
  1. 天文潮是一个重要作用因子,在三个台风期间单独作用下高桥站潮差最大有3.5m~4m,而流速有约1.5m/s。

    Astronomical tide is a significant factor . Under single effect of it , the maximum tidal range is about 3.5m to 4m during three typhoons , while the flow velocity is about 1.5m/s for the maximum .

  2. 周六,中国启动三级台风应急响应,以应对台风“海燕”来袭所造成的破坏。

    China issued a level three emergency response Saturday to prevent damage from the approaching Typhoon Haiyan .

  3. 第三,对台风个例的分析表明,个例降水总量和影响面积之间存在着显著的线性关系。

    Thirdly , examination of the typhoon cases shows that there exists a significant linear relationship between the precipitation volume and impacted area .

  4. 此外,海面状态影响的海面动力学粗糙度、大气底层耗散加热效应以及海面飞沫热通量三者对台风系统的影响并不是孤立的,而是互相影响的。

    In addition , it should be pointed out that the impacts of sea-state-dependent sea surface roughness , dissipative heating and sea spray heat flux on the typhoon system are not isolated , but dependent upon each other .

  5. 台湾每年被三到四个台风直接袭击,动物们也经常被迫寻找掩蔽。

    Taiwan is hit by three or four typhoons a year and animals are repeatedly forced to seek shelter .