
hēi fǔ bìng
  • black rot
黑腐病[hēi fǔ bìng]
  1. 甘蓝抗感黑腐病的mRNA-AFLP差别显示分析

    Differential Expression Analysis of Brassica Resistance to Black Rot Using mRNA-AFLP Method

  2. 甘蓝黑腐病抗病性的同工酶研究

    Study on relationship between isozymes and resistance to black rot in Cabbage

  3. 甘蓝幼苗感染黑腐病后SOD、POD活性的变化

    Change of Activity of SOD and POD in Cabbage Seedlings Inoculated with Black Rot

  4. 叶子上呈V字型的黄色或棕色地方可能是卷心菜感染了黑腐病的征兆。

    Yellow or brown areas shaped like the letter V on leaves may be a sign of black rot infection .

  5. 保持作物湿润,寻找茎部的黄、黑斑,如果叶子上有V型的黄、褐色区域,就可能是黑腐病的迹象。

    Always keep the plants moist . Watch for yellowing or black spots on the stems . Yellow or brown areas shaped like the letter V on leaves may be a sign of black rot infection .

  6. 叶球单球质量1.75kg,抗病毒病和黑腐病,不易裂球,品质优,适于华北、东北、西北地区早秋种植。

    It is resistant to both virus disease and black rot , with characteristics of tolerance to head dehiscence and good quality . It is suitable for early-autumn planting in north China , northeast and northwest parts of China .

  7. 植物黑腐病病斑的图像处理与自动检测

    Image Processing and Automatic Detection of Leaf Spots of Crop Black Rot

  8. 基于计算机视觉的植物黑腐病病斑分析

    The Analysis of Black Rot Spot Based on Computer Vision

  9. 枣黑腐病田间药剂防治技术研究

    Pesticide control techniques against jujube black rot in the field

  10. 采后菠萝黑腐病的发生及防治

    Occurrence and Control of Black Rot Disease of Postharvest Pineapples

  11. 油菜黑腐病病原细菌的鉴定

    Indentification of the pathogenic bacteria of black rot on Rape

  12. 十字花科作物黑腐病抗源的快速鉴定

    Rapid selection of the resistance crucifers to black rot disease

  13. 北京地区主要十字花科蔬菜黑腐病发生与危害调查

    Occurrence survey of the bacterial black rot of cruciferae vegetables in Beijing areas

  14. 大蒜蒜头黑腐病病原菌鉴定

    Pathogen identification of black rot disease of garlic bulb

  15. 人参黑腐病病原鉴定

    Identification on the pathogen of ginseng black rot

  16. 葡萄白腐病、黑腐病及房枯病的区别与防治

    Difference and Prevention of Grape White Rot Grape Black Rot and Grape Axle Blotch

  17. 基于自适应模糊阈值的植物黑腐病叶片病斑的分割

    The Segmentation of Black Rot Lesion of Cruciferous Plant Based on Self-adaptive Fuzzy Threshold

  18. 上个春天我签约出售的葡萄有了黑腐病。

    My vines contracted black rot last spring .

  19. 十字花科蔬菜的黑腐病初探(简报)烟草根黑腐病菌生物学特性的研究

    Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Pathogenic Fungus Thielaviopsis Basicola of Tobacco Black Root Rot

  20. 温度对白菜黑腐病侵染与发病影响的研究

    Effect of Temperature on the Infection and Disease Development of Chinese Cabbage Bacterial Black Rot

  21. 水稻粒黑腐病病原鉴定和侵入途径的初步研究

    A primary study on the pathogen and its invading way of black rot of rice grains

  22. 人参黑腐病病原鉴定甘蓝黑腐病菌细菌学研究

    Identification on the pathogen of ginseng black rot STUDIES ON THE BACTERIOLOGICAL PROPERTY OF XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS

  23. 花椰菜幼苗叶片抗氧化酶系统与抗黑腐病关系的研究

    Changes of anti-oxidative system in cauliflower seedlings infected by black rot and their relationships with the resistance to black rot

  24. 黑腐病侵染对大白菜幼苗叶片抗氧化酶系统和叶肉细胞结构的影响

    Effects of Antioxidant Enzyme System and Mesophyll Cell Structure on Seeding Leaf of Chinese Cabbage during the Infection of Black Rot

  25. 江苏省新洋、大中等农场出现的水稻黑米是一种细菌性病害,与日本报道的水稻粒黑腐病相似。

    The black grains of rice was caused by the bacterial disease that was similar to the black rot of rice grains in symptoms .

  26. 利用AFLP-银染法筛选与抗甘蓝黑腐病性状连锁的分子标记

    Isolation of the DNA markers linked to the cabbage black rot ( Xanthomonas campestris pv . Campestris ) resistance using AFLP silver staining method

  27. 同时发现黑腐病病菌致病力与其淀粉水解能力和明胶液化程度呈正相关。

    In addition , it was found that there was a positive correlation between the pathogenicity and ability of hydrolyzing starch and extent of gelatin liquefaction in bacteria . 3 .

  28. 在种植过程中,常遭受黑腐病、黑胫病和根肿病等病菌的侵染,致使产量下降。

    In the process of cultivation , the chinese cabbage production always suffers from diseases such as black rot , blackleg , club root and so on , affecting the yield and the quality seriously .

  29. 在上述温度梯度下,大白菜黑腐病病情指数达到50的天数,分别为35、32、27、8天。使其致死的时间分别为41、35、32、32天。

    Under the above temperatures , this pathogen needed 35 , 32 , 27 or 8 days respectively to attain the disease index of 50 . And the LD100 needed 41 , 35,32 , 32 days respectively .

  30. 对过去虽有发现,但无详细鉴定的烟草低头黑病、烟草根黑腐病、烟草野火病、烟草角斑病、烟草根结线虫病等进行了研究。

    Those diseases which had been formerly found but not identified in detail , such as tobacco Blank death , Black root rot , Wild fire , Angular spot and root-knot nematode were studied more thoroughly .