
yàn shōu biāo zhǔn
  • acceptance criteria
  1. 当完成标准(definitionofdone)没有明确的验收标准时,其代价是故事不断被返工,相关的开发生产力也会下降。

    The price to pay when the definition of " done " is not made clear with acceptance criteria is a story that keeps being reworked and the associated decrease in development productivity .

  2. 承压设备;超声检测;TOFD;程序要求;验收标准。

    Pressure equipment ; Ultrasonic inspection ; TOFD technique ; Procedure requirements ; Acceptance criteria .

  3. 从CL结构的设计规程和验收标准来看,CL墙板的施工方法为单面预制,单面现浇。

    Concerning the designing procedures and examination standards , the construction of CL wallboard may be one-sided prefabricated and one-sided cast .

  4. B.无法使技术咨询报告达到合同附件一规定的最低验收标准。

    or B. Fails to make the technical service reports meet the minimum level of Acceptance Standards as specified in Appendix 1 .

  5. 从广州地铁自动售检票系统单程票TOKEN的芯片选型、外形、结构、存储空间规划、验收标准等几个方面进行介绍,并阐述了TOKEN在应用过程中需关注的技术关键。

    This paper introduces the type selection of CMOS chip , appearance , structure , assigning memory , checking and accepting stand of the TOKEN in the Guangzhou metro AFC system . It emphasizes some key technologies in application of the TOKEN .

  6. 介绍了ERW钢管内,外毛刺的产生原因及验收标准,着重阐述运用超声波轮式探头检测方法对钢管内毛刺高度进行的监控。

    The article introduces the incurred reason and acceptance standard for outside burr in ERW pipe . The author emphasizes to use inspection method of US wheel probe for monitoring the inside burr height of pipe .

  7. CT性能测试采用陕西省疾病控制中心CT验收标准,模型为美国体模实验室生产的CT专用模型。PET性能测试采用美国全国电子工厂协会(NEMA)标准,模型为NEMAPET标准模型(1994年版)。

    The performance measurement of CT was based on the standard of Xi'an CDC CT Acceptance Test Program , and PET on NEMA standard ( 1994 version ) . The CT phantom used was produced by The Phantom Lab , USA and PET phantom used was the NEMA standard phantom .

  8. 核电用汽水分离再热器结构复杂,无损检测采用英国国家标准(BS),检验规程及验收标准与JB473094有诸多不同之处,着重介绍了射线检验。

    The construction of moisture separator reheater for the use of nuclear is very complexity . British national standard ( BS ) is adopted for the non-destructive test which is very different from the inspection procedure and acceptance criteria of JB 4730-94 and RT methods are introduced .

  9. 对凸形封头最小厚度验收标准的看法和建议

    Some Suggestions on Acceptance Standards of Minimum Thickness of Convex Head

  10. 制定冶金用原辅材料企业验收标准的建议

    Suggest working on acceptance standard of raw material and supplementary material

  11. 锅炉钢管涡流探伤验收标准的探讨

    Research on Acceptance Standards of Eddy Current Test for Boiler Tubes

  12. 让你的故事(以及它们的验收标准)保持直白。

    Get your stories ( and their acceptance criteria ) straight .

  13. 园林绿化工程质量验收标准的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Acceptance Standard for Landscaping Constructional Quality

  14. 不同的业主,验收标准也是不一样的。

    Different owners , acceptance criteria is not the same .

  15. 控制振动速度条件下高边坡爆破的施工方法与验收标准

    Construction method and acceptance standard of high-slopes blasting under controlled vibrating speed

  16. 直接空冷机组真空严密性验收标准探讨

    Acceptance standard investigation of vacuum tightness of direct air cooling generating unit

  17. 我国球墨铸铁给水管道水压严密性试验验收标准分析

    Analysis on Hydrostatic Test Standard of Ductile Iron Water Pipeline in China

  18. 港工混凝土强度验收标准的制订

    Revision of the criteria for acceptance of concrete strength in Harbour Engineering

  19. 验收标准是固定数值不是修约数值。

    Acceptance criteria are fixed numbers and are not rounded .

  20. 一个要监测的红色警示是用户故事没有验收标准。

    One red flag to monitor is user stories without acceptance criteria .

  21. 钢质管道焊接及验收标准

    Standard for welding and acceptance of steel pipings and pipelines

  22. 建筑居室装饰工程质量验收标准

    Standard for exanimation and acceptance for household decoration engineering quality

  23. 复垦土地评价和复垦质量验收标准修订;

    Reclaimed land evaluation and reclamation quality check criterion ;

  24. 铁路光缆数字通信工程质量评定验收标准

    Standard for quality inspection and assessment of railway optical fiber cable communication engineering

  25. 与测试人员协作,最后确定每个故事的验收标准清单。

    Collaborate with testers to finalize the acceptance criteria list for each story .

  26. 关于建筑工程消防验收标准问题的探讨

    Discussion On the Acceptance Standards of building fire Engineering

  27. 拱顶罐的施工与验收标准

    Construction and Acceptance Standard in Fixed Roof Tanks

  28. 软件开发符合验收标准。

    Software development with the acceptance criteria .

  29. 以上数据仅供参考,不作验收标准用。

    All above is only for reference and shall not be deemed as inspection standard .

  30. 议现行建筑工程施工质量验收标准的几个问题

    Discussion on Several Problems of Current Construction Quality Check and Acceptance Standard of Construction Engineering