
  • 网络scab;Venturia;venturia inaequalis;cladosporium cucumerinum
  1. 豫西地区苹果黑星病药剂防治技术研究

    Research on Pharmacy Control Techniques of Apple Venturia inaequalis in Western Henan

  2. 苹果抗黑星病研究进展

    Progress of apple cultivars resistance to Venturia inaequalis

  3. 与黄瓜抗黑星病相关基因紧密连锁的SSR标记

    SSR Marker Linked to Cucumber Scab Resistance-Related Gene

  4. 梨抗黑星病基因的AFLP分子标记

    AFLP Molecular Marker of Scab-resistance Genes of Pears

  5. 从不同处理方法、酶液pH变化等方面对果胶酶诱导黄瓜抗黑星病效能的影响进行了研究。

    Influence of different treatment methods and pH variation of pectinases extract of Penicillium oxalicum on its efficiency of induced resistance to scab caused by Cladosporium cucumerinum in cucumber plants was studied .

  6. 梨黑星病(pearscab)又名疮痂病,是梨树主要病害之一,也是广泛发生的世界性病害之一。

    Pear scab is one of the main diseases on pear , but also the widespread occurrence of disease on the world .

  7. 苯丙噻重氮(BTH)诱导黄瓜幼苗抗黑星病的研究

    Studies on effect of resistance induced by BTH in cucumber against Cladosporium cucumerinum

  8. 梨酚类代谢与抗黑星病关系的研究&Ⅰ.总酚及OD酚与抗黑星病的关系

    STUDIES ON THE RELATION BETWEEN METABOLISM OF PHENOLIC SUBSTANCE AND RESISTANCE OF PEAR TO SCAB 1.The Relation Between the Content of Total of Phenols OD Phenol and Resistance of Pear to Scab

  9. 【方法】以黄瓜抗黑星病和感黑星病亲本组合(Q6×Q12)的F2分离群体为试材,采用BSA法和AFLP技术筛选与黄瓜抗黑星病基因连锁的分子标记。

    【 Method 】 With a F2 population between a resistant and a susceptible parent ( Q6 × Q12 ), the linked marker was screened by BSA method and AFLP technology .

  10. HX5对黑星病的抗性遗传以多基因的显性效应为主。

    For resistance material HX5 , the heritability was mainly dominant effect of poly-gene .

  11. 梨黑星病流行动态模拟模型程序设计

    Development of a computer program for Pear Scab Epidemic Simulation Model

  12. 苹果黑星病传播路线及长期预测模型

    Dissemination Routes and Long Term Prediction Models of Apple Scab

  13. 20%苯醚甲环唑微乳剂防治梨黑星病田间药效试验

    Control Effects of 20 % Difenoconazole Microemulsion on Pear Scab in Field

  14. 梨抗黑星病的遗传育种研究

    Studies on inheritance of resistance to the pear scab fungus

  15. 培育抗黑星病的品种是解决该问题的根本途径之一。

    Cultivating anti-scab varieties is one basic way to solve this problem .

  16. 梨品种对黑星病的抗性研究

    Studies on the Resistance of Pear Breeds to Pear Scab

  17. 黄瓜种质资源对黑星病的抗病性研究

    Study on Resistance of Cucumber Variety Resources to Scab

  18. 柠檬黑星病的初步研究

    A Study on the Black Spot of Citrus limon

  19. 大蒜提取物防治黄瓜黑星病的初步研究

    Study on control of Cladosporium cucumerinum by garlic extract

  20. 高温诱导黄瓜抗黑星病研究

    High Temperature Induced Resistance to Cladosporium cucumerinum in Cucumbers

  21. 梨黑星病病原及生物学特性的研究

    Studies on pathogen and biological characters of pear scab

  22. 苹果黑星病潜育期及其病原菌产孢量研究

    Study on Incubation Period of Apple Scab and Sporulation Quantity of Venturia inaequalis

  23. 防治梨黑星病田间药效试验

    Fungicidal Control of Pear Scab in the Field

  24. 苹果黑星病的症状类型及时间动态

    Symptom types and temporal dynamic of apple scab

  25. 黄瓜黑星病化学防治初报

    Preliminary Report on Chemical Control of Cucumber Scarab

  26. 黄瓜黑星病的发生与防治

    The occurrence of cucumber scab and its control

  27. 直到有效的杀菌剂被发明出来以后,黑星病对苹果树来说就不再是任何问题了。

    Once effective fungicides were invented , apple scab became less of a problem .

  28. 姬松茸发酵条件及其菌丝水提物抗黄瓜黑星病的研究

    Investigation on Cucumber Scab Resistance with Mycelial Water Extracts from Agaricus blazei Murrill Fermentation

  29. 梨对黑星病的抗病性及其机理研究进展

    Studies on scab-resistance and its mechanism in pears

  30. 梨树黑星病的发病及防治研究

    Studies on Pear Scab and its control