
  • 网络malay;Melayu
  1. 马来族是新加坡国内仅次于华族的第二大民族。

    Malay is the second largest ethnic after Chinese in Singapore .

  2. 在多元种族、多元文化的国家里,华语戏曲作为一个标志性文化,它是华族的一个象征性符号,与马来族、印族及其他民族相区别。

    In a multi-racial and multi-culture country , Chinese opera is a symbol of a culture . It is a sign which differentiate the Chinese from Malay , Indian and other races .

  3. 另外是南部的马来族,汶族,高棉族以及各种本地的山民。

    Other ethnic groups include Malays in the south , Mon , Khmer and various indigenous hill tribes .

  4. 换句话说,我们需要为下一代,不断培育各有专长的马来族,印度族和华族精英。

    In other words , we need to reproduce the Chinese , Malay and Indian elites in the next generation .

  5. 坚持马来族的确被边缘化的马来人的潜在不满情绪,得到了宣泄。

    It helped unleash the latent unhappiness of those Malays who insisted that there is indeed marginalisation of the Malays .

  6. 他是精通马来族传统文化运动《加辛》的高手,并成功把这技术转化为类似“遥遥球”运动的武术打法。

    He is a master of Top-Spinning Gasing , a traditional Malay leisure game which he modified into a Yoyo type of weapon .

  7. 目前变得更加强大的反对派中的许多人举行集会,呼吁结束马来西亚系统中让马来族穆斯林受益的带有种族偏见的政治体系和财政分配制度。

    Many in the now-stronger opposition are rallying for an end to Malaysia 's system of race-based politics and set-asides that benefit Muslim Malays .

  8. 他们大多是马来族,集中住在南部,形成四个省中强有力的部分。

    Most of them are ethnic Malays and they are mostly concentrated in the south , where they form a strong majority in four provinces .

  9. 讲华语运动接下来应做的,是更敏感地处理马来族及印度族少数族群同胞的反应。

    It is with the minorities in Singapore , the Malays and Indians , that the campaign still needs to be handled with great sensitivity .

  10. 他拥有马来族与欧美族的混合血统,在故事的后期便会揭晓到他的亲身父母身世和已经注定好的命运使命。

    He is a mixed blood descendant of Malays and European , at the later story the identity of his real parents will reveal his true destiny .

  11. 但是分析人士提出,国民阵线这次主要是失去了主要民族马来族穆斯林的支持,这些人对联合阵线感到气愤,说该阵线骄傲自满,贪污腐败。

    But analysts note that much of the loss of support happened among the majority Malay Muslims who voiced their anger at the coalition , accusing it of complacency and corruption .

  12. 最近几个月以来,警方使用催泪瓦斯和高压水炮镇压由几千名印度族人组成的示威人群,这种镇压破坏了马来西亚的形像。这些人抗议他们所说的主要民族马来族穆斯林对他们的歧视。

    That image was tarnished in recent months when police used teargas and water cannon to suppress demonstrations by thousands of ethnic Indians who were protesting what they say is discrimination by the majority Muslim Malays .

  13. 在约300万全国总人口中,华族约占77%,马来族约占14%,印度人约占7%,其他民族,如亚欧后裔,欧洲人和阿拉伯人等约占2%。

    Among the three million people in Singapore : Chinese stand at about 77 % of the whole population , Malays at about 14 % , Indian about 7 % , and other nationalities ( such as Asian-European Singaporean , European and Arab and so on ) about 2 % .