
ɡǔ ɡàn wǎnɡ
  • backbone
  1. adhoc网络中骨干网的建立和维护

    Construction and maintenance of mobile backbone networks in Ad hoc network

  2. 通过此次项目实施,河北省IP骨干网有效地消除了带宽瓶颈,能充分满足未来几年的网络承载要求。

    Through this project implementation , hebei IP backbone eliminated effectively bandwidth bottlenecks , can fully satisfy the future years of network load requirements .

  3. 增加的Internet网中的网络流量,对骨干网的硬件提出了挑战。

    This increase in the Internet network traffic challenges the hardware on the backbone network .

  4. 无线Mesh骨干网Internet网关布放技术研究

    Research on Internet Gateway Placement in the Backbone of Wireless Mesh Networks

  5. 下一代IP骨干网的扩展性和生存性探讨

    Discussion on Scalability and Survivability of Next Generation IP Backbone Network

  6. 合理构筑宽带IP网的骨干网

    Broadband networks To Construct Broad - band IP Backbone Networks with Reason

  7. 未来宽带IP骨干网方案评述

    Review of the Designs of the Future Broadband IP Networks ' Backbone

  8. 基于虚拟骨干网技术的自组网络移动IP方案

    Virtual Backbone-based Mobile IP Scheme in Ad Hoc Networks

  9. 基于负载均衡的无线Mesh骨干网接入算法

    An Access Algorithm of Wireless Mesh Backbone Network Based on Load-Balanced

  10. IP骨干网实时性能管理研究与实现

    Design of IP Network Realtime Performance Management System

  11. adhoc虚拟骨干网叶子节点越区切换机制

    Handoff of Leaf Nodes in Virtual Backbone in Ad hoc Network

  12. 它具有较好的可扩展性和鲁棒性,适合用作下一代Internet的骨干网架构。

    It possesses good scalability and robustness , and could be the framework of the future Internet ( IPng ) .

  13. IP骨干网业务量工程测量

    Traffic Engineering Measurement for IP Core Networks

  14. adhoc虚拟骨干网中密钥管理的研究

    The Research of Key Management for Ad Hoc Networks with Virtual Infrastructure

  15. 基于虚拟骨干网的adhoc网络地址自动配置研究

    IPv6 Address Auto-configuration Based on Virtual Backbone Network in Ad hoc Network

  16. IP骨干网中的服务质量管理

    QoS Management in the IP Backbone

  17. 利用ATM构造宽带INTERNET骨干网

    Construct Broadband Internet backbone with ATM

  18. 基于MPLS的IP骨干网流量工程及流量矩阵

    Traffic Engineering and Traffic Matrix in IP Backbone Network Based on MPLS

  19. 无线adhoc网络中虚拟骨干网的模型和设计

    The Model of Virtual Backbone Network in Wireless Ad hoc Network and Its Design

  20. 结果,大规模IP网络尤其是Internet公共骨干网的性能优化,已经成为一个非常重要的问题。

    Consequently , performance optimization of large scale IP networks , especially public Internet backbones , have become an important problem .

  21. 数字交叉连接系统(DCS)网状网是电信传输骨干网的主要拓扑结构。

    DCS mesh network is the main topology of telecommunication backbone network .

  22. 光突发交换(opticalburstswitching)是下一代Internet骨干网的光交换模式技术。

    Optical burst switching , OBS , is a promising optical switching mode for the next generation Internet backbone network .

  23. 输入通信量的行为特性对于IP骨干网节点的性能和设计有重要的影响。

    The behavior of input traffic has a great influence on the design and performance of IP backbone node .

  24. adhoc网络中的移动骨干网的建立和维护是一项复杂的工作。

    The construction and maintenance of backbone networks in Ad hoc network is a complex task .

  25. MPLS流量工程主要是基于Internet骨干网,但同样适用于Intranet的流量工程。

    Mainly meant for the internet trunk , MPLS traffic engineering is also applicable to intranet .

  26. 其次设计了考虑障碍物的adhoc网络骨干网的构造算法。

    Secondly , two constructed algorithms are designed for backbone networks in ad hoc network with obstacle .

  27. 有线电视加扰与解扰技术SDH骨干网并行加扰/解扰技术研究

    Study on the parallel scramble / descramble techniques for SDH backbone network

  28. 一种用于无线网格骨干网的基于控制帧的功率控制MAC协议

    A power control MAC protocol based on CTS control frame for wireless mesh backbone networks

  29. Internet是计算机网络的国际性的集合,这些网络都符合具有地址和命令的标准体系,并经骨干网连在一起。

    The Internet is an international collection of computer networks ` that all understand a standard system of addresses and commands , connected together through backbone systems .

  30. 波分复用(WDM)全光网是下一代骨干网的核心,网络的生存性问题是构建WDM全光网的关键技术之一。

    All-optical metwork of WDM is the core of next generation backbone network .