
ɡāo yán
  • high-salt
  1. 高盐低pH值法提取大豆不同组织DNA的效果

    Extraction Effect of Genomic DNA from Different Tissues of Soybean with High-salt Low-pH Methods

  2. 方法应用高盐抽提法抽提细胞核基质蛋白,SDSPAGE技术分析白血病细胞与正常骨髓细胞核基质蛋白的变化。

    Method Nuclear matrix proteins were extracted under high-salt extraction procedures , and changes of nuclear matrix proteins were analysed by SDS-PAGE .

  3. SDS-高盐低pH法适合提取盐生植物DNA;

    SDS-high salt at low pH method was suitable for DNA extraction from halophyte leaves .

  4. 用改进的高盐低pH法分离和纯化棉花叶绿体及叶绿体DNA

    Purification of Cotton Chloroplast and Chloroplast DNA Using the Improved Method of High Salt Concentration and Low pH

  5. 高盐沉淀CTAB法提取温室菊花基因组DNA

    Genomic DNA Extraction from Chrysanthemum Using High Salt CTAB Method

  6. ICP-AES分析高盐样品时雾化器堵塞问题的研究

    Investigation on Blockade of Nebulizer in Determination of the Saline Samples by ICP-AES

  7. 高盐促进肉鸡肺小动脉壁癌基因c-junmRNA的表达

    Excess Salt Accelerated the Expression of c-jun mRNA in Pulmonary Arterioles Wall in Broiler Chickens

  8. 高盐食品及海水中痕量元素Pb,Ni检测方法的研究

    The study of the determination of the trace elements lead and nickel in the food with heavy salt and seawater

  9. 高盐实验组尿钠/钾比明显低于高盐对照组(P<0.01)。

    The ratio of urine sodium and potassium of high salt case group was apparent lower than that of high salt control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  10. 用多元协方差分析调整某些混杂变量后,高盐饮食组血浆粘度仍显著高于低盐饮食组(P<0.05);全血粘度在各组之间差异仍不显著(P>0.05)。

    After adjusted with confounding factors PV still showed a significant different by multi covariance analysis for the higher salt intake than lower one ( P < 0 05 ) .

  11. 因此,变性剂加SDS高盐法是一种更为高效、可靠且适合于环境微生物分子生态学研究的DNA提取方法。

    Therefore , denaturant plus SDS lysis could be an efficient and reliable method to extract DNA in molecular ecology studies .

  12. UASB处理高盐制药废水的试验研究

    The experimental study on highly Cl-concentrated pharmaceutical wastewater treated by UASB

  13. 密封消解法测定高盐废水COD时的最佳实验条件选择

    The best testing conditions of determining cod_ ( cr ) in high salinity wastewater with the method of seal digestion

  14. 一种用于ICP光谱法直接分析海水样品的高盐雾化器的应用研究

    An Applied Research on a High Dissolved Salts Contents Nebulizer for Direct Analysed Seawater Samples by ICP Spectrometry

  15. 盐度分布为10m层以上有三个高盐区和三个低盐区相间。

    Above the 10 meters , three high-salinity areas and three low-salinity areas distributes alternately .

  16. 分别用SDS法、CTAB法、简易CTAB法及高盐低pH法提取山核桃干叶的基因组DNA并进行了检测比较。

    The methods of CTAB , rapid CTAB , SDS and low pH medium were used for genomic DNA isolation of Carya cathayensis .

  17. 结果表明:HP感染、高盐饮食和维生素缺乏可能是青少年中胃炎的发病因素。

    The HP infection , high salt consumption and a general nutritional inadequacy appeared to contribute to a higher prevalence of gastritis in youngsters in China .

  18. realtimeRT-PCR结果表明,LC-ALDH基因受高盐、干旱及低温等逆境胁迫的诱导,并在这些诱导条件下其表达量显著升高。

    The result of Real time RT-PCR shows that LC-ALDH is induced by drought , high salt and freezing and its expression increased prominently under these conditions .

  19. 用HAD量表和A型行为问卷测定焦虑、抑郁及A型行为(TH+CH)分值,并对性别、年龄、高血压家族史做相关分析。结果高盐饮食可引起血压升高;

    Results Blood pressure rised with high salt diet and also related with hypertension family history , age , anxiety , depression and type A behavior .

  20. 利用深井曝气工艺处理高盐,高pH,高温的环氧丙烷皂化废水,技木上是可行的。

    It is technically possible to the deep shaft aeration process in the treatment of saponified wastewater with high content of salts , high pH and high tem perature in the propylene oxide plant .

  21. 硝化法降解高温、高盐油田采出水中NH4~+的试验

    The Experiment of Degradation NH_4 ~ + in Produced Water from High Temperature High Salt Content Oilfield by Means of Nitration Method

  22. 用两种提取方法从叶片中得到的DNA产量和质量有所不同,高盐低pH法提取的DNA纯度高,但是产量较低;而改良CTAB法则相反,产量高,纯度低。

    By using high salt and low pH DNA method , the DNA extracted with high purity and low production , which of modified CTAB with the contrary results , high production and low purity .

  23. 而且在高盐胁迫下EBL易引起幼苗的下胚轴下端膨大。

    Besides , EBL easily caused intumescence of lower site of seedling hypocotyl under high-salt stress .

  24. Nelson博士说,“那就意味着你要长期教导孩子养成良好的饮水习惯、保持饮食平衡并尽量避免食用处理过的高盐、高脂食品。”

    Nelson said . " That means instilling lifelong habits of good hydration , balanced diet , and avoiding processed high-salt , high-fat foods . "

  25. 糖尿病家族史、吸烟、年龄、性别、高血压家族史、饮食习惯(高盐、高脂肪、高热量饮食)、职业(脑力劳动为主)、缺乏体育锻炼是MS的危险因素。

    Family history of diabetes , smoking , age , sex , habitual diet ( high salt , high-fat and high calorie diet ), job ( mental labour ) and lack of exercise were risk factors of MS.

  26. 它在胚胎发育的晚期大量表达。植株受到干旱、高盐等胁迫以及脱落酸(AbscisicAcid,ABA)诱导时,在未成熟胚和营养组织中也可表达。

    However , expression could also be induced in immature seeds and vegetative tissues by abscisic acid ( ABA ) or by stress conditions , such as drought , salinity , low-temperature stress .

  27. 敏感者高盐负荷后与平衡饮食期相比,葡萄糖负荷试验后的1h及曲线下面积亦有升高倾向。

    After salt loading , the glucose levels in 60 minutes OGTT and the area under curves of glucose in SS were higher than those in the balanced salt diet .

  28. 湾东北部的Ca,Mg均高于中部及湾口海域,这是湾东北部的工业废水及高盐卤水排放所致;

    The contents of Ca and Mg in the seawater of the northeastern part of the bay being greater than those in the middle and mouth are due to the inputs of industrial waste waters and the high salinity-brines .

  29. 然后对影响复合嗜盐菌剂生长的环境因素、营养因素以及嗜盐菌剂降解高盐废水TOC的性能进行了研究。

    The second , the impact of environmental factors and nutritional factors on the growth of complex halophilic was researched , as well as the degradation of TOC .

  30. 在高盐胁迫时,淋洗处理的茎叶Na含量低于对照;无盐胁迫时,淋洗处理茎叶中Ca、Mg含量高于对照。

    Shoot Na + content of leaching treatments was lower than that of control under high NaCl stress , and shoot Ca 2 + and Mg 2 + contents of leaching treatments were higher under no NaCl stress .