
  • 网络listed enterprise;listed company
  1. 然而,从上市企业来看,国有企业公司制改后造绩效普遍不理想。

    But according to listed enterprise , the performance is generally unsatisfactory after changing .

  2. 如何完善股市制度,规范上市企业,是保障股市健康发展,经济顺利运行的关键。

    Therefore , it is the key point to consummate stock market system and standardize the listed enterprise and ensure stock market and economy running smoothly .

  3. 参加首批“云选会”活动的包括全球500强企业、大型国企、知名外企、高新技术企业、科创板上市企业等,还有亟须高层次人才的事业单位。

    The first batch1 of recruiters included Fortune 500 companies , large State-owned enterprises , well-known foreign enterprises , high-tech2 firms , those listed on the sci-tech innovation board , as well as public institutions in urgent need of high-level talent .

  4. 境内外交叉上市企业IPO价格差异研究

    An Empirical Study on the IPO Difference of Companies Listed both Abroad and Domestic

  5. 昨日公布的法规草案将上市企业公司债的监管权从发改委转移到了更开明的证券监管机构中国证券监督管理委员会(chinasecuritiesregulatorycommission)手中。

    Draft rules published yesterday transfer regulatory control over corporate bonds issued by publicly-listed companies from the NDRC to the more liberal securities regulator , the China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  6. 根据协议,上汽集团旗下的上市企业上海汽车将以21亿元人民币(合2.86亿美元)的价格收购南京汽车的核心业务,其中包括英国的MG品牌。

    Under the deal , SAICs Shanghai-listed unit SAIC Motor will pay Rmb2.1bn for the core operations of Nanjing Auto , which include the British MG brand .

  7. 科技型创业企业从建立至IPO期间的战略特征演进&以湖北省高科技上市企业为例

    Evolution of Strategic Characteristics of Chinese High-tech Entrepreneurial Enterprises From Establishment to IPO : A Case of 16 Enterprises in Hubei Province

  8. 这家公司的母公司,日本上市企业SunCorp过去一周里股票暴涨逾60%。

    Shares in the company 's Japan-listed parent , Sun Corp , have leapt more than 60 per cent in the past week .

  9. 证交会积极对知名上市企业处以罚金的态度,与它在小布什(Bush)政府后期的立场形成鲜明对比。

    The SEC 's willingness to fine big-name public companies stands in sharp contrast to its approach in the later years of the Bush administration .

  10. 再次,作者以机械设备类上市企业的指标数据作为研究样本,采用改进的BP神经网络构建了客户信用风险评估模型。

    After that , the writer use index data of machinery listed companies as the samples choose modified BP neural network model to build up client credit risk assessment model .

  11. 按照与自由食品(FreedomFoods)达成的协议,中国集团新希望(NewHope)正投资5亿美元于澳大利亚奶牛场和乳品加工厂。自由食品是一家澳大利亚证券交易所(AustralianStockExchange)的上市企业。

    Chinese group New Hope is investing up to $ 500m in Australian dairy farms and processing plants as part of a deal with Freedom Foods , a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange .

  12. EMG在2005年时还曾与一家名叫以色列电力公司(IEC)的上市企业签署过一项谅解备忘录。

    In 2005 , EMG signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jewish state 's public Israeli Electricity Company ( IEC ) .

  13. 在前主席克里斯托弗考克斯(ChristopherCox)任内,证交会并不愿意对上市企业处以罚金,因为这可能有损股东利益。

    Under the leadership of former chairman , Christopher Cox , the SEC was reluctant to impose fines that would hurt shareholders in public companies .

  14. 亚洲企业正掀起一股投资西非农业的浪潮,最新这笔交易来自新加坡上市企业金光农业资源(GoldenAgri-Resources)。该公司表示,正积极评估参股一个22万公顷的项目。

    In the latest of a wave of proposed Asian agricultural investments in west Africa , Singapore-listed Golden Agri Resources said it was actively evaluating taking a share in a 220,000 - hectare project .

  15. 第四章是实施可转换债券融资的SWOT矩阵和IFE评价矩阵分析,从战略的角度定性分析了我国上市企业可转债融资的可操作性;

    The fourth chapter makes SWOT analysis and IFE appraisal , analyzing the feasibility of convertible bonds in listed companies strategically and qualitatively .

  16. 如何对其进行深入挖掘、量化,把这些表面看似一无是处的垃圾数据,变成用来预测上市企业财务危机的的法宝呢?这就是这几年研究很热的一个方向:Web金融信息情感探测。

    How to further mine and quantify these seemingly useless junk data , and become the magic weapon for predict the financial crisis of the listed companies ? This is the hot direction in recent years : emotion detection of the Web financial information .

  17. 英国金融服务局(financialservicesauthority)昨日提出了两项建议,以消除人们对于英国上市企业规定过多的混淆,这可能为伦敦证交所(lse)主板上市打造一个“强势品牌”。

    The financial services authority put forward two suggestions yesterday to clear up confusion over the plethora of rules for British listed companies , potentially creating a " premium brand " for the main list of the London Stock Exchange .

  18. 印度的其他“独角兽”企业(即估值超过10亿美元的未上市企业)包括Flipkart和Ola。前者是亚马逊(Amazon)在印度的竞争对手,后者则是优步(Uber)在印度本土的竞争对手。

    Other Indian " unicorns " - unlisted companies with a value of more than $ 1bn - include Flipkart , a rival to Amazon in India , and Ola , a local competitor to Uber .

  19. 转型经济中的战略剥离分析:以中国上市企业为例

    Corporate Divestitures in Emerging Economies : Research on Chinese Listed Firms

  20. 对于全球各地的股票交易所来说,海外上市企业数量是地位的象征。

    International listings are status symbols for stock exchanges the world over .

  21. 我国出口导向型上市企业汇率风险影响因素研究

    Study of Factors Influencing Exchange Rate Risk of China 's Listed Export-Oriented Companies

  22. 上市企业高管团队与企业绩效关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Top Management Team and Performance of Listed Companies

  23. 第二章对河南省上市企业成长现状进行分析。

    The second chapter analyses the current situation of listing enterprises in Henan Province .

  24. 辽河油田公司未上市企业内控体系建设研究

    The Research on the Construction of Internal Control System in Liaohe Oil Company 's Unlisted Enterprises

  25. 另外讲一下作为上市企业我们面临的未来的挑战和机遇。

    In addition to talk about as listed companies we face the future challenges and opportunities .

  26. 不同类型企业的负债率与收益风险的关系&日本90年代541家上市企业的实证研究

    The Relationship of Debt Rate and Profit Risk about Different Firm Types-an Empirical Analysis of Japanese Firms

  27. 中国上市企业技术并购模式及并购绩效的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Performance and Research on Modes of Technological M & A of Chinese Public Companies

  28. 本文主要对中国上市企业的财务报表中披露的盈余质量展开研究。

    This paper focuses on the earnings quality disclosed in the financial statements of Chinese listed company .

  29. 第三章是深入研究了羊绒行业有代表性的三家上市企业,比较分析了各自的优劣势。

    Chapter three probes into three representative list companys in cashmere industry and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages .

  30. 境外上市企业董事会特征研究&以中国在美上市公司为例

    Study on Board Attributes of Cross-border Listed Companies : The Case of Chinese Companies listed in United States