
shí wù ɡuò mǐn
  • food allergy
  1. IgE介导的食物过敏诊断程序及临床评价

    The diagnosis and clinical evaluation of food allergy mediated by IgE

  2. 脐血IgE值用于预报食物过敏高危儿童的研究

    Prediction of food allergy by using cord blood IgE levels

  3. 用排除法找出你对哪种食物过敏。

    Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination .

  4. 食物过敏会引发很多不同的症状。

    Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms

  5. 食物过敏会引发很多不同的症状

    Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms .

  6. 食物过敏通常被认为是免疫球蛋白E介导的超敏反应,所以对食物非常敏感。

    Food allergies can be defined as IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions and are quite distinct from food intolerances .

  7. 过敏性紫癜患儿食物过敏原特异性IgG抗体检测

    Detection of food allergen-specific IgG antibody in children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura

  8. 32例过敏疾病患者血清14种食物过敏原特异性IgG抗体的检测

    Measurement of Spesific IgG to 14 Foods in the Serum of 32 Allergic Patients

  9. 本文从IgA的观点论述食物过敏反应。

    This paper discusses the allergic of food in view of IgA .

  10. IgA与食物过敏反应

    IgA and the Allergic Reaction of Food

  11. 该研究受到非营利性组织&食物过敏研究和教育组织(FoodAllergyResearchandEducation)的支持,并发表于12月的《美国医学会期刊:儿科》(JAMAPediatrics)上。

    The study was supported by Food Allergy Research and Education , a nonprofit , and published in December in JAMA Pediatrics .

  12. BN大鼠食物过敏动物模型的实验研究

    Assessment of brown Norway rat as suitable animal model for investigation of food allergy

  13. 目的探讨血清中14种食物过敏原特异性IgG与小儿慢性消化系统疾病的关系。

    Objectives To explore the correlation between 14 food allergen - specific IgG antibodies and chronic digestive diseases in children .

  14. 湿疹患者食物过敏原特异性IgG检测及意义

    The determination and the significance of specific IgG to fourteen kinds of food allergens of 200 patients with chronic eczema

  15. 脾虚泄泻患者肠道嗜酸细胞主碱基阳离子蛋白和CD3细胞表达与食物过敏的关系

    Relationship between the expression of MBP and CD3 and food allergy in patients with spleen-deficient diarrhea

  16. 在孩童时期,过敏性湿疹(AE)时常和胃肠道功能障碍和食物过敏相关。

    In early childhood , AE ( allergic eczema ) is frequently associated with gastrointestinal dysfunction and food allergy .

  17. 世界粮农组织(FAO)的报告显示超过90%的食物过敏是由八大类食物过敏原引起的。

    FAO reported that more than 90 % of food allergies were caused by 8 major food allergens .

  18. 在186例SPT检测中,吸入性过敏原明显高于食物过敏原(p0.01)。

    The SPT results showed that inhaled allergens more common than food allergens in 186 asthmatic children ( p0.01 ) .

  19. 结论测定食物过敏原特异性IgG在小儿慢性消化系统疾病诊治中有重要意义。

    Conclusions The measurement of 14 common food allergen - specific IgG might be very useful for diagnosis and treatment of chronic digestive diseases in children .

  20. 特异性IgG4用于食物过敏原的检测

    Clinical application of examination of specific IgG4 to food allergens

  21. 本研究基于改良双抗体夹心ELISA法的原理,首次建立了具有良好稳定性和精密度的食物过敏原可视化抗体微阵列的检测技术。

    In this study , visual antibody microarray with good stability and precision for detection of food allergen is developed for the first time based on improved double-antibody sandwich ELISA .

  22. 不同喂养方式下,食物过敏婴儿的大便菌群比例显示不同的改变,但革兰阳性杆菌比例降低是其共同的特点(P均<0.05)。

    Furthermore , there were different changes in the proportions of fecal microflora of infants with food allergy under different feeding patterns , but the percentages of gram-positive rod of the samples markedly lower was the same character ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 发生食物过敏时,免疫系统将食物误判为对机体有害的物质,产生大量的IgE抗体以对抗这种“有害”物质。

    With an allergy , the immune system mistakenly identifies a food as harmful , triggering immunoglobulin E ( IgE ) antibodies to fight the substance .

  24. 变应性鼻炎特异性IgE抗体的测定特异性IgG4用于食物过敏原的检测

    Determination of allergen-specific IgE antibody in the patients with nasal allergy Clinical application of examination of specific IgG4 to food allergens

  25. 为探讨过敏疾病患者血清中14种食物过敏原的特异性IgG抗体水平,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测病人组32例,正常组22名。

    To evaluate the serum specific IgG to 14 food allergens in allergic patients , the food specific IgG was measured by ELISA in 32 allergic patients as well as 22 normal subjects .

  26. 方法用ELISA法分别检测51例慢性湿疹患者血清中10组食物过敏原特异性IgG4、特异性IgE。

    Methods Specific IgG4 as well as specific IgE to ten kinds of food allergens in sera of 51 patients with chronic eczema was examined by ELISA .

  27. 结论:食物过敏反应可诱导肠黏膜内免疫细胞分泌IL-4和IL-5,并协同刺激局部IgE的分泌。

    Conclusion : IL-4 and IL-5 may play a role in intestinal mucosal immune response and have a synergistic role in inducing IgE secretion in gut mucosa .

  28. 观察脾虚泄泻与食物过敏及肠道嗜酸细胞炎性递质:嗜酸细胞主碱基阳离子蛋白(MBP)和CD3细胞表达的关系,探讨脾虚泄泻的免疫学机制。

    To observe the relationship between food allergy and the value of the expression of CD3 and major basic protein ( MBP ) in patient with spleen-deficient diarrhea .

  29. 食物过敏患儿十二指肠黏膜组织内IL-4、IL-5mRNA水平与血清IgE水平呈正相关(r分别为0.674、0.586,P均<0.05),而与肠黏膜组织的炎症程度无相关性。

    The mRNA levels of IL-4 and IL-5 of children with food allergy were positively correlated with serum IgE ( r were 0.674 and 0.586 , respectively , P < 0.05 ), but not correlated with inflammatory activities .

  30. 以45例未行食物过敏原试验的HSP病儿为对照组,比较不同饮食控制疗法的近期疗效。

    Enzyme immunoassay was applied for the vitro food allergen test 45 HSP children without the test were as controls . Recent treatment outcomes were compared between the groups .