
ɡǔ diǎn
  • drumbeats;clapper beats which set the tempo and lead the orchestra in traditional Chinese operas
鼓点 [gǔ diǎn]
  • [drumbeat] 鼓上的一击或敲击声,亦指管弦乐队中打击乐声部的节拍

  1. 我感到自己的心房急如鼓点。

    I could feel my heart beating like drumbeats .

  2. 带着紧密清脆节奏的鼓点在周三敲响于约旦皇家酒店,十二个窈窕的中国女孩以她们的表演倾倒了他们的阿拉伯观众。

    Drumbeats with inspiringly fast and clear rhythm on Wednesday evening rocked the Royal Hotel of Jordan where the performers , a dozen slender Chinese girls , stunned their Arab audience .

  3. 那是一首夹杂着撩拨的吉他声和密集的鼓点的激情四射的歌曲。

    The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming

  4. 2月14日,伴随着现场动感的音乐和富有节奏性的鼓点,韩国人气天团EXO登上了湖南卫视的舞台,加入到于当晚举办的元宵喜乐会的强大阵容中去。

    Flanked by a DJ and a drummer , South Korean pop group Exo sauntered onto the stage at the Hunan Satellite TV station on Friday , joining the line-up for the Lantern Festival Show .

  5. 极富创造性的人的确是打着不同的鼓点前进的。

    Highly creative individuals really do march to a different drummer .

  6. 我们无法恢复那些古老的政策或者跟上一面古老的皮鼓敲击的鼓点。

    We cannot restore old policies or follow an antique drum .

  7. 姑娘们身着节日盛装,应着木鼓鼓点翩翩起舞。

    Girls in holiday dress dance to the accompaniment of drums .

  8. 工作中每个人看起来都用不同的鼓点前进。

    At work everyone seems to be marching to a different drumbeat .

  9. 以手指在桌子上轻击鼓点。

    Beating a tattoo on the table with his fingers .

  10. 然而,极端悲观的财政警告鼓点声却到处越来越响。

    Yet the drumbeat of dire fiscal warnings has grown vastly louder .

  11. 但是你得听鼓点才行啊。

    But man , you have to hear that beat .

  12. 他们合着有规律的鼓点节拍跳舞。

    They danced to the regular beat of the drums .

  13. 列队行进的人按着鼓点调整他们的步伐。

    The marchers timed their steps to the drumbeat .

  14. 基于鼓点自由识别的小型跳舞机器人

    Fabrication of a Miniature Dance Robot Based on Tempo and Beat Free Analysis

  15. 有节奏的鼓点使得他昏昏欲睡。

    The rhythmic beating of the drums had a hypnotic effect on him .

  16. 这个鼓手的特点是军鼓的声音很紧,鼓点清晰。

    The drummer had a pretty tight snare sound , and nice articulation .

  17. 就像时间恰好的连击鼓点

    like a perfectly-timed double beat on the drums .

  18. 即使没有奥运会,现代化的鼓点声是否能被阻挡?

    Even without the Olympics , can the drumbeat of modernization be stopped ?

  19. 闻名世界的桑巴是欧洲进行曲和非洲鼓点的混合。

    The world knows samba , a mix of European marches and African drumming ;

  20. 有些人喜欢慢节奏的伤感曲调,而另一些人却欣赏快而强节奏的鼓点。

    Some people like slow sentimental tune , while some others like strong beat .

  21. 但巴西人口的多元带来了多种不同风格的鼓点。

    But Brazil 's diverse population moves to the beat of many different drummers .

  22. 它将结构紧凑、轻快活泼的鼓点与松散繁杂的感伤乐曲融为一体。

    It combines a solid , often lively , beat with a looser , complex melody .

  23. 并且我也非常喜欢跳着舞去感受整首歌的鼓点。

    And I also like the drum beat along with the dance feel to the song .

  24. 本文重点从理论和实验上讨论语音分离,特别是单声道语音分离的算法及其在分离音乐鼓点中应用。

    At last , we focus on the sound separation , especially on single channel sound separation .

  25. 至少从目前来看,历史似乎在踏着亚洲的鼓点前行。

    For the moment , at least , history appears to be marching to an Asian drumbeat .

  26. 还是没有听到鼓点,连低吉他的声音都缩到了最后。

    Or did not hear drums , and even the voices of all the guitar low shrinkage in the final .

  27. 这音乐很安静,但这柔和的爵士乐的鼓点听起来就像是那个正在演奏的乐队就在屋里和我们在一起一样。

    It was quiet , but the soft jazz number sounded like the band was in the room with us .

  28. 这样对你具有挑战吗?因为你之前多数的曲子已经大多倾向电子跟节奏激烈的鼓点风格了。

    Were there any challenges to this since the majority of songs you work on are electric and drum driven ?

  29. 我专心致志地听着歌,试图听懂那些歌词,弄懂那些复杂的鼓点和节拍。

    I concentrated very carefully on the music , trying to understand the lyrics , to unravel the complicated drum patterns .

  30. 吉他的声音彻底代替了鼓点,好像到最后也没有听到一声鼓,只有吉他轻轻的激荡。

    Guitar completely replace the voice of the drums appeared to the final has not heard a drum , only guitar gently stirring .