
  1. 香港旅游发展局表示,整体访港游客人数自去年6月来已经连续7个月下跌。

    The total number of visitors to Hong Kong had been on the decline for seven consecutive months since June , the HKTB said .

  2. 这次活动由香港旅游发展局组织,“国泰航空”协办,以“国际都会、环球派对”为主题,以此吸引更多的海内外游客到香港玩。

    Organized by the HKTB and sponsored by Cathay Pacific Airways , the parade will adopt the theme " World City , World Party " to promote Hong Kong 's cosmopolitan appeal and tourism attractions .

  3. 根据香港旅游发展局(HongKongTourismBoard)的数据,今年3月,赴港内地游客人数同比减少10%。香港依照“一国两制”拥有高度的自治权。

    The number of mainlanders visiting Hong Kong , which is governed semi-independently under the " one country , two systems " arrangement , fell by 10 per cent year-on-year in March , according to the Hong Kong Tourism Board .

  4. 供应机构指香港旅游发展局;

    Supplier shall mean the Hong Kong Tourism Board hktb ;

  5. 香港旅游发展局对此表示鼓舞。

    Hong Kong Tourism Board expresses encouragement .

  6. 联络香港旅游发展局总办事处,负责香港及全球传媒查询的同事。

    Use this to contact our key media relations staff and representatives at the hktbs head office and around the world .

  7. 该网表示,黄金周期间,香港旅游发展局的登记游客数量达115.9952万人,比去年同期增加了4.8%。

    The tourism board registered 1159952 holiday visitors - an increase of 4.8 per cent from last year 's Golden Week , it said .

  8. 香港旅游发展局6月将在上海新天地和淮海路购物区举办一系列庆祝活动。10月15日至19日,香港贸易发展局将在繁华的南京东路步行街举行大型“时尚香港”活动。

    The Hong Kong Tourism Board plans to hold a series of celebrations at Xintiandi and Huaihai Road in June and fashion activities at Nanjing Road in October .

  9. 阁下一经提交有关参加表格申请表格,即表明表格中向香港旅游发展局提供的一切资料,均属真确。

    By submitting the requisite entry form application form , you certify that all information provided to the Hong Kong Tourism Board in the form is true and correct .

  10. 香港旅游发展局1月19日称,2015年访港旅客为5931万人次,较2014年下跌2.5%;

    The Hong Kong Tourism Board ( HKTB ) said on Jan. 19 that the number of visitors to the city fell 2.5 percent last year over 2014 to 59.31 million , among whom 45.84 million were from the Chinese mainland , down 3 percent .