- 网络Non-maleficence;the principle of nonmaleficence

The mainstream is that human cloning violates the principle of nonmaleficence and the principle of respect in the basic principles of life ethics .
Basic values , such as respect , non-maleficence and justice are shared by western and eastern cultures alike .
No damage principle is a basic medical requirement .
And lastly , human-cloning breaches 3-principles of ethnics ( inoffensive principle , just principle and independent principle ) .
Non-maleficence plays the biggest role of contemporary society , and can apply to the largest range of applications .
RESULTS The important principles in the epidemiological study of AIDS are respect , beneficence / nonmaleficence and justice principles .
People must insist non-maleficence in order to achieve social sustainability , healthy and harmonious development of the whole society .
So the base principles of justice include voluntary principle , fairness principle , harm principle , right principle and equal principle .
It is of great importance to advocate and promote the non-maleficence which is essential to realize the harmony between man and society and nature .
Non-maleficence as one of the four basic principles of bioethics , is widely accepted and regarded as the dominant moral philosophy and the core principle of applied ethics .
Four ethical principles should be followed in the development process : the principle of respect for life , not to harm principle , the principle of interests and the principles of justice .
Medical staff and patients in dealing with the relationship between the moral principles should be followed the principle of autonomy , respect for the principle of benefit principle and the principle of no harm .
Non-maleficence should not be limited to the field of bioethics , it also should be the bottom line of morality in a human society , and be promoted and carried forward in the whole society .
The policies of the Bush and Obama administrations violate the " do no harm " principle .