
  • 网络Liping county
  1. 黎平县森林土壤分解过程中有机碳的动态变化

    Dynamics of Forest Soil Organic Carbon during Decomposition in Liping County

  2. 2001-2008年贵州省黎平县钩端螺旋体病流行病学特征分析

    Epidemiology of leptospirosis in Liping county , Guizhou , 2001-2008

  3. 黎平县鹅掌楸人工林的生长状况调查

    Investigation on the Growth Status of Artificial Plantation of Liriodendron chinense

  4. 黎平县2001~2008年传染病流行特征分析

    The epidemiological characteristics analysis of infectious diseases in Liping County from 2001 to 2008

  5. 2003~2008年黎平县妇幼保健院临床用药分析

    Clinical Drug Use in Liping County Maternal and Child Health Hospital During 2003 ~ 2008

  6. 经济欠发达山地丘陵地区土地资源可持续利用研究&以贵州省黎平县为例

    Research on Sustainable Use of Land Resources in Undeveloped Mountainous and Hilly Region & Take Liping County of Guizhou Province as an Example

  7. 论传统生计对外来技术的接纳与创新&以贵州省黎平县黄岗村侗族传统生计为例

    The Acceptance and Innovation of Traditional Way of Living to Exotic Technology & A Case Study in a Dong Village in Guizhou Province

  8. 侗族稻鱼共生生计方式与非物质文化传承与发展&以贵州省黎平县黄岗村为例

    Dong People 's Rice and Fish Co-existing Livelihood and Heritage and Development of Non-material Cultural & Case Study in Huanggang Village of Liping County of Guizhou Province

  9. 本文选择了贵州省黎平县作为案例对我国退耕还林政策实施效果与可持续性进行研究。

    Liping County of Guizhou Province is selected as the sample to investigate the effect of the returning land from farming to forest policy and its sustainability .

  10. 我国农村放弃政策内二孩生育现象的调查研究&以贵州省黎平县为对象

    The Study on the Phenomenon of Abandoning " the Right of Bearing Second-child under Policy Permission " in Chinese Rural Areas & Targeting at Liping County in Guizhou Province

  11. 经过仔细的分析,本研究得到下面的结论:(1)黎平县境内社区居民与政府和相关企业构建了组织规范,信任程度相对较高。

    Through the research and analysis , the following conclusions : ( 1 ) Domestic Liping County community and government organizations and related businesses to build a standardized , relatively high level of trust .

  12. 第四章总结了侗民族传统文化的特点及其文化形态与历史特征,进而对黎平县侗族传统文化的保护、传承与创新现状做了介绍。

    The fourth chapter summarized the Dong national traditional culture characteristic and cultural shape and historical characteristic , then protection to Liping County Dong minority traditional culture , inheritance and innovation present situation have made introduction .

  13. 民族地区农村生产生活方式对环境卫生的影响&以湖南城步县、广西龙胜县、贵州黎平县为例

    Influences of Modes of Production and Life upon Environment and Sanitation in Ethnic Rural Areas & Taking Chengbu County in Hunan Province , Longsheng County in Guangxi Autonomous Region , Liping in Guizhou Province as the Example

  14. 民族建筑与自然环境之交融以从江增冲侗寨研究为例中国黎平侗族自然环境与民俗地理生存方式考察贵州黎平县黄岗侗寨个案分析

    Mixture of Ethnic Buildings with Natural Environment ; Investigation of the Dong 's Natural Environment and Traditional Geographical Life in Liping : A Case Study of Huanggang Dong Village in Liping County of Guizhou