
  • 网络Food Safety Testing
  1. 智能化便携式食品安全检测仪器通用技术的研究

    The Development of General Technology for Intelligent Portable Food Safety Testing Instruments

  2. 红外光谱在食品安全检测中发挥重要的作用,且应用前景广阔。

    IR plays mi important role in the food safety testing and it has wide prospect .

  3. 本文简要介绍了X射线实时成像系统,综述了国内外该系统在食品安全检测中的应用。

    X-ray online imaging system is introduced briefly and the applications of the system in food safety inspection are also summarized in China and abroad .

  4. LisaDiPinto:“我看到的海洋食品安全检测表明一切看上去都比较好。”

    LISA DiPINTO : " The seafood safety testing that I have seen has indicated everything is looking good . "

  5. 本研究是在以前设计研究的LDSJ-M多功能食品安全检测仪的基础上进行,主要工作与取得的成果如下。

    This study is implemented on the basis of " LDSJ-M multi-function detector for food safety " which was designed before .

  6. 微流控芯片的制作及食品安全检测应用的研究

    Research of Microfluidic Chip Fabrication and Application in Food Safty Detection

  7. 可用于食品安全检测的电化学核酸传感器研究初探

    Preliminary Study on Electrochemical DNA Biosensor Applied for Food Safety Inspection

  8. 农产品、食品安全检测方法与仪器

    Testing Method and Instruments for Agricultural Products and Food Safety

  9. 液相色谱&串联质谱在食品安全检测方面的应用烟草制品中紫苏葶的气相色谱/质谱法分析

    Application of LC-MS / MS Methods for the Safety Analysis of Food

  10. 为食品安全检测提供了新的方法和思路。

    These research provide new methods and thinking of detection for food security .

  11. 农产品与食品安全检测中的分析技术

    Analysis Technologies in Farm Products and Food Safety Inspection

  12. 对果蔬中农残的检测变成了食品安全检测中的关键技术之一。

    Detection for OPs in food became akey technology of food safety testing .

  13. 免疫学技术在食品安全检测中的应用

    Application of immunological detective technique for food security

  14. 摘要食品安全检测得到的大量的数据中,隐含着许多潜在有用的信息。

    There are a lot of potential useful information in the food safety detection data .

  15. 代谢组学作为一门新兴的学科,在食品安全检测中发挥着重要的作用。

    As an emerging subject , metabonomics is playing an important role in the food safety detection .

  16. 本章工作在推动食品安全检测技术发展和完善方面,具有参考价值。

    Considering its contribution on improvement and promotion of food detection techniques , the work is valuable .

  17. 细胞体系的检测与食品安全检测、疾病诊断、环境监测等领域息息相关,因此,快速、准确地检测细胞体系具有举足轻重的意义。

    Detection of cells system is very important in food safety detection , disease diagnosis and environmental monitoring .

  18. 此事件非常悲惨,中国应该在食品安全检测中更好的与其联手行动。

    This is sad and unfortunate and china really needs to get her act together regarding food safety inspections .

  19. 根据压电生物传感器检测原理,作者研制了一种用于食品安全检测的压电生物芯片检测仪。

    Based on the piezoelectric sensor detection principle , the author designed the piezoelectric biochip detector used in food safety .

  20. 而食品安全检测车在食品生产企业日常检测以及应急检测方面体现出了巨大优势。

    Meanwhile , food safety testing vehicles has tremendous advantages in routine testing and emergency testing for food production enterprises .

  21. 该电子舌能在酒类品质分析、食品安全检测、水质污染检测中发挥积极作用。

    The electronic tongue can be used in testing the wine quality , food 's security check and the water quality determination .

  22. 第三,食品安全检测技术落后,检测水平不高,制约了食品安全的有效监管。

    Thirdly , food safety detection technology is limited , detection level is not high , restricted the effective supervision of food safety .

  23. 因此,研究一种快速、成本低、适用于多种被测物的食品安全检测方法具有重要的现实意义。

    Thus , there is an important significance for developing a rapid , cost-effective , and widely available method for food safety detection .

  24. 半抗原免疫学检测方法具有较低的检测极限、快速、方便、低廉等优势,是食品安全检测的发展方向。

    Hapten immunoassay methods for food safety detection have the advantages of low detection limit , fast detection , convenience and low cost .

  25. 基于高效液相色谱-串联质谱联用技术的优势,其已成为食品安全检测中必不可少的组成部分。

    High performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry technique ( HPLC-MS / MS ) has become one of the major tools in food detection .

  26. 将数据挖掘技术应用到食品安全检测数据的分析中可以使检测数据的分析和预警更加智能,更加精确。

    Taking it into the food safety inspection data analysis can make food safety testing data analysis and early warning more intelligent and precise .

  27. 纳米材料研究的飞速发展为解决食品安全检测所面临的问题提供了很好的理论基础和技术支持。

    The fast development of nanomaterials supplies the theory basis and technique support to solve the problems in the field of food safety detection .

  28. 结论采用纳米金标记的探针可提高传感器的检测灵敏度,在食品安全检测中具有重要意义。

    Conclusion The sensitivity of DNA biosensor with gold nanoparticle-oligonucleotide DNA probe is obviously improved . It is of importance in detection of food safety .

  29. 美国农业部指出,它的食品安全检测服务部门是通过微生物取样和调查其它产品的分销发现问题的。

    The USDA notes that its Food and Safety Inspection Service detected the problem through microbiological sampling and an investigation into the distribution of other products .

  30. 目前的食品安全检测方法通常成本高、操作复杂、而且只能针对特定成分。

    The methods currently used for food safety detection are usually with high cost and complex operation . Moreover , these methods are usually designed for the specific components .