
xià shì
  • corporal;sergeant;Cpl;petty officer;petty officer third class;petty officer second class;bombardier;junior seaman;corporalship
下士 [xià shì]
  • (1) [sergeant;junior seaman;petty officer]∶低于中士而高于一等兵的军士

  • (2) [corporalship]∶下士的官职或职位;下士军衔

下士[xià shì]
  1. “下士,您去哪里?”骑兵费恩毕恭毕敬地问道。

    ' Where to , Corporal ? ' asked Trooper Fane respectfully .

  2. 下士向士兵们发出号令。

    The corporal shouted an order at the men .

  3. 中士和下士的人数超过了列兵。

    Sergeants and corporals outnumber private soldiers .

  4. 吉尔下士阵亡了。

    Corporal Jill was killed in combat / action .

  5. 那位下士因作战英勇而受到嘉奖。

    The corporal was cited for bravery in battle .

  6. 那位下士似乎总是与我过不去,本月他已第三次对我提出控告。

    The corporal seems to have it in for me ; that 's the third time he 's put me on a charge this month .

  7. 所以这是merrill下士的东西。

    So , it belonged to corporal merrill .

  8. 据称最新的这次文件泄密也是由于下士曼宁(BradleyManning)。

    Army Private Bradley Manning has also come under interest in the latest release of documents .

  9. 下士乔丹·L·斯皮尔斯效力于NV-22这架鱼鹰战机。

    Corporal Jordan L. Spears was aboard an NV-22 Osprey , an aircraft like this .

  10. 目前世界最长距离的狙击记录保持者是来自英国皇室卫队的下士CraigHarrison,他在2009年11月份击毙了22.4公里外的两名塔利班成员。

    The current world record for the longest certified kill was by Corporal Craig Harrison of the UKHousehold Cavalry , who killed two Taliban in November 2009 from 1.54 miles ( 22.4km ) .

  11. 加拿大官员称,那名受伤的警卫在医院不治身亡,持枪歹徒则在议会大厦内部被击毙。身亡士兵确认为24岁的下士内森·西里洛(NathanCirillo),是来自安大略省哈密尔顿的预备役军人。

    Canadian officials said the wounded soldier , identified as Cpl. Nathan Cirillo , 24 , a reservist from Hamilton , Ontario , died at a hospital and that the gunman was killed inside the Parliament building .

  12. 我明白你为何参军,下士。

    I understand why you went into the military , corporal .

  13. 这就是亚力山卓警方在柯恩下士身上找到的所有事物?

    This is everything the Alexandria PD found on corporal cohen .

  14. 他晋升为下士在帝国的心脏。

    He is promoted to Corporal in Heart of the Reich .

  15. 我希望你在飞机上睡过了,准下士。

    I hope you slept on the plane , lance corporal .

  16. 你能保证绝对安全吗,巴克尔下士?

    Have you been cleared for security , petty officer buckley ?

  17. 他因擅离职守而被降级为下士。

    He was busted to corporal for being absent without leave .

  18. 管理模式的改变使整个公司上下士气倍受鼓舞。

    The change of management has boosted morale throughout the company .

  19. 下士默里,给我一些好消息。

    Petty officer murray , give me some good news .

  20. 我向你们保证一切都在我的控制之下,下士。

    I assure you that I have everything under control , corporal .

  21. 我亲爱的妹妹。(对下士)没什么事了,下士。

    Corporal , my sister has brought me now files or saws .

  22. 他拿着下士的制服。

    He was wearing the uniform of an army corporal .

  23. 接着道森准下士就打电话叫了救护车。

    That 's when Lance Corporal Dawson called the ambulance .

  24. 他们由一名上尉和一名下士率领。

    They were commanded by a captain and a corporal .

  25. 还有维佛下士和那个美国人。

    Also two others , corporal weaver and the american .

  26. 他连忙走去唤醒警队的下士。

    He hurried to rouse the corporal of the guard .

  27. 您是参加韩战的李振石下士对吗?

    Are you Lee Jin-seok who fought at the battle of dumillyong ?

  28. 一个下士必须清楚他管辖多少人。

    A corporal should know how many men he has under him .

  29. 我要阿德瑞下士和他的装填手迅速跑过这200码。

    I want corporai aidrige and his ioader to run the200 yards .

  30. 军队中下士的军衔比中士低。

    A corporal in the army is below a sergeant in rank .