
  • 网络Projected coordinate system;projection coordinate system
  1. 要按照距离进行查询,必须使用投影坐标系。

    To query by distance , you must use a projected coordinate system .

  2. 投影坐标系的直线坐标是距离度量,表示为长度单位。

    The rectilinear ( straight-line ) coordinates of a projected coordinate system are distance measures , expressed in units of length .

  3. 利用光源投影坐标系处理SFS中的自阴影问题

    Solving Self-shadow Problem of Shape from Shading in Light Source Projected System

  4. 为了解决地图制图中不同坐标系之间的相互转换的问题,采用构建通用地理坐标转换类方法,实现常用大地坐标系和平面投影坐标系之间在相同或不同参考椭球参数下的相互转换。

    To solve the problems of difference geographic coordinates transformation , the paper adopts the methods of establishing general coordinate transformation class , and implements the coordinate transformation .

  5. 地理和投影坐标系都包含对地球形状的假设(一个略扁的球体);这称为大地基准点。

    Both geographic and projected coordinate systems include a definition of the assumed shape of the earth ( a flattened sphere ); this is called the geodetic datum .

  6. 基于一种新的投影坐标系,给出了求解椭圆曲线点乘运算的点加与倍点算法,提出了一种新的优化存储单元调度方案。

    Based on a new projective reference frame , the algorithms for adding and doubling points to solve the point multiplication problem are presented and a new optimum scheme for the memory is also discussed .

  7. 如果这些假设对于您的数据库不成立,那么必须做某些调整,这些调整可能很简单(比如对于列名),也可能比较复杂(比如对于投影坐标系)。

    If any of these assumptions are not valid for your database , you have to make adjustments that vary from trivial ( for column names ) to somewhat involved ( in the case of a projected coordinate system ) .

  8. 在正形投影坐标系下,半拉格朗日法与半隐式法相结合积分浅水波方程导出的模式,用一小时的时间步长,是无条件稳定。

    A Semi-lagrangian algorithm associated with the semi-implicit method in the integration of the shallow water equation in a conformal conic projection is presented . The resulting model , which can be integrated with a time step of one hour , is unconditionally stable .

  9. 基于DXF的数字地图投影与坐标系转换方法研究极坐标-直角坐标转换

    The Research of the Transformation Among Different Coordinate Systems and Projections of Digital Map Based on DXF File

  10. 重点对地图投影及坐标系、多比例尺矢量数据在球面上的表达、矢量数据在三维API中的符号化进行了较为系统的分析、论述和试验。

    This paper focus on the map projection and coordinate system , multi-scale vector data on the sphere of expression , vector data in the symbolic by three-dimensional API and do some systemic analysis , discussion and testing .

  11. 抵偿任意带高斯投影平面坐标系选择的研究

    A Study of Selection of Plane Coordinate System of Arbitrary Compensation Zone

  12. 该文主要论述了在潜艇航行训练模拟器三维视景仿真中,把三维模型投影到屏幕坐标系当中的方法。

    This paper puts forward the method of locating the 3D model in the screen coordinate in the design of the visual system of a submarine voyage training simulator .

  13. 基于系数冻结假设,线性化飞行器所受气动力和推力,投影在弹体坐标系中,经简化后得到控制系统线性数学模型,而后基于数据模型分析结论将该模型分解为俯仰偏航模型以及滚转模型。

    The aerodynamics and the propulsion are linearized with the coefficient freezing method , and projected in the airframe coordinate system . After simplified , the mathematical model is built , which is decoupled into the pitch / yaw model and the roll model .

  14. 前者通过高斯投影,将WGS-84坐标系的GPS经纬度数据转换为平面直角坐标系的数据,从而计算平均速度。

    In the first one , the longitude and latitude data in WGS-84 are transformed into the data in two-dimensional rectangular coordinate through the Gauss projection coordinate transformation , and the average speed estimation is achieved .

  15. 主要成果总结如下:(1)采用高斯&克吕格(Gauss-Kruger)投影将经纬度坐标系下的地形转化为直角坐标,建立了笛卡尔坐标系下渤海海域的潮流数值模拟模型。

    The main achievements are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Conversion of the topography from geographic coordinates to Cartesian coordinates is performed through Gauss-Kruger projection . The tidal current numerical model for Bohai Sea is established under the Cartesian coordinates .

  16. 通用墨卡托(投影)平面直角坐标系下的施工测量

    The Construction Surveying in the Universal Transverse Mercator ( Projection ) Coordinate System

  17. 投影光刻机的坐标系与套刻步进模型

    Coordinate systems and stepping model of projection stepper

  18. 将所有数据转化和重采样为100m分辨率的栅格数据。再次,将所有数据投影到同一投影同一坐标系上。

    All of these data were further sampled into the raster data with a resolution of 100 meters and projected into the same coordination system with the same resolution .

  19. 采用基于投影法基础上的自适应卡尔曼跟踪算法,通过建立系统模型,并在投影法坐标系上获得目标的确切位置后,对目标进行预测和先验估计。

    Based on projection method based on adaptive kalman tracking algorithm , by establishing the system model , and in the projection method for target coordinate system the exact position of target , forecast and prior estimate .