
  • 网络Nonconforming control;Control of nonconforming product
  1. 最后给出了来料不合格品控制流程在当前设计的Web平台上运行实例。

    By applying the system , the paper gives the running instance of nonconforming product control process on the Web platform in the end .

  2. 不合格产品控制-有设置过程以防止发运不合格品。

    Control of non-conforming product-process in place to prevent shipping of non-conforming .

  3. 关于生产过程中不合格品控制的探讨

    Study on Non-conformity Product Control during Manufacturing Process

  4. 不合格品控制以及不合格品处置的有关职责和权限应在形成文件的程序中作出规定。

    The controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with nonconforming product shall be defined in a documented procedure .

  5. 质量安全部编制不合格品控制程序,对不合格项目的返工、返修、纠正措施,不合格的隔离、标识以防误用监视控制。

    The HSE sector shall establish documented procedures to control the reworking , repairing , corrective methods , segregation of nonconforming products , and control the mark to evade the misuse .

  6. 不合格品控制是质量工作的重要环节,也是产品技术状态控制的主要内容,是确保产品符合预定的技术要求的重要方面。

    Non - conformity product control is an important sector of quality activities and the main contents of product technique status controls , also an element to make products meet the expected technique requirements .

  7. 文末,利用扩展的活动图表达了质量管理中一个典型的过程&不合格品的控制过程。第三章详细介绍了选课子系统的基于UML的设计蓝图。

    The extended UML activity diagram is used to illustrate the defective product control process which is a typical process of quality management .

  8. 不合格品进行控制,供应商质量改进及跟踪;

    Quality control on nonconformity parts , supplier quality improvement tracing .

  9. 包钢大中修工程不合格品的控制

    Control of nonconforming product in major and intermediate overhaul at Baotou Steel

  10. 零不合格品质量控制图研究

    Research on the Control Chart of Zero-Nonconformity Production

  11. 谈谈不合格品的控制

    A Discussion To The Control Of nonconforming Product

  12. 可变抽样区间不合格品数控制图

    Defective unit control chart with variable sampling intervals

  13. 若产品未能通过任何检验或测试,则应引用不合格品之控制程序予以处理。

    Where the product fails to pass any inspection and / or test , the procedures for control of nonconforming product shall apply .

  14. 重点介绍了作者对不合格品的控制中的评审和处置两个要素的深刻理解。

    As two important elements of the nonconforming product control , the concerning action of " Review " and " Disposition " is introduced detailed in this paper .

  15. 对已发生的不合格品进行控制,防止误用不合格品,确保不合格品未经批准或确认不得接收、交付或转入下道工序。

    In order to handle OOS results , avoid the misusage of OOS results and insure OOS results without any approval or confirmation should not be accepted , delivered or shifted to the next procedure .

  16. 面向质量不合格率的CUSUM控制图参数优化设计

    A quality-oriented fraction defective optimized design on CUSUM chart

  17. 军用厚膜混合集成电路PIND试验不合格原因分析及控制方法

    The Military Thick-film Hybrid Integrated Circuits Analysis of the Unqualified Reason and Control Methods of PIND Test Failure

  18. 不符合技术规格样品对不合格品控制应按《不合格品控制程序》执行。

    The control of non-conforming products is conducted as per Non-conforming product Control Procedure .

  19. 凡是本检验中记下的不符合之处均应按照不合格产品控制章节的规定处理。

    All non-conformances noted during this inspection are treated in accordance with the directions of the section on control of nonconforming product .

  20. 若发现不合格品,按《不合格品的控制程序》处理。

    The B.If non-conformances are discovered , according to " unqualified control program " processing .

  21. 在质量分等子模块中,不仅满足了质量分等的需求,而且可以生成不合格项列表,对不合格品进行控制,为锅炉质量管理的发展指出前进方向。

    In quality grades the sub module , have not merely met the demand that quality grades , and can produce items of tabulation not up to standard , control the defective work , point out the direction of advance for the development of quality control of the boiler .

  22. 不合格记录(NCR)完成后,不合格记录控制登记薄由质量保证部门负责更新。

    NCR control register will be updated by QA department upon closing the NCR .

  23. 不合格品是指未满足要求的产品,对不合格品需进行控制,以防止其非预期使用。

    Nonconformity products are unqualified products , which should be controlled to avoid unexpected use .