
  • 网络mato grosso
  1. 今年五月,涉嫌非法伐木的马托格罗索州前环境部部长被捕。

    In May this year the former environment secretary of Mato Grosso was arrested over an illegal-logging scam .

  2. 得到实验室证实的病例报告分别来自戈亚斯州、联邦区和南马托格罗索州。

    The laboratory confirmed cases were reported from the three states of Goias , Distrito Federal and Mato Grosso do Sol .

  3. 去年巴西豆农遭受了突如其来的锈菌侵袭,据报道巴海州和马托格罗索州的损失最为严重。

    Last season , Brazil 's farmers were caught unprepared for the disease with significant losses reportedly occurring in Bahia and Mato Grosso .

  4. 例如,在2010年的收获时期,把玉米从马托格罗索州运到港口的费用是每吨200美元,而当时玉米的价格仅为每吨170美元。

    For example , the cost of transporting corn to port from Mato Grosso was US $ 200 / tonne at harvest time in2010 , while the crop was worth just US $ 170 / tonne .