
  • 网络pyrolysis
  1. 聚碳硅烷/二乙烯基苯的高温裂解

    The pyrolysis of polycarbosilane / divinylbenzene

  2. 在PCS中加入DCP时,虽然能使PCS的高温裂解产率有一定程度的提高,但DCP的引发效率不高,当DCP含量小于10%时,PCS分子主要是线性增长或形成支化结构。

    Limited increase of pyrolysis yield of PCS with DCP was found , indicating the lower initiation effeciency of DCP . When DCP content was less than 10 % ( mass ), the PCS macromolecules were mainly in linear growth or branched structures .

  3. 南四湖表层沉积物中PAHs几乎全部由人类活动产生,源为煤炭燃烧、木材燃烧、石油类高温裂解及油类污染。

    The main sources of these PAHs are produced from incomplete combustion of coal and wood , and petrogenic sources .

  4. 着重介绍了合成先驱体PCS的主要方法:常压循环热裂解法、高压法、常压催化法和常压高温裂解法。

    The main synthesis method of PCS were constant pressure cycle pyrolysis , high pressure , normal pressure catalyze and normal pressure pyrolysis .

  5. 高温裂解制取单体苯乙烯或油产品;

    Paralyzed for getting the monomer styrene or the oil product ;

  6. 航空燃料高温裂解条件下热稳定添加剂的研究进展

    Recent progress of thermal stabilizers in pyrolysis of jet fuel at elevated temperature

  7. 气相色谱-裂解炉联用分析硅氨烷高温裂解逸出气体

    Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Gases in the Pyrolysis

  8. 研究了操作参数对钛酸丁酯高温裂解过程中成核与成膜的影响。

    The effects of operation parameters on particle formation and film growth process were simulated with this method .

  9. 介绍了在醋酸高温裂解法生产双乙烯酮过程中采取的节能环保措施。

    The energy saving and environmental protection measures of diketene production by acetic acid pyrolysis method were introduced .

  10. 中药材样品经粉碎,离线高温裂解,丙酮乙醇混合液萃取后,利用气相色谱-质谱联用法进行测定。

    The herbal material samples were smashed , pyrolyzed , extracted with acetone and ethanol mix solution and determined by GC / MS.

  11. 本文综述了生物柴油的几种常用制备方法,如:混合法、微乳液法、高温裂解法和酯交换法等。

    Several preparation methods of biodiesel such as the blending of oils , microemulsion , pyrolysis and transesterification are reviewed in this paper .

  12. 在高温裂解法中采用的最优条件为:通氩气保护,反应温度为1000℃,保温时间为30分钟。

    The optimal conditions of pyrolysis were 1000 ℃ of reaction temperature , 30 min of soaking time , and argon as shielding gas during the whole process .

  13. B4C改性呋喃树脂在高温热裂解后的红外光谱分析

    The analysis of the pyrolysis structure of B_4C modified furan resin using FT-IR spectroscopy

  14. 以天然高分子马铃薯淀粉为固态碳源,金属铁为催化剂,在Ar/H2气氛下,高温催化裂解制得结构类似于碳炔的物质&碳原子线。

    CAW , similar to carbyne in structure in a sense , were fabricated at high temperature by a pyrolytic process from potato starch as a carbonaceous source in the presence of a catalyst of ferric metals under the stream of Ar / H2 mixture .

  15. 由秸秆高温热裂解而成的生物质炭是目前很多领域的研究重点。

    Biomass carbon from straw pyrolysis is the current research focus in many fields .

  16. 将废塑料内配于Hoganas铁鳞还原的料柱内,高温下塑料裂解释放热量.秸秆阴燃过程热量释放定量分析

    Waste plastic was added into the iron scale column in Hoganas process . Heat Emission Qualification of Agro-stalks During Smoldering

  17. 以甲烷为碳源,Fe2O3/Ni为固定相催化剂,在常压条件下利用等离子体射流的高温将甲烷裂解生成碳自由基和氢气。

    Carbon nanotubes were synthesized in a methane plasma by using Fe_2O_3 / Ni as catalysis .

  18. 可直接与食品接触,无毒、无味、无挥发物、耐高温、难裂解,达到高度防水的效果。

    Innocuity , insipidity , no volatiles , high temperature resistance , crack resistance contribute to its perfect waterproof effection .

  19. 通过数据推导给出处理在非恒温条件下油品高温高热强度裂解反应动力学数据的归纳方法。

    By mathematical deduction , an inductive method for treating kinetic data of high heat intensity pyrolysis of oik under non-isothermal conditions was presented .

  20. 在同一温度点,煤在半开放体系生气量比封闭体系少的一个原因是由于半开放体系中重烃气体和液态烃能及时排出,在高温阶段未裂解成甲烷的缘故;

    The generated gas amount in the semi-opened system is less than that in the closed system at the same temperature , one reason for this is that the heavy hydrocarbons can be expelled out in the semi-opened system and can not be cracked into methane at high temperatures .

  21. 低空速和高温有利于甲烷裂解反应的进行。

    Low volumetric hourly space velocity and high reaction temperature are conducive to catalytic methane decomposition .

  22. 本文通过分析馏分油高温短接触催化裂解过程的特点,建立了催化剂上结焦失活反应的动力学模型。

    A kinetic model for coke formation on the catalysis was established by analysing the features of the process of catalytic pyrolysis of oil under high temperature and ultra short contact time between gas and solids .

  23. 焦化炉管内油品在高温下存在着裂解反应与缩合反应,由于注蒸汽及裂化物的平衡汽化而存在着两相流动;

    Cracking and polymerization reactions of oil products inside coker heater tubes take place at elevated temperature . Because of the pouring of steam and the equilibrium vaporization of cracked products , two phase flow should appear .