
  • 网络Qujing;qujing city
  1. EXCEL在曲靖市国家重点公益林区划界定中的应用

    The Application of EXCEL to the Management and Boundary Definition of National Prior Non-commercial Forest of Qujing City

  2. 对曲靖市城区进行了环境噪声功能区划分;

    Environmental noise functional regionalization of Qujing urban area is studied .

  3. 曲靖市民族文化旅游再认识

    More Understanding on the Tour of Ethnic Community Cultures in Qujing

  4. 曲靖市职成教育发展战略及改革对策

    On the Reforming and Developing Strategy for Adult Vocational Education in Qujing

  5. 曲靖市石漠化现状分析及治理对策

    Analysis on Desertification Quo status of Qujing City and Measure for Control

  6. 曲靖市冰雹云雷达回波特征及防雹

    Qujing City hail cloud radar echo characteristic and sleet-pro of

  7. 曲靖市人力资源开发战略目标及战略重点

    The Strategic Objective and Strategic Priority of Human Resources Development in Qujing

  8. 曲靖市农产品市场信息化问题的探讨

    Exploration on Marketing Informatization of Agricultural Products in Qujing City

  9. 曲靖市是云南省新兴工业城市,其经济、人口仅次于昆明。

    Qujing is a new industrialization city , of population and economy hypo-Kunming .

  10. 浅析曲靖市旅游商品开发

    Simple analysis on Qujing city 's touring merchandise exploitation

  11. 曲靖市2006~2007年流感监测结果分析

    Analysis on the results of influenza surveys in Qujing from 2006 to 2007

  12. 曲靖市水资源矛盾分析

    Analysis on the Conflict of Water Resource in Qujing

  13. 利用气候资源提高烤烟产量与品质&以曲靖市为例

    Make rational use of climatic resources to improve yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco

  14. 2004年2月6日发生在云南省曲靖市的大-暴雪是近年来较强的一次降雪天气过程。

    A great-heavy snow in recent years occurred in the Qujing region on February6th2004 .

  15. 曲靖市人才本地化培养现状及存在问题

    The Status quo and Problems Existed in the Training of Qualified Persons in Qujing City

  16. 蓬勃发展的曲靖市水电事业小浪底水电厂信息化建设探析

    Informatization construction of Xiaolangdi Hydroelectric Power Plant

  17. 破解边疆地区中小企业融资难问题的新思路&对云南省曲靖市中小企业融资情况的调查与思考

    A New Thinking for SMEs in Border Areas to Resolve the Problem of Financing Plight

  18. 从差距中探寻加快江西发展新路走出一条渔牧结合的发展新路子&云南省曲靖市沿江乡种草养鱼成效显著

    To Explore the New Developing Way for Jiangxi Province to Accelerate Development through the Existing Gap

  19. 曲靖市不同家庭类型初中生应对方式比较

    Comparative Research on Coping Styles of Junior Middle School Students Living in Three Types of Families

  20. [结论]曲靖市食物中毒发生起数、中毒人数以城镇、农村、城郊的集体食堂为主,死亡人数以农村家庭为主;

    [ Conclusion ] The incidents mainly occurred in collective canteens in town and rural areas .

  21. 曲靖市初中语文课改成效的实证研究调查报告

    Investigation on the Effect of Chinese Language and Literature Reforming in Junior Middle School in Qujing

  22. 曲靖市南城门地下商场基坑喷锚支护的设计与施工

    Qujing the city south underground market base hollow of city gate spray the construction Abstract and design

  23. 曲靖市1995~2003年急性弛缓性麻痹病例流行病学及监测系统分析

    Analysis on Epidemiology and Monitoring System of Acute Flaccid Paralysis in Qujing City from 1995 to 2003

  24. 日新月异的城市建设&曲靖市城乡建设委员会

    Qujing urban rural construction committee

  25. 曲靖市稻田生态种养模式研究

    The Research on the Ecological Coupling Mode of Planting and Feeding in the Paddy Field in Qujing City

  26. 云南省曲靖市团干部艾滋病知识培训效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of AIDS knowledge training for the Communist Youth League cadres in Qujing City , Yunnan Province

  27. 云南曲靖市水资源保证程度和应急地下水源地分析

    Analysis on the Assuring Degree of Water Resources and Emergency-Type Groundwater Source Fields of Qujing City in Yunnan

  28. 曲靖市中等师范学校学生心理健康的现状调查与对策研究

    The Research into the Investigation and Strategies about the Psychological Health State of the Students from Qujing Normal School

  29. 欠发达地区农村土地承包经营权流转问题研究&以云南省曲靖市为例

    Study on the Circulation of Operating Rights of Contracted Land in the Undeveloped Rural Area & A Case Study of Qujing

  30. 目的评价曲靖市碘缺乏病防治现状并提出相应防治对策。

    Objective To investigate the iodine deficiency disorders ( IDD ) prevention in Qujing City and to assess its present situation .