
hēi tóu
  • Blackhead;painted face
黑头 [hēi tóu]
  • [one of the type of role in traditional Chinese operas] 最早由包公的饰演者以黑脸出现而得名,后来泛指大花脸这种戏曲角色

  1. 千万不要挤黑头、小肿块或粉刺。

    Never squeeze blackheads , spots or pimples .

  2. 他的双颊上长了一些黑头。

    His cheeks were spotted with blackheads .

  3. 蕴含清黑头成份,维他命C及植物紧致精华。

    It contains blackhead-cleaning elements , Vitamin C and vegetal compact essence .

  4. 油性皮肤通常会让你油光满面,毛孔粗大,布满黑头。在VideoJug的帮助下,你可以轻松应对这个问题。

    Oily skin is shiny and thick with open pores and blackhead , so learn how to combat this with VideoJug 's help .

  5. 蓝黑头牡丹鹦鹉的繁殖及雏鸟生长发育

    The breeding , growth and development of the nestling of Agapornis fischeri

  6. 这也会帮助去除“白头”或者“黑头”。

    This helps to clear up whiteheads / blackheads , as well .

  7. 用完去黑头洗面奶后,她的脸上长了很多痘痘。

    She found many pimples on her face after using biological cleanser .

  8. 蓝光:对抗暗疮,痤疮,黑头粉刺,敏感。

    Blur : Against pimples , acne , blackhead , sensitive skin .

  9. 黑头粉刺痣并发右耳轻度混合性耳聋1例

    A Case of Nevus Comedonicus with Mild Mixed Deafness of Right Ear

  10. 白头人不该送黑头人。

    No parent should have to bury their child .

  11. 用柠檬可以很容易的去掉黑头。

    Removing blackheads can easily be done with lemon .

  12. 清黑头成份有效张开面部毛孔,清除黑头与污垢。

    Blackhead-cleaning ingredients can effectively open facial pores to remove blackheads and dirt .

  13. 清洁可以帮助制止斑点和黑头的出现。

    This will help stop spots and blackheads .

  14. 然而最小的鱼种,黑头呆鱼的数量却发生了变化。

    But the population plunged in the smallest fish species , the fathead minnow .

  15. 围颈部带状黑头粉刺痣1例

    A case of zonary comedo nevus encircling neck

  16. 怀特先生是个种族主义者,他把来自墨西哥的洛佩斯先生叫做黑头鬼。

    Mr White is a racist ; he calls Mr Lopez from Mexico a greaseball .

  17. 适用人群:中油性肤质、毛孔粗大肌肤、有黑头肌肤。

    Suitable crowd : Normal and oil skin , big pore skin , black pore skin .

  18. 一只黑头鸥在英国伦敦议会两院前方飞行着。

    A black-headed gull flies in front of the Houses of Parliament in London , England .

  19. 黑头粉刺样痣综合征:伴多发性基底细胞癌和退行性趾的病案报道

    Nevus comedonicus syndrome : A case associated with multiple basal cell carcinomas and a rudimentary toe

  20. 如果新的黑头不断出现,考虑向皮肤病医生寻求专业帮助。

    If new blackheads keep developing , consider going to a dermatologist for a medical facial .

  21. 不要试图用指甲或其它任何工具把黑头挤出来。

    Don 't try to remove blackheads either with your fingernails or with any kind of instrument .

  22. 主要成份:皮脂吸附粒、黑头乳化剂、珊瑚粉末、金缕梅原液、艾叶精华。

    Main compositions : Coral powder , Fatabsorption particle , blackhead emulsifier , hamamelis essence , Mugwort essence .

  23. 富含多种植物精华及有效成分,可迅速渗入毛孔,软化黑头。

    It contains multiple plant essences and active ingredients , which rapidly infiltrate into pores and soften blackheads .

  24. 白头粉刺、黑头粉刺、脓肿型的青春痘、红肿型的青春痘、聚集型的青春痘。

    The ordinary kinds of acne : whitehead , blackhead , abscessed acne , inflammatory acne and assembled acne .

  25. 用方法:用棉片将导出液敷在有黑头部位、配合热喷五分钟后针清。

    Usage : smear lotion with cotton piece on blackhead , spurt hotly for five minutes , rinse off .

  26. 我的皮肤变的很清洁,同时有史以来第一次没有了黑头。

    My skin is clear and I have no blackheads on my nose for the first time in forever .

  27. 濒临灭绝的生物包括海牛,迈阿密黑头蛇,林鹳和佛罗里达美洲豹。

    The endangered creatures include the manatee , the Miami blackhead snake , the wood stork and the Florida panther .

  28. 柑橘类的东西是很自然的脱落剂,可以让柠檬在祛黑头方面发挥很大的功效。

    Citrus is naturally exfoliate , which makes lemon useful when it comes to fighting blackheads in your cleansing routine .

  29. 即使采用药物防止黑头病作为常规措施,这两种家禽也永远不能混群。

    Even with the routine use of drugs to prevent blackhead , the two species should never be run together .

  30. 有效吸黑头、酒米、污脂、死皮,轻轻一揭黑头酒米全拔光,全无痛楚,无需挤压,不留疤痕。

    The blackheads and pimples can be easily removed by pulling off the pack without causing pain and leaving scars .