
  1. 长期担任马来西亚总理的马哈蒂尔穆罕默德(mahathirmohamad)年轻时曾是马来语的推动者。

    Long-time Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad was , as a young man , a promoter of Malay .

  2. 马来西亚总理纳吉布(NajibRazak)计划周三参观珀斯的一个空军基地以示支持。

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak plans to visit an air force base in Perth Wednesday in a show of support .

  3. 去年8月一块波音777机翼碎片(确定为襟副翼)冲上了印度洋法属留尼汪岛(LaRéunion),随后获马来西亚总理纳吉布•拉扎克(NajibRazak)确认属于MH370。

    In August a piece of a Boeing 777 wing known as a flaperon washed up on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion and was subsequently confirmed by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak as belonging to MH370 .

  4. 一个答案是至少间接地来自他与马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克(NajibRazak)家族的关系,这要追溯到他在伦敦度过的学生时代。

    One answer resides at least indirectly in his relationship , going back to his school days in London , with the family of Malaysia 's prime minister , Najib Razak .

  5. 目前,调查人员正在调查与1MBD有关的不当做法和涉嫌挪用国有资金的行为。1MDB的顾问委员会主席是马来西亚总理纳吉布•拉扎克(NajibRazak,上图)。

    Investigators are probing allegations of misconduct and the suspected misappropriation of state funds in relation to 1MDB , whose advisory board is chaired by Najib Razak , Malaysia 's prime minister .

  6. 香港警方正在调查一系列据称与马来西亚总理纳吉布拉扎克(NajibRazak)有牵连的存款。纳吉布被指从国家发展基金挪用资金的丑闻正在继续发酵。

    Hong Kong police are investigating a series of deposits allegedly linked to Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak , as a scandal over claims of misappropriation from a state development fund continues to spread .

  7. 去年,反对党联盟在全国普选中赢得多数选票,但马来西亚总理纳吉布(NajibRazak)领导的政府获得国会多数席位,从而得以继续执政。

    Last year , the opposition alliance won a majority of the popular vote in national elections , but Prime Minister Najib Razak 's government held on to power after winning a majority of the seats in Malaysia 's parliament .

  8. 马来西亚总理纳吉布•拉扎克(NajibRazak)上周六表示,根据MH370最后一次与卫星的联系,其方位很可能在两大走廊中的一个,一条是从哈萨克斯坦到泰国北部,另一条是从印度尼西亚到印度洋南部。

    Malaysia 's prime minister , Najib Razak , on Saturday said the aircraft 's likely location , based on its last communication with a satellite , was in one of two possible corridors , one stretching from Kazakhstan to northern Thailand and another stretching from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean .

  9. 他的朋友阿齐兹的继父,当上了马来西亚总理。

    The stepfather of his friend Mr. Aziz became prime minister of Malaysia .

  10. 此外,马来西亚总理最近也重申该国在南海地区的主权要求。

    Separately , Malaysia 's prime minister repeated his country 's claims in the area .

  11. 本文作者是马来西亚总理

    The writer is prime minister of Malaysia

  12. 马来西亚总理宣布将进行新一轮全国范围内的疫情封锁,持续到6月。

    The Prime Minister of Malaysia has announced another nationwide COVID-19 lockdown which will be until June .

  13. 在最近一次电视采访中,马来西亚总理对其国家的经济形势深表忧虑。

    In a recent television interview the Malaysian prime Minister expressed his deep concern about economic situation in his country .

  14. 纳吉布•拉扎克去年四月就任马来西亚总理的时机再糟糕不过了。

    WHEN Najib Razak took office last April as Malaysia 's prime minister , the timing could hardly have been worse .

  15. 1990年马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔提出东亚共同体的构想,燃起了东亚地区合作的星火。

    Malaysian Premier Mahathir put forward the idea of East Asia Community in1990 ; light the spark of East Asia cooperation .

  16. 纳吉布·拉扎克宣誓就任马来西亚总理,他承诺将以广泛而意义深远的改革使政府的人气复苏。

    Najib Razak was sworn in as Malaysia 's prime minister , promising far-reaching reform to revive the government 's popularity .

  17. 马来西亚总理鼓励民众在庆祝斋戒月结束时,要和贫穷人分享食物。

    Prime Minister encourages fellow Malaysians to share with the less fortunate during celebrations at the end of the holy month of Ramadan .

  18. 马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克周四表示,入境马来西亚的中国游客将获得免签,以此来促进马来西亚旅游业。

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Thursday visitors from China will be allowed to enter his country visa-free to boost tourism .

  19. 马来西亚总理穆希丁·亚辛失去了议会多数席位,因为来自联合政府伙伴的11名议员撤回了他们的支持。

    Muhyiddin Yassin , Malaysia 's prime minister , lost his majority in Parliament when 11 lawmakers from a coalition partner withdrew their support .

  20. 马来西亚总理巴达维面临着要他辞职的呼吁,此前他的执政联盟在议会选举中被反对党夺去关键的议席。

    Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi is facing calls for his resignation , after his ruling coalition lost critical ground to opposition parties in general elections .

  21. 《纽约时报》报道说,3月8日,马来西亚总理纳吉布表示,已派出15架飞机和9艘船只参与搜救失踪飞机。

    New York Times reports March 8 that Malaysias prime minister , Mr. Najib , said 15 aircraft and nine ships were out searching for the jet .

  22. 马来西亚总理表示,如果如美国官员和其他人所说,这架飞机是由地对空导弹击落的,有关部门会立即进行公正对待。

    Malaysia 's prime minister demanding quick justice if it 's determined as US officials and others have stated that the plane was apparently brought down by a surface-to-air missile .

  23. 马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克刚刚结束澳大利亚珀斯之行,他在那里查看了搜寻行动,并和澳大利亚总理托尼·阿博特会面。

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has just finished a trip to Perth , Australia , where he reviewed search operations and met with his counterpart , Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott .

  24. 马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克在吉隆坡表示,调查人员有证据证明失联航班的通讯系统被人为关闭,而且飞机从原定飞往北京的路线折返。

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak says in Kuala Lumpur that investigators have evidence that the missing jet 's communications were deliberately disabled and it turned back from its route to Beijing .

  25. 吉隆坡(法新社)&马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克患病有水痘迹象,可能无法在本周会见来访的政要,官方发言人在周日晚间说。

    KUALA LUMPUR ( AFP ) - Malaysia 's Prime Minister Najib Razak has taken ill with signs of chickenpox and may be unable to meet visiting dignitaries this week , official spokesmen said late Sunday .

  26. 美国政府于周三采取行动,要求查扣一批价值超过10亿美元的资产。政府认为,一些与丑闻缠身的马来西亚总理关系密切的人士,用窃取自马来西亚一家主权财富基金的钱购买了这些资产。

    The U.S. government moved Wednesday to seize more than $ 1 billion in assets purchased with money that it believes was stolen from a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund by people close to the country 's embattled prime minister .

  27. 此前一天,马来西亚总理在这个东南亚国家的大部分地区实施了广泛的新限制措施,包括关闭大多数企业,并警告称,该国的医疗体系“正处于崩溃边缘”。

    The announcement came a day after the prime minister introduced sweeping new curbs across much of the Southeast Asian nation , including the closure of most businesses , and warned the health system was " at breaking point . "

  28. 马来西亚前总理纳吉布·拉扎克被判滥用职权罪名成立,因为他挪用了马来西亚发展有限公司(简称IMDB)投资基金的数十亿美元。

    Former Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak has been found guilty of abuse of power over the multibillion-dollar looting of the 1Malaysia Development Berhad investment fund .

  29. 杀死马来西亚的总理,他是坏人。

    By killing the Prime Minister of malaysia . he 's bad .

  30. 穆希丁·亚辛宣誓就职,成为马来西亚新总理。

    Muhyiddin Yassin has taken the oath of office to become Malaysia 's new prime minister .