
bù dìng
  • indefinite;indeterminate;unsteady;drifting;uncertainly indefinitely;indeterminably;fitful
不定 [bù dìng]
  • (1)

  • [uncertainly indefinitely;indeterminably]∶副词,表示不肯定,后面常有表示疑问的词或肯定和否定相叠的词组

  • 一天他不定来多少次

  • 我明天还不定去不去呢!

  • (2)

  • [unsteady;drifting;fitful]∶不稳定

  • 方向不定的风

  • 心神不定

不定[bù dìng]
  1. 她将离开一段时间,期限不定。

    She will be away for the indefinite future .

  2. a/an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。

    " a / an " is the indefinite article ," the " is the definite article .

  3. 她的情绪总是变幻不定——时而欢喜,时而忧伤。

    Her moods kept changing ─ now happy , now sad .

  4. 船身摇摆不定,让我觉得恶心。

    The swaying motion of the ship was making me feel seasick .

  5. 我拿不定主意邀请谁。

    I 'm in a dither about who to invite .

  6. 帕特里克漂泊不定的生活方式使他在伦敦和洛杉矶之间奔波。

    Patrick 's roving lifestyle takes him between London and Los Angeles .

  7. “我永远也搞不定。”他绝望地说。

    ' I 'll never manage it , ' he said hopelessly .

  8. 下一步还不定会发生什么事。

    There 's no telling what will happen next .

  9. 我还拿不定主意投谁的票。

    I 'm still undecided who to vote for .

  10. 昨天总统第一次在这个问题上表现得有些摇摆不定。

    Yesterday the president showed the first signs of wobbling over the issue .

  11. 他显然心烦意乱,开起车来摇晃不定。

    He was obviously upset and was driving erratically .

  12. 他对下一步该做什么犹豫不定。

    He was unsure of what to do next .

  13. 他以有力的论据说服了那些摇摆不定的人。

    The strength of his argument convinced the waverers .

  14. 她拿不定主意穿什么好。

    She was dithering over what to wear .

  15. 你来选吧,我拿不定主意。

    You choose ─ I can 't decide .

  16. 你来选吧,我拿不定主意。

    You choose , I can 't decide .

  17. 我拿不定主意穿什么。

    I can 't decide what to wear .

  18. 他的情绪变化不定,一会儿恐惧一会儿生气。

    His emotions veered between fear and anger .

  19. 乔治犹豫不定——他是该去呢,还是不该去?

    George was in a quandary ─ should he go or shouldn 't he ?

  20. 在一切得以解决之前还有很多不定因素。

    There are still a lot of ifs and buts before everything 's settled .

  21. 拿不定主意就穿黑色衣服。

    If in doubt , wear black .

  22. 她拿不定主意穿什么。

    She can 't make her mind up what to wear .

  23. 这些漂泊不定的年轻人没有其他地方可去。

    These rootless young people have nowhere else to go .

  24. 跟许多家长一样,我对是否该穿校服也拿不定主意。

    Like many parents , I am in two minds about school uniforms

  25. 今日在蒙特利尔的街头巷尾,人们的意见仍摇摆不定。

    Today on the streets of Montreal , opinion seems still to waver

  26. 东京股市涨落不定。

    The Tokyo stock market seesawed up and down .

  27. 这个国家在基督教和异教间摇摆不定。

    The country swayed precariously between Christianity and paganism .

  28. 他就是拿不定主意。

    He simply can 't make his mind up

  29. 他的表情在一本正经和茫然惶惑之间变幻不定。

    His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank

  30. 指不定谁在那酒里下了药。

    Anyone could have drugged that wine .