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  • 网络martinique;fort de france
  1. 借助Facebook,华纳兄弟终有一天有可能覆盖从约旦和塞内加尔到博茨瓦纳和马提尼克岛的200多个国家的6亿多用户。

    With Facebook , Warner Brothers has the potential to one day reach some 600 million users in more than 200 countries , from Jordan and Senegal to Botswana and Martinique .

  2. 培雷火山(法语名MontagnePelee,意为秃头山)坐落在名为马提尼克的小岛上。马提尼克岛是加勒比海小安地列斯群岛的岛弧:这一带因其频繁的火山和地震活动而闻名。

    Mount Pelee ( Montagne Pelee in French , which translates to Bald Mountain ) stands on the small island of Martinique , which is in the island arc of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean : an area known for frequent volcanic and seismic activity .

  3. 一个火山岛屿,位于马提尼克岛以南的向风岛。

    A volcanic island in the Windward Isles south of Martinique .

  4. 也许下回在马提尼克岛,你就单身了。

    Maybe next time you 're in Martinique you 'll be single .

  5. 地球上第二小的蛇生活在马提尼克岛。

    The globe 's second-smallest snake lives in Martinique .

  6. 马提尼克岛是法国的海外领地。

    Martinique is an overseas department of france .

  7. 从圣马提尼克岛神秘的女人。

    Of the mysterious lady from St Martinique .

  8. 迪安飓风已经在圣卢西亚岛以及马提尼克岛造成了相当的破坏。

    Dean knocked out a power on the island of Saint Lucia and Martinique .

  9. 法国还有4个海外省(法属圭亚那、瓜德罗普、马提尼克和留尼汪)。

    France has 4 overseas departments ( French Guiana , Guadeloupe , Martinique and Reunion ) .

  10. 神秘的马提尼克岛,从圣夫人

    The mysterious lady from St Martinique

  11. 在马提尼克和瓜德罗普,对给予各岛更多自治权的选举遭到失败。

    Elections in Martinique and Guadeloupe which offered greater autonomy for the island , but which were rejected .

  12. 在马提尼克岛上的圣安妮镇,被映出侧面剪影的一个男孩走过一条桥墩,远处是在紫红色天穹下从海面上升起的火山。

    A boy 's silhouetted figure walks along a pier as volcanic mountains rise against a mauve-colored sky in St.

  13. 这种马提尼克朗姆酒从甘蔗汁中蒸馏,然后在法国波都熟化和勾兑,它叫什么名字?

    This Martinique rum is distilled from unfermented sugar cane juice and then aged and blended in Bordeaux , France .

  14. 当法国人把一棵咖啡植物的剪报带到马提尼克时,咖啡几十年以后到达拉丁美洲。

    Coffee arrived in Latin America several decades later , when the French brought a cutting of a coffee plant to Martinique .

  15. 最终,船到达马提尼克岛,咖啡树被种在了这里,树的周围竖起了带刺的篱笆,由奴隶看守。

    Finally , the ship arrived in Martinique and the coffee tree was replanted , where it was surrounded by a thorn hedge and watched over by slaves .

  16. 这个公寓和别墅项目位于该岛最北端这块土地是陡峭的遍布仙人掌的林地的一部分,可以俯瞰一处能够清楚望见马提尼克岛的海湾是圣卢西亚为数不多的自有住宅区。

    Located at the northern-most tip of the island , the flats and villas in the scheme being chiselled out of steep cacti-peppered woodland , overlooking a bay with clear views of Martinique are among the few freehold homes on St Lucia .