净现值法(NPV)、内部收益率法(IRR)等经济评价的一般方法;

    The following part briefs the general procedures and steps of the investment evaluation by using engineering economic principle , and indicates some common methods , such as investment revenue rate , net present value ( NPV ), inner revenue rate ( IRR ) and so on .

  18. 试论政府投资对经济增长的拉动作用

    On the Pulling Function of the Government for the Economy Growth

  19. 中国存货投资对经济增长的影响分析

    Analysis on the Influence of the Inventory Investment on Economic Growth

  20. 教育投资对经济增长影响程度的区域差异

    Regional difference of influence degree of education investment on economic growth

  21. 目的:评价军事医学计量的经济效益,揭示军事医学计量投资的经济作用。

    Objective : To evaluate economic benefits of military medical measurement .

  22. 我国外商直接投资的经济效应分析

    The Analysis of the Effects of China 's Foreign Direct Investment

  23. 电子产品可靠性投资动态经济效益的评价

    Dynamic Estimation of Economic Benefit from Investment on Reliability in Electronic Product

  24. 外商对华直接投资的经济效应研究

    A Study on the Economic Effect of Foreign Direct Investment in China

  25. 我们先利用变量的差分数据检验了地方政府投资对经济增长和就业的短期影响。

    We first examined the short-term effects using the variable difference data .

  26. 人力资本投资对经济增长具有特殊重要作用。

    Human capital investment is the key to the growth of economy .

  27. 养老金计划、人力资本投资与经济增长的关系研究

    Pension Plan , Human Capital Investment and Economic Growth

  28. 北京城市基础设施建设投资与经济发展水平研究

    Beijing 's Urban Infrastructure Investment and Development of Economy

  29. 矿业投资项目经济评价的初步探讨

    Primary Approach to the Economic Evaluation of the Investment Projects in Mining Industry

  30. 校本管理的基本内涵;山西省基础设施投资对经济增长的数量分析

    Quantity Analysis on the Fundamental Installations Investment of Shanxi Province for Economic Growth