
yàn zhèng
  • test and verify;checking;proving;testing;experimental verification;validate;verify
验证 [yàn zhèng]
  • [experimental verification] 检验或测验精确性或准确性

验证[yàn zhèng]
  1. 通过测试与采集数据对比,验证了基于负载均衡的Web应用软件设计模型的正确性和可行性。

    Comparison of the data collected through the test and verify load balancing of Web-based application design model is correct and feasible .

  2. 再通过360度考核对其进行验证,完成TH科技公司胜任力模型的构建。

    Afterwards , 360-degree appraisal is used to test and verify the model to complete the construction of competency model of TH Technology Company .

  3. 利物浦队此时正在验证他们的理论。

    The Liverpool team are now putting their theory to the test

  4. 我发现不了任何问题,但时间会验证一切。

    I can 't see any problems , but time will tell .

  5. 奥尔平顿似乎验证了一个常理——一事成功百事顺。

    Orpington seems an example of the truism that nothing succeeds like success

  6. 现在将开始在老鼠身上做实验以验证该假设。

    Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats

  7. 只有时间会验证布劳顿的乐观是否合理。

    Only time will tell whether Broughton 's optimism is justified

  8. 只有每一逻辑步骤都被其他数学家验证之后,证明才能成立。

    Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted .

  9. 他想尽一切办法来验证这个理论。

    He tried his best to verify this theory .

  10. EMV解决方案允许在本地安全地验证事务。

    The EMV solution allowed transactions to be verified locally and securely .

  11. 虽然美国信用卡使用有40年历史的磁条技术来处理交易,但世界上大多数国家都使用更智能的卡,其技术名为EMV(Europay、MasterCard、Visa的缩写),利用嵌入卡中的芯片加上一个客户PIN(个人识别码)来现场验证每笔交易。

    While American credit cards use the 40-year-old magstripe technology to process transactions , much of the rest of the world uses smarter cards with a technology called EMV ( short for Europay , MasterCard , Visa ) that employs a chip embedded in the card plus a customer PIN ( personal identification number ) to authenticate every transaction on the spot .

  12. 克廷设计了一个实验来验证他的预感。

    Cutting designed an experiment to test his hunch .

  13. 研究人员目前正在一群选定的牛身上验证这一想法。

    Researchers are currently testing their idea on a select herd of cattle .

  14. 运动装的设计师必须由除了纯粹的美学以外的标准来验证。

    Designer sportswear would have to be verified by a standard other than that of pure beauty .

  15. 摩根在信中给校长们写道:“虽然这些数字仍在由州政府验证,但我们认为,它们可能会出现的任何调整都将是无关紧要的。

    While these numbers are still being validated by the state , we feel any adjustments they might suggest will be immaterial , Morgan wrote to the presidents .

  16. 然而,我们还验证了Simplisafe的反阻断系统是奏效的。

    However , we also verified that SimpliSafe 's anti-jamming system works .

  17. 在采取适当措施抑制发射到我们的测试实验室的无线电干扰信号以后,我们独立检测到了攻击,并且验证了在使用合适的设备的情况下,阻断信号是有可能的。

    After taking appropriate measures to contain the RF interference to our test lab , we tested the attack out for ourselves , and were able to verify that it 's possible with the right equipment .

  18. BookCrossing提供了一个验证码,可粘贴在书里。

    BookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book .

  19. 为了验证这一点,一些研究人员做了一个实验。

    To test this , some researchers did an experiment .

  20. 为了验证他的想法,莱尔和一个朋友创办了泰国大象乐队。

    To test his idea , Lair and a friend started the Thai Elephant Orchestra .

  21. 对基于高层体系结构(HighLevelArchitecture,简称HLA)的仿真系统的校核、验证与确认(Verification,ValidationandAccreditation,简称VV&A)问题进行了详细的介绍及分析

    This paper gives an overview of the Verification , Validation and Accreditation ( VV & A ) in High Level Architecture ( HLA ) .

  22. 并且文中使用红外图像对这个算法进行了验证。

    The paper then certifies this algorithm by infrared image processing .

  23. 充分验证了沉淀聚合法合成分子印迹聚合物微球是一种新的有效的分子印迹方法这一观点。

    Adsorption to trans-aconitic acid by non-molecularly imprinted microspheres is 26.26 % .

  24. 验证前请勿连接用户输入。

    Do not concatenate user input before you validate it .

  25. 提出并验证了四种具有实用价值的集料级配组成

    The paper has put forward and testified four utilizable aggregate gradation .

  26. 表示验证消息时要使用的散列算法的属性

    Property indicating which hash algorithm to use when authenticating the message .

  27. 这可是最伟大的配镜师验证肯定了的

    It 's been proven by the greatest optometrists .

  28. 目的:在大学生中尝试验证羞耻感对社交焦虑的影响作用

    Shame proneness as the independent variable was positively correlated with social anxiety .

  29. 处理这种情况的方法是在输入的同时使用递减计时器,每次击键重新计时。如果递减计时器变为零,就开始验证

    If the countdown timer ever hits zero , do your validation processing .

  30. 需求工程包括的活动有需求捕获,需求定义和需求验证。

    Requirements engineering consists of activities like requirements elicitation , specification and validation .