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hēi yù
  • jet
黑玉[hēi yù]
  1. 褐煤,不论是否制成型,但不包括黑玉。

    Lignite , whether or not agglomerated , excluding jet .

  2. 再搭配高跟鞋,黑玉或系带项链。

    Finish the look with heels and a jet or lace choker .

  3. 只有那对黑玉宝镜般的眼睛,坚硬如两只晶亮的黑色甲虫。

    Only the jet mirrors of his eyes are hard as two beetles of dark crystal .

  4. 结论黑玉续断接骨膏有明显促进骨折愈合作用。

    Conclusion It indicates that black jade dipsacus cream has promoted significantly the role of fracture healing .

  5. 黑玉,贝褐炭一种用作宝石的很亮的深黑色碳物质深红宝石色,李子和深色水果的气味,混合淡淡的香草香味。

    Deep ruby red wine with aromas of prune and black fruit mixed in with traces of vainilla .

  6. 她看见黑玉色的一股水流,它的细端在高高的蓝天,向下渐渐变宽,边缘越来越不清晰。

    She watched a jet stream grow wider and blur as its thin end rose higher into the blue sky .

  7. 有金银的床榻摆在红,白,黄,黑玉石铺的石地上。

    There were couches of gold and silver on a mosaic pavement of porphyry , marble , mother-of-pearl and other costly stones .

  8. 然而,今年,他也拿出了沙漏形礼服,臀部垫高,还有像笼子似的女式小开衫,用黑玉和钻石珠串成。

    Yet this year he , too , produced hourglass gowns with padded hips and cage-like boleros in jet and Diamond Beads .

  9. 从一个不可考的时代起,滨海蒙特勒伊就有一种仿造英国黑玉和德国烧料的特别工业。

    From time immemorial , M.sur M.had had for its special industry the imitation of English jet and the black glass trinkets of Germany .

  10. 那天晚上,他从卧室的凉台上凝望着城中的屋顶&那就象嵌上黑玉、象牙和黄金的蜂窝。

    That night , from the balcony of his bedroom , he gazed down on the roof of the town & as if inlaid with honeycomb of jet , ivory , and gold .