
  • 网络Shuri
  1. 在那首诗里他对乡村遭到的破坏流露出悲哀。

    In the poem he laments the destruction of the countryside .

  2. 当然,这首诗里还有更深层的含义。

    There are , of course , deeper meanings in the poem .

  3. 在这首诗里含苞欲放的花朵是指青春。

    In this poem the budding flower means youth .

  4. 这首诗里含有大量的流水对

    There are many antitheses in this poem .

  5. 这张专辑里不乏表达愤怒的歌曲,比如“Money,Power,Glory”,在这首歌里,德蕾嘲讽了那些模仿她的人,并且故意给评论家留下了话头;

    There are angry songs , such as Money , Power , Glory , mocking her imitators and knowingly feeding into her critics .

  6. 这个DJ把各种不同的音乐混在同一首歌里。

    The DJ was mixing all sorts oof different music in one song .

  7. 虽然很多人认为《TheLastTime》写的是斯威夫特在2011年末交往的前男友杰克吉伦哈尔,不过针对他最刻薄的话不是这首歌里写着的,而是在媒体采访时说到的。

    Though many think that her tune The Last Time is about ex Jake Gyllenhaal , whom she dated at the end of 2011 , the most cutting words had for the actor came not through song , but through media interviews .

  8. 《最疯狂的梦》(WildestDreams)是一个性感黑暗的故事,唱的是危险的爱情,这首歌里她的声音有最显著的改变。

    Her most pronounced vocal tweak is on " Wildest Dreams , " a sweaty and dark tale of dangerous love .

  9. 与此同时,也有忧郁的小调,比如,“ShadesofCool”与“WestCoast”,在这两首歌里,德蕾为她失败的感情经历伤怀哀诉,并描绘了喧嚣、拥挤的大都市里麻木的生活。

    There are also melancholic ones , for example , Shades of Cool and West Coast , in which she whines about her failed relationships , or describes the numbness of living in crowded and noisy cities .

  10. 在一首诗里,抑扬顿挫是按一定顺序配置的。

    In a poem , cadences are arranged in regular sequence .

  11. 这首歌里“啦”太多了

    Too many " La 's " Are in this song .

  12. 你选择了这首诗里最令人伤心的部分在今天贴出。

    You have chosen the most disheartening parts to post for today .

  13. 在他许多首诗里,那种奇妙的结合破灭了。

    In much of his verse the miraculous combination collapsed .

  14. 他在一首诗里美妙地表达了这种热望。

    He has beautifully voiced this longing in one of his poems .

  15. 我在这首曲子里要奏四个半音。

    I have to play four sharps in this piece .

  16. 你在这首诗里到处可以看到春天的意象。

    You can find images of the spring everywhere in the poem .

  17. 在这首诗里,泰特表达出了他通常的那种盲目的乐观主义。

    In the poem , Tate is speaking his usual blind optimism .

  18. 我将很多类似的声音放在了这首歌里。

    I put a lot of analog sounds in it .

  19. 那首歌里词与曲配合合谐,产生了非同凡响的效果。

    The marriage of words and melody in that song was unusually effective .

  20. 在这首诗里,每行有五个音步。

    In this poem , each verse has5 beats .

  21. 一首收音机里传来的歌也许会勾起你对往日的回忆。

    A song might come on the radio that reminds you of them .

  22. 你注意到他一首歌里穿了多少套服装?

    Did you notice , how many outfits he is wearing during one song ?

  23. 这首歌里有重音节拍,听着很有感觉。

    It 's got a pounding beat and I can really feel the music .

  24. 我们听的那两首歌里,我更喜欢后面的那首。

    Of the two songs we heard , I like the latter one better .

  25. 在一首歌里,你获得了3次特别连锁箭头奖励。

    In a single song , you 've managed to rack up3 CHAIN ARROW BONUSES .

  26. 在这首歌里,饶舌歌手暗示这是一个五个字母的单词,

    Now , in the song , the MC hints that it 's a five-letter word ,

  27. 这也是美国人熟知的一首歌里表达的精神。

    That 's a spirit that 's reflected in a song that almost every American knows .

  28. 在上面这首诗里,吴历描绘了东方和西方之间的一次对话这样一个典型的情况。

    In the poem above Wu Li describes the typical situation of an dialogue between East and West .

  29. 是吗?真遗憾,让我给错过了!这首歌里的吉他弹得相当不错。

    Really ? What a pity that I missed it ! The guitar of this song sounds beautiful !

  30. 不好意思我完全沉浸在这首歌里没听见你说什么

    I 'm sorry , I was really getting into this song and I stopped listening to you .