
  1. 骈赋创作上,受到自身推出的复古思潮影响,亦重视文采的修饰,写出了一定量有实际内容的骈赋。

    Ping Fu creation , introduction of the retro trend by its own effect , the modification of their attention to literary talent , writing a certain amount of actual content of the Ping Fu .

  2. 宋玉《对楚王问》作为对问体的唯一代表,从问对内容上确立了文体范式,是北方文化与楚文化的结晶,成为骈赋尤其是设论体的直接渊薮。

    Song Yu 's Dui Chu Wang Wen , a representative of the dialog style , set a stylistic model for the contents of a dialog , crystallizing the Northern culture and the Chu State culture and serving as a direct source for the " Bing Fu " style .