
  • 网络herbivory
  1. 猛犸是食草性哺乳动物。

    Mammoths were herbivorous mammals .

  2. 因此开发一种新的非食草性动物的纤维显得很有必要。

    Therefore it 's necessary to develop a new kind of animal fiber .

  3. 热带非洲生活在河里或河水附近的大而重的厚皮食草性动物。

    Massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa .

  4. 侏罗纪或白垩纪早期欧洲巨大的食草性两足恐龙。

    Gigantic carnivorous bipedal dinosaur of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous in Europe .

  5. 美国西南部和墨西哥干旱地区栖息在岩石附近的食草性蜥蜴。

    Rock-dwelling herbivorous lizard of arid parts of southwestern United States and Mexico .

  6. 它就是食草性恐龙的主要食物。

    It was the main food for herbivorous dinosaurs .

  7. 实心蹄食草性四足动物,从史前时期就开始驯养。

    Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times .

  8. 两足食草性恐龙,头顶上有10英寸长的骨头;已经发现的最大的骨冠龙。

    Bipedal herbivore having 10 inches of bone atop its head ; largest bone-headed dinosaur ever found .

  9. 在资源约束下,农业结构调整与优化的3个主导方向是强化农牧结合,大力发展食草性畜牧业;

    Discusses the three ways of adjusting and optimizing agricul-tural structure with resources restriction and agricultural industrialization , i.

  10. 黑麦草是在世界温带地区种植最广泛的牧草,是食草性家畜重要的食物来源。

    As one important food for herbivore , perennial ryegrass is most widely planted in the temperate zone in the world .

  11. 食草性鸟臀目恐龙,背上有一(两)排骨板,刺状的尾巴可能是进攻时的武器。

    Herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur with a row of bony plates along its back and a spiked tail probably used as a weapon .

  12. 剪嘴行(长翼水鸟)几种四足食草性长角的恐龙,巨大的颅骨呈鸟嘴状;生活在后白垩纪的北美和蒙古。

    Any of several four-footed herbivorous horned dinosaurs with enormous beaked skulls ; of the late Cretaceous in North America and Mongolia .

  13. 东南亚和非洲强壮凶猛的食草性奇蹄类有蹄动物,皮非常厚,口鼻部上长有一只或两只角。

    Massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed_ungulate of southeast Asia and Africa having very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout .

  14. 出土的动物骨骼经鉴定多为牛、马、鹿类等大型食草性动物。

    Animal bones unearthed are categorized as herbivores , mainly cattle ( Bos ), horse ( Equus ) and deer ( Hydropotes ) .

  15. 背部有带刺状突起的大型食草性美洲热带的树栖蜥蜴;中美和南美的人将其当作食物。

    Large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back ; used as human food in Central and South America .

  16. 变色蜥一种大型食草性蜥蜴(变色蜥变色蜥属),生长于美国西南部和墨西哥,与鬣鳞蜥相关沙质草地、高平原草地牧草总糖与还原糖含量变化

    A large herbaceous lizard ( Sauromalus obesus ) of the southwest United States and Mexico , related to the iguana . Dynamic Change of Total Sugar and Reducing Sugar in Forage Plants in High Plain Grassland and Sandy Grassland

  17. 减少耗粮型畜禽养殖,调整畜禽结构,扩大肉用型畜禽养殖和食草性的奶用型,适度发展商品养殖和规模养殖,可以提高畜牧业生态系统的有效产出。

    Reduce the consumption of grain-based livestock production , to adjust the livestock structure , to expand the meat of livestock and poultry farming and grazing of the milk-to-use , moderate development of commodity culture and large-scale breeding can improve the effective output of animal husbandry ecosystem .

  18. 对于那些以植物为食的食草性昆虫来说,大部分水分都是从食物中获取的,因为植物很有很多水分。

    Herbivorous insects , those that feed on plants , get most of their water from theirpreyfood because plants contain a lot of water .

  19. 但除了鹅不食草治疗过敏性鼻炎研究略为深入外,其余治疗方向药理研究不够;

    But apart from the Centipede effect on allergic rhinitis which is slightly further than the other studies , the pharmacological researches are not enough ;

  20. 鹅不食草是治疗过敏性鼻炎、鼻炎癌的一种较有前途的药物,但有待进一步的发掘和研究。

    Centipede has a promising treatment effect on allergic rhinitis , rhinitis , and cancer , but it needs to be further developed and studied .