
  • 网络Immortals
  1. 整个亚洲最凶狠善战的军队:不死军

    The deadliest fighting force in all of Asia : The Immortals .

  2. 一个驼背的叛徒,带薛西斯的不死军,从牧羊古道包抄到我们后面

    Our hunchback traitor led Xerxes ' lmmortals to the hidden goat path behind us .

  3. 天亮前不死军就会包围我们,温泉关会被破

    By morning , the lmmortals will surround us . The Hot Gates will fall .

  4. 在第三次大战中,一股瘟疫的不死军势力席卷了罗德隆,使得许多居民在瘟疫的侵蚀下成了巫妖王的爪牙。

    A plague of undeath swept through the human nation of Lordaeron in the Third War and converted many citizens into mindless undead minions of the Lich King .