
  1. 浙南文化背景中的温州鼓词

    Wenzhou lyrics to dagu in the background of southern Zhejiang culture

  2. 但现存鼓词的传本只能见到明代16或17世纪印刷的。

    But the extant guci scores were printed in the 16th or 17th century , during the Ming Dynasty .

  3. 本文是在目前所搜集到的清代民国杨家将鼓词资料基础上从版本学角度展开的研究。

    This article that collects Guci of Qing dynasty and Republic of China focuses on the version of Guci to launch the research .

  4. 蒲松龄还把他的几个故事改编成“鼓词”(当时流行的一种戏剧形式)。

    He is credited with having adapted several of his tales into " drum songs , " a popular dramatic form of the time .

  5. 然而,拟鼓词是鼓词体小说中文人化气息较浓的一个类别,无论是作者、受众,还是文本本身,都与以往的鼓词录本有着很大的差异。

    However , the intended Guci is a category of the Guci Novel that has the darker manner of literati . Regardless of author , audience , or the text itself , it has a lot of difference with the Guci recorded .