
āi yuè
  • funeral music;dirge;music of lament


āi lè
  • grief and joy
哀乐 [āi yuè]
  • [funeral music] 用于丧葬或追悼的悲哀乐曲

哀乐[āi lè]
哀乐[āi yuè]
  1. 走在后面的护卫提着一个小立体声,播放着哀乐。

    Another guard walks behind them , carrying a small stereo playing funeral music .

  2. 哭喊声和绵长的哀乐缭绕着他们,渐渐地他们有着同样的感到,有点饥饿了。

    The cry and funeral music were hovering around them , tardily , they both felt hungry .

  3. 广播电台整天都在播放哀乐。

    The radio played dirges all day long .

  4. 人生的真正安身立命之处,只能在哀乐相生的情怀中。

    The real value of life only exists in the transcendence of life between sadness and happiness .

  5. 我们探访了古寺院的庭院与庙宇,此时僧侣们正用号角、鼓乐以及小法号(kangling,用人的大腿骨做成,吹奏哀乐之用)举行法会。

    We explored the courtyards and temples of the ancient monastery as monks performed rituals with horns , drums and a mournful pipe called a kangling , made from human thigh bones .

  6. (爱尔兰语)送葬的哀乐用大声嚎啕大哭唱歌。

    ( Irish ) a funeral lament sung with loud wailing .

  7. 你别奏那种哀乐了吧。

    I wish you 'd stop playing that mournful music .

  8. 论嵇康《声无哀乐论》的和美学思想

    The Harmony Aesthetical Ideology in Ji Kang 's No Sadness in Music

  9. 葬礼是在庄严肃穆的哀乐声中进行的。

    The service of burial is done with solemn and mournful music .

  10. 喜笑哀乐怒,这些都是不可或缺的。

    Laughing , crying , joy and anger * All are a vital .

  11. 音乐的调子几乎像哀乐。

    The mood of the music was almost funereal .

  12. 《声无哀乐论》的产生原因及其评价问题

    The Cause of Music Has No Sorrow or Joy and the Problem of its Valuation

  13. 常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。

    Funeral marches to the grave 。

  14. 正朝着坟墓把哀乐敲响。坟墓照管得很好吧?

    Funeral marches to the grave . ' Has he taken good care of it ? '

  15. 正朝着坟墓把哀乐敲响。

    Funeral marches to the grave .

  16. 常把殡葬的哀乐擂响

    Funeral marches to the grave

  17. 我们并不需要沉闷的社会,这种属于你的必需节制的社会,不需要这种不自然的愚蠢,不知喜怒也不知哀乐;

    We not require the dull society Of your necessitated temperance , Or that unnatural stupidity That knows nor joy nor sorrow ;

  18. 通过剖析《声无哀乐论》,我们从中抽取出无情与有情两个概念。

    By analyzing the " Sound Without Sorrows ", from which we extract a " ruthless " and " enthusiastic " two concepts .

  19. 我们的心哪--虽然勇敢坚强,却像被布蒙住的铜鼓,常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。

    And our hearts , though stout and brave . Still , like muffled drums , are beating Funeral marches to the grave 。

  20. 从嵇康《声无哀乐论》看音乐审美主体的差异性

    On the Otherness of the Musical Aesthetic Subject & From Ji Kang 's Perspective of The Music is Irrelevant to Grief or Joy of

  21. 我不敢相信今天是我活在世上的最后一天,她哽咽道。在庄严的哀乐声中,她的声音几乎听不见。

    I can 't believe today is my last day , she chokes through sobs , her voice barely audible above the solemn music .

  22. 散文交织着丰富的情感,或抒发哀乐,或表爱言恨,都是他的感情泛滥的艺术结晶。

    Prose is mixed with rich emotion , or expressing emotions , or table love hate , but it is his feeling of art crystallization .

  23. 一直以来,人们对于《声无哀乐论》中的音乐美学思想有各种不同的解读,存在很大争议。

    All along , the people for " Sound Without Sorrows " Musical Aesthetics in a variety of different interpretations , there is much controversy .

  24. 感时抚事哀乐悲舞&杜甫乐舞诗的主观情致与客观表达

    Condemnation of the Era through Sentimental Music and Dance : Study on the Subjective Appeal and the Objective Expression of Dancing Music Poetry by Du Fu

  25. 浅谈视唱练耳的音准学习声无哀乐之我见&从嵇康的音乐美学思想谈起

    On Accuracy of the Musical Sounds in Sightsinging Solfeggio A Study On Sounds Neither Sad nor Happy & From the Perspective of JI Kang 's Aesthetic Thoughts

  26. 就是他把神符放在我的眼上,又快乐地在我心弦上弹弄出种种哀乐的调子。

    He it is who puts his enchantment upon these eyes and joyfully plays on the chords of my heart in varied cadence of pleasure and pain .

  27. 风吹来外面鼓乐手的唢呐和笛子的声音,也显得异常悲凉,像是替中国的丝织业奏哀乐。

    The sound of the trumpets and flutes of the band outside drifted in on the wind , so melancholy that it might have been a dirge for the Chinese silk industry .

  28. 本文试图以分析《声无哀乐论》中情感问题作为突破口,以此探究《声无哀乐论》中音乐美学观的真正内含。

    This paper attempts to analyze the " Sound Without Sorrows " in emotional problems as a starting point , this inquiry " Sound Without Sorrows " Aesthetics of Music really contains .

  29. 在人生之路中,就要以心中的大信,承担当下的一切遭遇,以哀乐相生的情怀超克个体生死。

    In the road of life , we should bear all the experience at the moment with confidence in our hearts and transcend individual life and death with the feelings of sadness and happiness .

  30. 临终前她说:“我死后,仪式上不要放哀乐,就播放雷哥的长笛吧。”

    Before her life ended , she said : " After I dead , do not play funeral music on the ceremony , I still want to listen my elder brother 's flute music . "