
  • 网络High temperature and high pressure treatment;HPHT
  1. 本文采用三聚氰胺和硼酸为原料(质量比2:1),经化学法合成B-C-N前驱物,再经过高温高压处理,合成立方B-C-N化合物。

    In this paper , B-C-N precursor was prepared by a chemical process using boric acid and melamine as starting materials . Then cubic B-C-N compound was synthesized by HPHT treatment .

  2. 高温高压处理褐色钻石的实验探索

    Tentative Experiment of Brown Diamond under HTHP Treatment

  3. 高温高压处理的明胶海绵颗粒在子宫肌瘤动脉栓塞术中的应用研究

    Applied study on uterine artery embolization using high heat-pressure-treated gelatin sponge particles alone for uterine fibroids

  4. 钻石高温高压处理技术

    HPHT Treatment Technology of Diamond

  5. 综述了近年来高温高压处理钻石的成果。

    The achievements of diamond under high temperature and high pressure ( HTHP ) treatment in recent years are summarized .

  6. 实验结果表明:高温高压处理淀粉能够改变淀粉的结晶度,从而影响淀粉的糊化温度。

    The results indicated that high temperature and pressure treatment of starch could change crystallinity of it , thus affect the gelatinization temperature .

  7. 结果显示,金属锆在理论相变开始温度之前的高温高压处理,发生了结构转变。

    It was shown that there was significant change in phases of the metal zirconium treated under before the theoretical phase transition temperature .

  8. 经高温高压处理淀粉颗粒表面产生部分熔融而易发生团聚且比原淀粉更容易糊化,但淀粉糊的粘度稳定性降低。

    After high temperature and high pressure treatment , cassava starch was easier to gelatinize but the viscosity stability of starch paste reduced .

  9. 研究结果表明:氧化锌为纤锌矿结构,高温高压处理对氧化锌的晶体形貌和晶粒大小有一定的影响。

    The results show that ZnO crystals show a hexagonal wurtzite structure , the morphologies of ZnO are influenced by the processing temperature and pressure to some extent .

  10. 在制备中间相碳合金的过程中,研究了机械合金化时间、活性元素类型以及高温高压处理对其结构的影响;

    In the process of preparing the mesophase carbon alloys , the effects of the ball milling time , the added metallic element type and the high temperature and high pressure treatment on the microstructures of the carbon alloys were investigated .

  11. 介绍了Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷材料高温高压氮化处理制备硬质梯度薄膜技术。

    A new technology of nitrogen treatment under high pressure and high temperature was introduced in preparation films on Ti ( C , N ) - based cermets .

  12. 高温高压的处理方法工艺简单,后处理容易,处理过程中无环境污染。

    The method of high temperature and high pressure processing is very simple , the further processing is also easy , and there is no environmental pollution in the processing .

  13. 挤压膨化预处理工艺在保证低残油率的同时,蛋白质变性程度低,且经试验表明,膨化加工的高温、高压处理可以使大豆中一些影响营养物质吸收的有害成分得到消除。

    By the practice , it shows that the harmful ingredients effecting nutrient absorption in soybean could be removed by extrusion expansion which is a high temperature and high pressure treatment processing .

  14. GMP认证中对高压蒸汽灭菌器的验证高温高压过热蒸汽处理木材的热稳定性

    Validation of Autoclaves for GMP Certification Thermal Stability of Superheated Steam-treated Wood under High Temperature and Pressure

  15. 新型超高介高频热稳定中温烧结瓷料研究高温高压过热蒸汽处理木材的热稳定性

    Thermal Stability of Superheated Steam-treated Wood under High Temperature and Pressure

  16. 通过高温高压水蒸汽处理试件,对速生杨木进行压缩改性。

    The fast-growing poplar treated by high temperature and pressure steam was made by compression .

  17. 低阶煤高温高压水热处理改性及其成浆特性

    Hot water treatment of low rank coal in high temperature and high pressure reactor and its slurry ability

  18. 高温高压过热蒸汽处理木材的热稳定性这种化学品在高温下蒸馏就会分解。

    Thermal Stability of Superheated Steam-treated Wood under High Temperature and Pressure This chemical resolves when distilled at a high temperature .

  19. 本研究旨在研究高温高压蒸煮前处理技术对新鲜猪骨的硬度和骨泥微观粒度的影响。

    This research is for the purpose of studying the influence of high-temperature pre-treatment cooking pig bone degree of hardness and the microcosmic granularity .

  20. 湿式空气氧化技术是在高温、高压下处理高浓度、有毒、有害、生物难降解有机污染物的一种有效的高级氧化技术。

    Wet air oxidation is a useful kind of advanced oxidation process ( AOP ) for hazardous , toxic and non biodegradable organic in the wastewater at high temperature and pressure .

  21. 湿式氧化技术是在高温高压条件下处理高浓度、有毒、有害难降解有机工业废水的技术。但由于反应中操作条件较苛刻,使湿式氧化技术的广泛应用受到了限制。

    Wet air oxidation ( WAO ) is one technology for the treatment of hazardous , toxic and high concentrated organic wastewater under the high temperature and pressure However , the severe operation conditions have restricted it from being widely used .

  22. 通过对实验结果图表的分析发现,总的来说木材在经过十几分钟的高温高压水蒸气处理、或几个小时、十几个小时的热处理之后,变形会基本被固定,而常压冷却固定效果不显著。

    ASE and WL are calculated later . By analyzing experiment data , we find that compressive deformation would be fixed after more than ten minutes ' high temperature , high-pressure treatment or a few hours ' heat treatment , while the effect of usual-pressure-cooling is not remarkable .