- 网络meandering river deposit

According to sedimentology , the depositional system of Unit V , Yan'an Formation , has been reconstructed , it is revealed that there is braided stream system in the northwest of study area , and meandering stream system develops in the southeast .
The S1 and S2 cycles are mainly composed of braided river facies , the early S3 cycle of meandering river facies and the late S3 and S4 cycles of delta facies .
The sedimentary model in study area is similar with classical meandering stream .
The stream facies are divided into high curved meandering stream facies and low curved meandering stream facies .
Fluvial system is distributed at the north part of the study area , developed during early and late period of Shanxi formation .
The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars , crevasse-splays , natural levees and flood plains .
It suggests that Yanan formation experiences meandering river system-delta system-meandering river system from bottom to top , reflecting a peak growth period in ordos basin .
Upper Guantao formation in Laohekou oilfield of Shengli oil province is a typical reservoir of fluvial facies with major oil-bearing system containing meandering and braided river sedimentation .
There is no unitary water catchment center in the fourth member of Quantou formation , river-terminal fan sediment is the major sedimentation type , braided river fan-meandering river develops in the northwest of research area .
Through the analysis of facies marker , the reservoir is meandering river facies . The facies are classified into four microfacies , i.
Author suggest a sedimentary environment of foreland basin or low sinuosity meandering river with strong hydrodynamics and sediment provenance mainly from the adjacent mountain .
The oil exploration , development and reservoir prediction for meandering stream sandstone bodies meet lots of difficulties because of their single thin layer , transverse instability and great variations .
There exist a lot of Neogene meander sand bodies in Bohai Sea basin , and they give an important share of hydrocarbon reserves ( or production ) in the east part of China .
The research as follows that Shan_2 ~ 3 Member is meandering stream delta facies , Heg and Heg are both braided stream delta facies .
Exploration practices show that the meandering river delta sedimentary system would have played a more important role in gas accumulation in the study area .
The meandering river delta sedimentary system was mainly distributed in northeast portion , and the braided river delta sedimentary system in southwest portion . Meanwhile deep-lake turbidite fan was developed in the centre of the lake basin .
Concave bank Beach Bar Deposition of Meandering River
Deposited on the area are meandering river delta front , the main type of favorable sedimentary facies of underwater distributary channel and mouth bar .
The main conclusions run as follow : ( 1 ) The depositional system in study area belongs to braided-meandering river delta front deposit . The microfacies developments of underwater distributary channel , mouth bar , distributary bay and front sheet sand facies .
The immense oriented meandering river , along the long axis of the depression and with the gentle declivity and long slope , carried a large amount of mud and sand into the lake basin .
While the meandering river delta deposits are mainly developed in Shan-2 gas-bearing unit in the Upper Permian Shanxi Fm , with the meandering river delta front subfacies in predominance .