
  • 网络Troika;BIG3;triumvirate;the big three
  1. 算上西蒙斯的零个,加上巴特勒的1.7和恩比德的1.2,费城三巨头场均三分球进球数落后于勇士三巨头6.2个。

    Adding up Simmons ' zero , plus Butler ( 1.7 ) and Embiid ( 1.2 ) , Philly 's Big Three is 6.2 3-pointers per game behind the Warriors ' Big Three .

  2. 不过底特律仍然是三巨头(BigThree)的大本营。

    Yet Detroit remains the home of the Big Three .

  3. 新闻界仅把她视为执政三巨头之一。

    The press regard her as merely one of a ruling troika .

  4. Troika三巨头这是一个俄语词,指三人小组或者三国集团,希腊记者将欧盟、欧洲央行和国际货币基金组织合称为Troika,因为这三个组织共同负责监督希腊的紧缩政策。

    A Russian word meaning a group of three , used by Greek journalists and then others to describe the EU , ECB , and IMF - the trinity of institutions responsible for monitoring Greece 's austerity measures .

  5. 德系三巨头:由于奔驰的几款低价产品不可避免地会损害它“要么最好,要么什么都不是”(thebestornothing)的商誉,该公司也开始陷入低迷。

    German Three : Mercedes-Benz begins to sag as new lower-priced Benz 's inevitably erode its once invincible " the best or nothing " status .

  6. 当下NBA中,“三巨头”已经不是一个新的概念。

    The concept of a Big Three in the NBA is nothing new .

  7. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)是三巨头中规模最大,也是日子最不好过的公司。该公司计划将有效负债降低一半至300亿美元。

    General Motors , the biggest and hardest-pressed of the three , aims to roughly halve its effective debt burden to $ 30 billion .

  8. 而底特律三巨头(DetroitThree)在酷越车、尤其是紧凑型和次紧凑型上一直落后,市场占有率降低了1.4个百分点。

    The Detroit Three , which have lagged in crossovers , particularly in the compact and subcompact segments , lost 1.4 points .

  9. 除了“三巨头”销售商的产品,对于特定的实施或者治理方面,SOA实施市场还有其他一些很好的解决方案。

    Aside from the " big three " vendors'products , the SOA implementation market is flush with good point solutions for specific implementation or governance aspects .

  10. 他们认为Tesla有望挑战底特律汽车三巨头并一跃成为第四巨头。

    They view Tesla as having the potential to turn the Detroit Three and create the big four .

  11. 上赛季NBA最有价值球员勒布朗詹姆斯最终决定联手克里斯波什、德维恩韦德,在迈阿密热队打造新的三巨头。

    MVP LeBron James finally decided to join Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade to form a new superstar trio for the Heat in Miami .

  12. 腾讯和百度、阿里巴巴并称“中国互联网三巨头”(BAT)。

    Alongside Baidu and Alibaba , it is one of China 's three largest internet groups ( they are collectively known as BAT ) .

  13. 也许是因为在过去的几个赛季,AI让保罗-皮尔斯黯淡无光,甚至羞辱了皮尔斯,或者是以前AI和三巨头当中的一大巨头或是两大巨头有过不快?

    Perhaps AI overshadowed Paul Pierce in the past seasons or even humiliated him or AI has unpleasant past with one or two of the Big Three ?

  14. 日产(Nissan)作为日本汽车三巨头的老三,今年继续排名垫底。

    Nissan , the third member of the Japanese big three , remained anchored to the bottom of the list .

  15. 中国油气行业三巨头中的炼油巨擘中石化(Sinopec),今年迄今为止股价已累计上涨34%,轻松超越了中石油。

    Sinopec , the refinery arm of China 's oil and gas triumvirate , has seen its share price rise 34 per cent year-to-date , comfortably outpacing PetroChina .

  16. 欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)报告称,咨询公司雇佣了其2014届1011名MBA毕业生中的41%,咨询三巨头雇佣其学员的比例超过四分之一。

    Insead reported that consulting firms hired 41 per cent of its 1011 MBAs in 2014 , more than a quarter hired by the trio of top firms .

  17. 在各方对人工智能(AI)的探索日益白热化之际,中国科技三巨头百度(Baidu)、阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)比硅谷竞争对手拥有一项明显优势——数据。

    As the quest to master artificial intelligence intensifies , China 's tech trio of Baidu , Alibaba and Tencent have a distinct advantage over their Silicon Valley rivals - data .

  18. 加拿大已同意向美国汽车三巨头提供额外的救助,法国也向该国汽车制造商雷诺公司(RenaultSA)和标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitroenSA)提供了援助。

    Canada has agreed to provide additional help to the Big Three , and France is offering aid to French car makers Renault SA and PSA Peugeot Citroen SA .

  19. 这对底特律三巨头来说尤其不利。这三大车商主要依赖利润率较高的运动型多用途车(SUV)和其他较大的车型。

    That is an ominous trend especially for Detroit 's Big Three , which rely on the higher profit margins of sport-utility vehicles and other big models .

  20. 但是通用汽车的总裁rickwagoner警告说,如果三巨头破产,第一年就会有300万人失业。

    But general motors chief executive Rick Wagoner warned that the economy could lose three million jobs in the first year if the big three fail .

  21. 由于谷歌(Google)在2010年因担心审查制度而关闭了中国网站,纳斯达克上市的百度迅速崛起,与阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)一起成为中国互联网三巨头。

    Nasdaq-listed Baidu has enjoyed a rapid rise , helped by Google shutting down its China site over censorship concerns in 2010 , and along with Alibaba and Tencent is one of China 's internet trinity .

  22. 因此,在巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)1月份就职时,他的首批决定中将包括如何处理底特律三巨头&目前它们已获得170亿美元的援助,以维持其运营。

    As a result , one of Barack Obama 's first decisions when he becomes president in January will be how to deal with the Detroit big three , which have gained $ 17bn of aid to keep them going .

  23. 新款XC90的前悬距离表明,沃尔沃想要对抗各大豪华车制造商,也就是德国的三巨头:奥迪(Audi)、宝马和梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)。

    The size of the front overhang is indicative of Volvo 's desire to fight against the big luxury carmakers : the German triumvirate of Audi , BMW and Mercedes .

  24. 中国互联网三巨头的本土身份具有极大优势:国际竞争对手基本上被排除在外,三巨头的成功至少部分归因于没有面临Facebook、Twitter和谷歌等的竞争。

    Calling China home offers the BAT companies a huge advantage : international competitors are largely locked out and the trio owe at least part of their success to the absence of the likes of Facebook , Twitter and Google .

  25. 为了实现这一点,它们正学着爱上中国互联网三巨头——人称BAT的阿里巴巴、互联网搜索公司百度(Baidu)、以及社交媒体及游戏公司腾讯(Tencent)。

    To do this they are learning to love China 's internet conglomerates , informally known as BAT - Baidu , the search company , Alibaba and Tencent , the social media and gaming company .

  26. 在日本汽车业三巨头中,只有本田(Honda)预计公司能够盈利。这主要归功于本田的产品线更适应经济衰退&小型车和摩托车较多、SUV较少。

    Of Japan 's big three , only Honda reckons it will turn a profit , largely thanks to its recession-friendly product line of more small cars and motorbikes , with fewer SUVs .

  27. 几乎所有的人都受到了影响,但是三巨头收到的冲击最深;因为他们在系列车型设计的偏好上明显倾向于皮卡和SUV,而这两种车一夜之间就失宠了。

    Everyone has been affected , but the Big Three , with their model line-ups skewed towards the pickups and SUVs that are now out of favour , have been hurt most .

  28. 底特律三巨头于2007年制定了一个机制,把2010年之前的工会退休医疗负担交给由全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)控制的信托基金。

    The Detroit Three in2007 set up a mechanism to unload their union retiree health obligations by2010 to trusts controlled by the United Auto Workers .

  29. 中国互联网三巨头之一的腾讯公司就是一个很好的例子。腾讯的发展始自即时通讯产品QQ,可以说是雅虎通和MSN等软件使用的系统的翻版。

    For example , Tencent , one of Chinas three Internet juggernauts , started with an instant-messaging product named QQ , which was a replica of the same system on which Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger were based .

  30. 现役球员很难在波士顿凯尔特人这支有丰富底蕴的球队中获得一席之地,但是保罗·皮尔斯,凯文·加内特和雷·阿伦组成的“三巨头”做到了,他们联手赢得了2008年的NBA总冠军。

    It 's hard for players now to secure a place in the deep Boston Celtics lore , but Paul Pierce , Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen did earn their spot in Celtics history by winning the 2008 NBA title as the Big Three .