
  • 网络yellow box policy;amber box policies;amber policies
  1. 世界贸易组织允许的粮食生产补贴主要体现在其绿箱政策和黄箱政策之中,它对成员粮食生产补贴有差别性要求。

    The WTO allows grain production subsidies to be embodied in the green box policy and the yellow box policy , which have different requirements for members of grain production subsidies . 2 .

  2. 论述了政府将制定和运用与WTO规则相适应的绿箱政策、黄箱政策和蓝箱政策;

    It has also discussed the government should formulate and apply the green-box policy , the yellow-box policy and the blue-box policy which are suited to the WTO rules ;

  3. 而且,农业投入品补贴由于容易引起农业生产的扭曲,属于WTO农业协议中的黄箱政策,需要进行削减承诺。

    In addition , for agri-input subsidy is prone to arose distortion in agricultural production , it belongs to " amber box policy " and needs to promise to cut .

  4. 从国内支持看,黄箱政策空间较大,而绿箱政策结构不尽合理,特别是对减少收入差距、促进社会公平的目标关注不够。

    Regarding the domestic support ," amber box " policy should be reinforced , while the structure of " green box " policy is not really reasonable , the measures on reducing the gap of income and promoting the fair society are especially ignored .

  5. 然而,由于受国家财力的约束,我国农业国内支持水平总体上一直偏低,且存在着绿箱政策支持结构不合理与黄箱政策补贴效果差等问题。

    China agricultural domestic support policies , however , were still on the low level as a whole due to the financial constraints , and there were some problems such as irrational support structure of green box policies and low subsidy efficiency of amber box policies .

  6. 调整“黄箱”政策支出方向;

    Adjust the direction of " yellow box " policy expenditure ;

  7. 而且,乌拉圭回合农业谈判的主要目标之一就是鼓励成员从有高度扭曲作用的政策,即黄箱和蓝箱政策转向与生产脱钩的支持政策,即绿箱政策。

    Moreover , one of the main purposes of URAA is to encourage Members to transfer the policies from those of high trade-distorting effects i.e. yellow box and blue box measures to those of no , or the least trade distorting effects , i.e. green box measures .