
tuó fēng
  • hump;hump(of a camel)
驼峰 [tuó fēng]
  • (1) [hump(of a camel)]∶骆驼背部隆起像山峰状的部分,里面储藏大量脂肪,可供维持正常行动,因此骆驼可以较长时间不吃食料

  • (2) [hump]∶铁路上调车用的土坡。车辆可以凭本身的重力自动溜到各股铁道上

  • 骆峰调车法

驼峰[tuó fēng]
  1. 骆驼在自己的驼峰内重新贮备了脂肪。

    Camels rebuild fat stores in their hump .

  2. 8mm驼峰测速雷达改进及试验

    Improvement and Testing of 8 mm Hump Radar speed Meter

  3. 驼峰推峰速度控制系统Fuzzy模型的研究

    A study of hump-yard locomotive speed control system with fuzzy model

  4. 现代化驼峰溜放纵断面CAD的研究与应用

    Research and Application of CAD System in the Design of Modern Humping Profile

  5. 论文首先对语音编码的各种方案进行了比较,并对G.液体粘性联轴器驼峰特性

    The characteristics of G. Hump Characteristics of the Liquid Viscous Coupling

  6. 将驼峰式大小写引用转换为指向其他页面的链接,这一工作是在Page模型的视图中进行的。

    The work to translate the camel case references to links to other pages occurs in the view for the Page model .

  7. 驼峰堰临界淹没度(hs/H0)(cr)计算探讨

    Research on Calculation of Critical Submerged Criterion ( h_s / H_0 ) _ ( cr ) for Camel Hump Weirs

  8. 如果您的数据库对象包含空格或下划线,那么您可以对您的JAVAbean和字段名轻松采用驼峰式大小写格式。

    You can easily camel-case your Java bean and field names if your database objects contain spaces or underscores .

  9. 高速GMAW焊接驼峰焊道的产生过程及抑制

    The Generation Process and Suppression of Humping Bead in High-speed GMAW

  10. 高速GMAW驼峰焊道形成过程的数值分析

    Numerical simulation of forming process of humping bead in high speed GMAW

  11. 高速GMAW焊驼峰焊道形成过程的视觉检测

    Vision-based Sensing of Humping Bead Formation during High Speed GMAW

  12. 高压nMOS高于最低限度的驼峰取决于工艺条件。

    The subthreshold hump of high-voltage nMOS depends on process conditions .

  13. TW型驼峰自动控制系统计算机辅助设计软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of CAD Software of TW-type Automatic Hump Control System

  14. 混响驼峰与ODN

    Reverberation hump and ODN

  15. WJ型驼峰无线机车信号车载系统检测仪

    Detector of Onboard System of Radio Cab Signal for WJ-type Hump

  16. 对软化型应力应变曲线提出用驼峰曲线模拟,对体变曲线也提出用能反映剪胀的驼峰曲线模拟,建立了Q1黄土的非线性弹性K、G模型。

    In order to establish the nonlinear elastic model of Qi loess , the hump curve was used to stimulate both the softening stress-strain curve and the volume deformation curve .

  17. 假如在较大的切削速度范围内进行试验时,所得VT曲线并非经常是一单调函数关系,实际上VT曲线有时呈驼峰状。

    If the test is made in a wide range of speed , the V-T curve obtained is not always in a monotonic functional relation , but sometimes becomes a camelback shaped form practically .

  18. RT-Linux及其在驼峰自动控制系统中的应用

    Application of RT-Linux to Automatic Control System of hump

  19. 用CPCI技术改进TW-2驼峰控制系统

    To Improve TW-2 Hump Yard Control System by Using CPCI Technology

  20. CIPS环境下TW-2型驼峰自动化系统的研究

    A Study on TW-2 Hump Automatic Control System in CIPS

  21. JWT型驼峰无线机车信号系统的应用

    Application of JWT-Type Cab Radio Signal within Hump Yard

  22. 这就是所谓的驼峰式大小写风格(camelcasing),是Python和其他编程语言中广泛采用的一种技术,可使函数的名称更易阅读。

    This approach is known as camel casing and is a popular technique used in Python ( and other languages ) to make it easier to read the names of functions .

  23. 在GMAW焊接过程中,当焊接速度达到某一临界值时会出现咬边缺陷,进一步提高焊接速度就会产生驼峰焊道。

    In GMAW welding process , when the welding speed reaches a certain threshold , there will be onset of weld bead undercut defects .

  24. 2例患者,在右心室内膜单相动作电位复极化〔3〕相期记录到一个驼峰形波,即为后去极化(EAD),该驼峰形波与体表心电图上巨大U波同步发生。

    In two cases , hump waves ( early afterdepolarization , EAD ) on the repolarization 3 phase of MAP corresponding to the u wave of surface ECG were recorded .

  25. 随着资本支出的驼峰成为过去,现金流将大幅改善,券商桑福德伯恩斯坦(SanfordBernstein)在一份简报中表示。

    Cash flow will improve dramatically as the capex hump is now behind us , said Sanford Bernstein , the brokerage , in a note .

  26. FTK驼峰自动控制系统升级的研究

    The Study on Upgrading FTK Hump Automatic Control System

  27. 它表明没有覆盖硅氮化层的严重驼峰取决于经过LPCVD的内部涂层氧化沉淀后化学处理期间的湿度扩散。

    It shows severe hump without capping silicon nitride layer due to moisture diffusion during thermal anneal after inter layer oxide deposition by LPCVD .

  28. 实际上,在大多数由程序员(而不是XML开发人员或数据管理员)编写的文档中,往往使用驼峰式(camel-case)命名法,比如firstName。

    In fact , most of the documents that do use camel-case naming , like firstName , are authored by programmers , rather than XML-centric developers or data managers .

  29. 类、方法和字段名均使用驼峰式大小写风格,如InputStream和readFully()。

    Class , method , and field names all use camel casing , as in InputStream and readFully () .

  30. 提出了一种直接控制的自适应神经元模型和神经网络结构,以及一种快速学习算法(FLA),并把该神经网络和算法用于驼峰速度控制系统。

    A class of neural networks containing direct controlled adaptive neuron and the corresponding fast learning algorithm method are proposed for developing this new humping speed control system .