
Mǎ ān shān
  • Ma'anshan;Saddle Hill
  1. API法在马鞍山市空气质量评价中的应用

    Assessment on the air quality at Ma ′ anshan City by using of API method

  2. 介绍一重为马鞍山钢铁公司制造的H型钢轧机工作辊轴承的设计计算。

    The article explains the design and calculation of work roll bearings in H-section steel mill supplied by CFHI for Maanshan Steel .

  3. 马鞍山市区HFC网络的设计

    HFC Network Design in Ma ' anshan City

  4. 马鞍山市志贺菌福氏4c生物亚型生物学特性及感染分析

    Analysis of biologic characteristic and infection of shigella flexneri 4c in Ma ′ anshan city

  5. 介绍了马鞍山钢铁公司H型钢厂连轧线上粗轧机组的小张力控制(MTC)的基本原理和实现方法,讨论了实现MTC的传动控制方法和PLC控制方法及两者之间的联系。

    The principle and methods of minimum tension control on H-beam rolling mill at Ma ′ anshan Iron and Steel Co. are introduced . The methods of drive MTC and PLC control and the relation between them are discussed .

  6. 方法收集马鞍山市市区居民1983年-2004年胃癌和肺癌死因资料,根据国际疾病分类ICD-9和ICD-10进行分类编码汇总,应用《全国病伤死因汇总软件》进行数据处理。

    Methods The data was summarized in code according to ICD-9 and ICD-10 and treated with the software on death causes of nationwide residents diseases and injuries .

  7. 运用聚氨酯泡沫塑料块(PFU)对马鞍山市雨山湖水体中的微型生物群落进行了采样观测,并对生物多样性指数和水体水质关系做出分析。

    The microbial communities of Yushan Lake are investigated by polyurethane foam unit ( PFU ) method , and the relationship between the index of biodiversity and water quality is studied .

  8. 华东电网500kV滁马线马鞍山大跨越塔高257m,是目前国内在建的最高的钢管塔。

    With a height of 257 m , the long span crossing tower over mountain Ma'an of the 500 kV Chuma line of East China Power Grid is the highest steel pipe tower being constructed in China .

  9. 他是被一个徒步旅行者在马鞍山发现的。

    He was found by a hiker up on saddle mountain .

  10. 马鞍山市区位条件的特征;

    The features of regional condition in the city of Ma'anshan ;

  11. 马鞍山旧石器遗址试掘报告

    A brief report of the tentative excavation in Ma'anshan Paleolithic site

  12. 马鞍山市固定资产投资呈现出明显的阶段性和结构性特征。

    The investment in Ma'anshan shows periodical and structural features obviously .

  13. 中钢集团马鞍山矿山研究院有限公司;

    Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co. , Ltd ; 3 .

  14. 园林旅游是马鞍山市的基础产业,因此其园林绿化规划指导思想确定为:以长江为依托,以市区内4条水系为主体构筑井字形生态绿化系统;

    Garden tourism is a basic industry in Ma'anshan City .

  15. 食在马鞍山、味在兴丰源!

    Eatting in maanshan , tasteing in Xing Feng yuan !

  16. 长白马鞍山硅藻土矿床地质特征及成矿机制的探讨

    The geological features of the Ma'anshan diatomite deposit and its mineralization mechanism

  17. 马鞍山市儿童意外伤害相关行为分析

    The Analysis of Children 's Accidental Injury-related Behaviors in Ma'anshan

  18. 马鞍山城市绿地系统规划

    Integration of city with nature-Planning of Urban Green-land system in Ma'anshan City

  19. 安徽省马鞍山市腹泻患者变形杆菌感染状况的初步探讨

    Preliminary study of Bacillus proteus infection status among diarrheal patients

  20. 马鞍山铁路共设有九个车站。

    There are nine stations on Ma On Shan Rail .

  21. 马鞍山市区级经济发展的战略思考

    Strategic Ponderations on Ma ' anshan District-level Economic Development

  22. 最后分析了马鞍山市土地集约利用的趋势。

    Finally , analyze the tendency of land intensive use of Ma'anshan city .

  23. 浅论马鞍山地区的膨胀土

    The Swelling Soil in Ma'anshan Area , Anhui Province

  24. 马鞍山市十五区级经济发展评析

    Analysis of Ma'anshan " Tenth-five " Regional Economic Development

  25. 然后分析了马鞍山市土地集约利用动态变化;

    Then , analyze dynamic change of land intensive use of Ma'anshan city ;

  26. 马鞍山市大型商场室内空气质量研究

    Evaluation of indoor air quality in an emporium in Ma ' anshan city

  27. 带槽轧辊在马鞍山钢铁公司的推广使用

    Spread Application of Grooved Roll in Ma ′ anshan Iron and Steel Co

  28. 房地产营业税征管预测信息系统探讨&以马鞍山市为例

    Exploration of the Information System for Levying and Predicting Real Estate Sales Tax

  29. 长江马鞍山河段河势控制及应急工程分析

    Study on River Regime Control and Emergency Works inMa'anshan Reach of Yangtze River

  30. 马鞍山市二氧化硫排放总量与污染控制方案

    Total Emission Amount and Control Plan of Sulfur Dioxide Pollution in Ma'anshan City