
huáng jīn qǐ yì
  • the Yellow Turbans Uprising
黄巾起义 [huáng jīn qǐ yì]
  • [the Yellow Turbans Uprising] 东汉末年(公元184年)张角领导的大规模农民起义。起义军头裹黄巾,故称黄巾军。这次农民起义沉重打击了东汉王朝的统治

黄巾起义[huáng jīn qǐ yì]
  1. 起义者与太平教(一个秘密道教组织)关系密切,为此黄巾起义也是道教发展史上的重要事件。

    Since the rebels were associated with secret Taiping Taoist societies , the rebellion also marked an important event in the history of Taoism .

  2. 黄巾起义虽然失败了,但却动摇了东汉政权的统治基础,其灭亡已是指曰可待。

    Despite the failure of the Yellow Turban uprising , it shook the Eastern Han Dynasty regime to its foundations . Its days were numbered .

  3. 然而黄巾起义极大地削弱了汉朝的力量,在随后而起的战乱中,各位大将占据一方把整个国家分为三个王国。

    The Dynasty , however , was greatly weakened by the rebellion , and in the ensuing chaos the country was divided among the major generals into three kingdoms .

  4. 黄巾起义给汉末统治带来了威胁,起初曹操只是一个不起眼的卫戍部队小头日--洛阳北部尉,后因镇压黄巾起义有功被封为将军。

    Cao was initially a minor garrison commander and rose to prominence as a general when he suppressed the Yellow Turban Rebellion , which threatened the last years of Han rule .

  5. 东汉政府为了镇压黄巾起义,一方面放权到洲牧、太守,一方面默认并支持地主阶层组织私人武装,对抗起义军。

    To suppress the uprising , the Eastern Han sovereign had to give power to the local lords and admitted and supported nonpublically the local militias to fight against the outlaws .

  6. 黄巾起义和董卓之乱后,东汉王朝日益分崩离析,世失其序,谁可取而代之成为时代主题。

    After the rebellion of the Yellow Turbans and Dong Zhuo , the Eastern Han dynasty increasingly falling apart , the world lost its order , which can be replaced as the theme of the times .

  7. 爆发于公元184年的黄巾起义是农民反抗灵帝统治的汉王朝的武装斗争,因起义农民头裹黄色丝巾而得名。

    In 184 , the Yellow Turban Rebellion occurred , which was a peasant rebellion against the Eastern Han Dynasty in the reign of Emperor Ling . It was named for the color of the scarves which the rebels wore around their heads .

  8. 但是经过黄巾起义,东汉政府已经摇摇欲坠,各洲牧、太守纷纷拥兵自重,地方豪强为了共同利益,形成利益共同体,并推举德高望重或有能力的人当统帅,东汉政权已经名存实亡。

    However , the various local feudal lords ended up with strong political and military strength . In addition , for fearing of that they might lose their local control , these local lords united and elected the capable and celebrated lord their leader , therefore the Eastern Han authoriy was severely shaken and became virtually a puppet one .

  9. 对应中国版:黄巾军起义

    Chinese Counterpart : Daoist Secret Society Uprisings

  10. 这是第二次党锢这次党锢直到中平元年(184年)黄巾大起义时才被解除。

    This was the second Partisan Prohibition.The Partisan Prohibition was not lifted until 184 , when the Yellow Turban uprising took place .

  11. 后来他们得到支援,大败黄巾军,屠杀起义农民有数万之多。

    With the help of reinforcements , they conquered the Yellow Turbans , slaughtering tens of thousands of rebels .