
  • 网络lucky strike;Opportunity Knocks;Lifeline Express;JUNO
  1. “鸿运当头”是一匹纯种的蒙古马。

    " Lucky Strike " is a blue-blooded Mongorian .

  2. 然而,怀揣着发财梦想的散户们一度认为,自己能够以发行价购买Facebook股票简直是鸿运当头。

    Retail investors who were dreaming of riches and figured they were lucky to be able to buy at the offering price have gotten bagged for more than $ 6 a share .

  3. 现在别阻止我我正鸿运当头呢!

    Don 't stop me now ─ I 'm on a roll !

  4. 或许它自以为鸿运当头

    maybe he thinks his luck is in -

  5. 他们占了地利与天时,并且鸿运当头。

    They were in the right place at the right time and Lady Luck smiled on them .

  6. 但这个法则反过来也同样成立:如果你自感鸿运当头,通常就会有好运降临!

    But the same principle also works in reverse . If you expect good things to happen , they usually do !

  7. 工作运势:鸿运当头的狮子,你在今年很有可能成为优秀的企业家。

    CAREER : Sunny Leo ! You are quite the entrepreneur and will definitely put your mind toward work and responsibility this year .

  8. 这句话提示我们,不论痛苦和忧患的时刻多么黑暗,也不会长久持续下去,因而使我们感到希望和安慰;同时也警告我们,财富、权力、和鸿运当头的荣耀,都只是过眼烟云,不可过于重视。

    There is hope and consolation in the sure knowledge that even the darkest hours of pains and troubles won 't last : but also a warning against overrating the passing glories of wealth , power and great fortune .