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  1. 鱼山列岛潮间带软体动物生态的研究

    Ecological studies on the intertidal zone of the Yushan islands , Zhejiang

  2. 公元229年由曹植创制的鱼山梵呗,标志着外来佛教音乐开始迈入中国化的进程。

    In 229 AD Cao Zhi created Yu - shan Fan-bei , signifying the beginning of Chinesization of Buddhism music from abroad .

  3. 鱼山和崂山采样点可培养微生物浓度的季节变化特征具有一致性,都是秋季春季2009年夏季。

    The seasonal average concentrations of culturable microbes were highest in the fall , higher in the spring and lowest in the summer of 2009 both at Yushan and Laoshan sampling sites .