- 形high-salt

Extraction Effect of Genomic DNA from Different Tissues of Soybean with High-salt Low-pH Methods
Method Nuclear matrix proteins were extracted under high-salt extraction procedures , and changes of nuclear matrix proteins were analysed by SDS-PAGE .
SDS-high salt at low pH method was suitable for DNA extraction from halophyte leaves .
Purification of Cotton Chloroplast and Chloroplast DNA Using the Improved Method of High Salt Concentration and Low pH
Genomic DNA Extraction from Chrysanthemum Using High Salt CTAB Method
Investigation on Blockade of Nebulizer in Determination of the Saline Samples by ICP-AES
Excess Salt Accelerated the Expression of c-jun mRNA in Pulmonary Arterioles Wall in Broiler Chickens
The study of the determination of the trace elements lead and nickel in the food with heavy salt and seawater
The ratio of urine sodium and potassium of high salt case group was apparent lower than that of high salt control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .
After adjusted with confounding factors PV still showed a significant different by multi covariance analysis for the higher salt intake than lower one ( P < 0 05 ) .
Therefore , denaturant plus SDS lysis could be an efficient and reliable method to extract DNA in molecular ecology studies .
The experimental study on highly Cl-concentrated pharmaceutical wastewater treated by UASB
The best testing conditions of determining cod_ ( cr ) in high salinity wastewater with the method of seal digestion
An Applied Research on a High Dissolved Salts Contents Nebulizer for Direct Analysed Seawater Samples by ICP Spectrometry
Above the 10 meters , three high-salinity areas and three low-salinity areas distributes alternately .
The methods of CTAB , rapid CTAB , SDS and low pH medium were used for genomic DNA isolation of Carya cathayensis .
The HP infection , high salt consumption and a general nutritional inadequacy appeared to contribute to a higher prevalence of gastritis in youngsters in China .
The result of Real time RT-PCR shows that LC-ALDH is induced by drought , high salt and freezing and its expression increased prominently under these conditions .
Results Blood pressure rised with high salt diet and also related with hypertension family history , age , anxiety , depression and type A behavior .
It is technically possible to the deep shaft aeration process in the treatment of saponified wastewater with high content of salts , high pH and high tem perature in the propylene oxide plant .
The Experiment of Degradation NH_4 ~ + in Produced Water from High Temperature High Salt Content Oilfield by Means of Nitration Method
By using high salt and low pH DNA method , the DNA extracted with high purity and low production , which of modified CTAB with the contrary results , high production and low purity .
Besides , EBL easily caused intumescence of lower site of seedling hypocotyl under high-salt stress .
Nelson said . " That means instilling lifelong habits of good hydration , balanced diet , and avoiding processed high-salt , high-fat foods . "
Family history of diabetes , smoking , age , sex , habitual diet ( high salt , high-fat and high calorie diet ), job ( mental labour ) and lack of exercise were risk factors of MS.
However , expression could also be induced in immature seeds and vegetative tissues by abscisic acid ( ABA ) or by stress conditions , such as drought , salinity , low-temperature stress .
After salt loading , the glucose levels in 60 minutes OGTT and the area under curves of glucose in SS were higher than those in the balanced salt diet .
The contents of Ca and Mg in the seawater of the northeastern part of the bay being greater than those in the middle and mouth are due to the inputs of industrial waste waters and the high salinity-brines .
The second , the impact of environmental factors and nutritional factors on the growth of complex halophilic was researched , as well as the degradation of TOC .
Shoot Na + content of leaching treatments was lower than that of control under high NaCl stress , and shoot Ca 2 + and Mg 2 + contents of leaching treatments were higher under no NaCl stress .